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Re: viberect

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:30 pm
by Paul-Mod
OK. I'll admit. Life has been oppressive with work lately. 12 hour days don't leave much time for vibrating.
So, bottom line: It is GREAT. It is really interesting. I have learned that it takes time for it to work. Like anything with the human body, it takes repetition and practice. But the good news is, it feels really good. There are simply no vibrators designed for men (well, except for the cobra libre, but this is the only therapeutic one), so this one is unique. It is strong and intense. It delivers amazing sensations and eventually it DOES create erections. It is fascinating.
I want to wait to hear from others, but I think this device could really change penile rehab therapy.

Re: viberect

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:42 pm
by antelope
Well done!

Re: viberect

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:44 am
by acer55
Rec'd mine yesterday. This is just "what the doctor ordered". I've used it twice now, and both times produced excellent quality erections in under 3 minutes! The sensations are similar to those experienced in vaginal sex. Amazing! Vibrations spread into the testicles and the entire perineum. Very beneficial device!

Re: viberect

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:47 am
by regal1945
:( Good to hear a few folks having good luck with this item, we are running 0 for 6 times of use. Think its a dud! :roll: My electric shaver works better!

Re: viberect

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:31 pm
by notsostiff
acer55 wrote:Rec'd mine yesterday. This is just "what the doctor ordered". I've used it twice now, and both times produced excellent quality erections in under 3 minutes! The sensations are similar to those experienced in vaginal sex. Amazing! Vibrations spread into the testicles and the entire perineum. Very beneficial device!

How did you achieve erections prior to the Viberect? What is the general status of your ED?

Re: viberect

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:29 am
by Paul-Mod
The Viberect is for Mild to Moderate ED and spinal cord injuries. It does take time and practice to produce erections - it's all about awakening nerve pathways and responses. The state of mind is very important as well. you must be sexually aroused. Like many things in sex, the less you work at it, the better it will be. At the very least, it should produce a great orgasm. Try using it in conjunction with oral meds and see what that does.

Re: viberect

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:41 am
by regal1945
Paul, I fully understand the concept. I also can get rock hard with 1/2 tab of 100MG Viagra, problem is gives me such a hangover ect. had a discussion with the Doc yesterday and he suggests 1/4 tab and try it. he wants me to send it back on Mondy and see if the unit has a problem. I have not had surgery and no nerves were cut so they say it should work, he says a good sighn is that viagra works.They seem to be an upbeat company and want the product to work. let you know more later. :)

Re: viberect

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:39 pm
by notsostiff
I am 11 months post robotic prostatectomy with partial bi-lateral nerve sparing. I haven't had any response with Cialis as yet. I am trying to understand if the viberect will help stimulate my nerves into action or whether I need some more natural response before it will do anything.

Re: viberect

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:37 pm
by PhilipS
So, would you say the viberect is for mild or moderate ED, not caused by nerve and blood vessel damage caused by RRP surgery? I had rock-hard erections with 1/2 a 50mg viagra tablet prior to surgery. Post-surgery I am a sexual paraplegic, with no response after 100 mg viagra. Would therapy with viberect, over time, produce a response? What does the manufacturer's literature say about this? Philip.

Re: viberect

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:09 pm
by regal1945
Philip, Contact this Doc as he seems to be in the know, K. Tajkarimi, MD
Reflexonic, LLC
I don't know how they determing mild or moderate but we have not had surgery but did have 42 IMRT treatments and then the problem started, the last 2 times we tried 1/4 tab of 100 mg viagra and it gets me rock hard but the vibrerect does nothing. Mine has been returned to see if it has a problem. If viagra, cealis, or levetra work for you then he says this should also work. They say 3-10 minutes with the viberect but after over an hour each time I exhausted the batt and needed a recharge. Mine does not seem to have any speed to it goes real slow on all settings, I think if they thottle upthe frequency a ways it may work. Just my 02 cents worth!.