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Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:46 am
by Donnie1954
I have no problem with women having a separate area to post their, opinions, stories, concerning men with ED, but there is no way in hell I would want my wife to read mine. On this site I am free to speak and express myself. I prefer not catching hell, when she asks, "What did you mean by that? I can't believe you said that. What do you mean I don't understand? She can read all she wants about what other men say and feel. Most women don't concern themselves to men's issues. I value being able to speak freely and frankly. Seriously, guys. Think about it. Give women their own site and forum. Most, especially mine, haven't a clue what it's like to be a man. Now for those of you who jump when your wife says jump, I understand completely.I don't and never will.I love and respect my wife but I am the man in my house and always will be. It took me a while to get here but it works for us. If I fuck up (couldn't say that) the responsibility is on me.
Frank Talk is a man's, a real man's, domain. Let's leave it that way.

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:13 am
by Mustang64
100% agree.

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:31 am
by Happy Toy

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:40 am
by happycamper59
Well said, Donnie.

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:08 am
by Larry10625
Donnie2016 wrote:I have no problem with women having a separate area to post their, opinions, stories, concerning men with ED, but there is no way in hell I would want my wife to read mine. On this site I am free to speak and express myself. I prefer not catching hell, when she asks, "What did you mean by that? I can't believe you said that. What do you mean I don't understand? She can read all she wants about what other men say and feel. Most women don't concern themselves to men's issues. I value being able to speak freely and frankly. Seriously, guys. Think about it. Give women their own site and forum. Most, especially mine, haven't a clue what it's like to be a man. Now for those of you who jump when your wife says jump, I understand completely.I don't and never will.I love and respect my wife but I am the man in my house and always will be. It took me a while to get here but it works for us. If I fuck up (couldn't say that) the responsibility is on me.
Frank Talk is a man's, a real man's, domain. Let's leave it that way.

Well said Donnie. The rebuttal to that is going to be that you don't even need to be a member to read this site. That is true except for the MEMBERS ONLY topic. Unless they are coaxed for some reason, women have no interest in this site. I lived in the estrogen ocean with my wife and 3 grown daughters and none of them were even a little bit interested. I don't talk about it much and they don't ask. The Frank Talk Admin are hoping that our members will help us police the website. Some men are very shy and are relieved that there is a site that is for men only. They are not stupid, they know that it is possible for women to read the site, that's why they use usernames. I know, speaking for myself only, that there are many posts I have made that I wouldn't have wanted my wife to read and the mere fact that the site says it's for men only, is comforting. Can we please, get back to the business of supporting men in despair, depression, in need of advice or just chat about how shitty ED is. Thank you all in advance for your understanding. :)


Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:41 pm
by alfa88
I'm inclined to think allowing women a good idea. At 63 I'm just plain tired of feeling embarrassment about my sexuality. I'm straight BTW. That being said I still haven't confided to wifey about my getting injections. I'm still waiting on my pharmacy. A female perspective would provide valuable insight. Guys, we're pretty simple. Food, sex and sleep and we're good. Remove one of those and we're miserable. Women, IMO, are not so cookie cutter and vary from woman to woman. Getting a pool of opinions about various aspects of love making could be a good thing. Where I see a negative is PMing and the potential of abuse or infidelity. Of course, and I believe it was pointed out, one can pose as a guy just to join FT. Just my two cents worth.

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:31 pm
by Donnie1954
There may be women posting and reading FT. My wife will never read what I have written. She understands that Frank Talk is for men
It is our sanctuary. She respects my privacy and really doesn't want to read it about dicks and fucking. I think every Frank Talk member should guard their privacy. Men should stand up and be real men. Not pussy whipped wimps. There are those will agree with me wholeheartedly but there will also be those who will cave in to female demands. Which ones are the real men? While I have no problem with a female perspective. Most have no fucking clue what it's like to be a man who can't fuck. They can never know it understand the humiliation. Lack of self esteem so many men suffer with.

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:40 pm
by dtwarren1942
As the site now stands, I feel free to talk about how best to pleasure my wife with a medically induced erection. I also feel free to talk about how to get my wife ready for intercourse. Though I would like a woman’s perspective on my practices and procedures, my wife is a very private, shy person when it comes to discussions on sex and intimacy. In this regard, She would be horrified if she were ever to read about how I discuss our relationship in front of total (as she would consider it) strangers. And, my life would be made miserable for quite a while.

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:41 pm
by tomas1
I've always kept my wife in the loop of my ED struggles.
She even supports an implant if it comes to that.

Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:51 pm
by Donnie1954
Mr. Administrator,
What can be done and what is being done to protect this site. Some of us who thought we were free to use a screen name similar or even our own will be forced to change them. Can we know longer talk frankly as men without the fairer sex being offended. Women can slip in but an open invitation will be the death of this site. How about a separate site about ED from a woman's perspective. Maybe an enterprising woman might consider starting one.