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Re: Testosterone Therapy

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:27 pm
by MARKOS2018
Today went to my urologist and told me to continue with the Andrgel. My T level was 990 and he thought it was good.

I m not sure if I should stay on it. If I stopped the gel woul My body still be producing testosterone. Balls are not my concern now since I have the pump in my sack. I go to gym daily and eat healthy but was low before I started the therapy.

I am on blood thinners high blood pressure and statins. Could the meds be the factor with fluctuations with the T gel?

Re: Testosterone Therapy

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:11 am
by KarlB1706
Yes I am still on the therapy. When the Dr. has changed doses or taken me off Androgel for any amount of time to see if my red blood count comes down, I get what a lot of women who go through the change get. HOT FLASHES and I do mean hot. As luck would have it my dr. puts me back on Androgel before the sweats get too bad. It's almost like once you on low t therapy you can not get off. What the heck I am getting older and it does not bother me a whole lot
