Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby tobenormalagain » Tue May 10, 2022 7:57 pm

Sadly, I have taken both; SSRI and Finasteride; SSRIs (many different Rxs and for quite a few years), Finasteride (sporadically and for a year or so). What makes me soooooooo frustrated is that I am very healthy (I exercise consistently 4 X/week) 55yo, fit/athletic body, normal testosterone, normal lipids, no hypertension, no diabetes, no smoking. However, I have suffered ED since my 30s and I am absolutely convinced that it is not an organic problem (equipment, sometimes). What's maddening is that there is just no rhyme or reason to my ED. I can have a rock hard erection 15 minutes before sex and when it's show time...nothing, zip, nada??? No amount of stimulation or imagery can get it back. PT-141 has had only minimal results, the same for Viagra/Cialis. Trimix, although effective, gave me a curvature and scared me away from ever trying again. I have consulted a urologist and been approved for an implant but man, I just really, really don't want to go that route:(

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby Simbarn » Wed May 11, 2022 10:54 pm

tobenormalagain wrote:Sadly, I have taken both; SSRI and Finasteride; SSRIs (many different Rxs and for quite a few years), Finasteride (sporadically and for a year or so). What makes me soooooooo frustrated is that I am very healthy (I exercise consistently 4 X/week) 55yo, fit/athletic body, normal testosterone, normal lipids, no hypertension, no diabetes, no smoking. However, I have suffered ED since my 30s and I am absolutely convinced that it is not an organic problem (equipment, sometimes). What's maddening is that there is just no rhyme or reason to my ED. I can have a rock hard erection 15 minutes before sex and when it's show time...nothing, zip, nada??? No amount of stimulation or imagery can get it back. PT-141 has had only minimal results, the same for Viagra/Cialis. Trimix, although effective, gave me a curvature and scared me away from ever trying again. I have consulted a urologist and been approved for an implant but man, I just really, really don't want to go that route:(

Finasteride is a horrible drug. It should be taken off the market for cosmetic use. DHT is so important for all men of all ages. Many of the actions of testosterone in the body are actually mediated by DHT. Playing with hormones in the body for cosmetic use is IMO irresponsible medicine. There is now scientific evidence in the animal model that Finasteride does damage the erectile tissues over time. What this means is that even for the men taking the drug who do not fall prey to its sudden sexual dysfunction side effect will most probably slowly suffer with weakening erectile function earlier on in life than what they would have without using the drug. This will first manifest with the need to take PDE5i and then the use of these will stop being effective. The bad effects of oxidative stress will occur earlier in life in the erectile tissues.

Did your ED problems predate the use of Finasteride? Are you experiencing the same problems with masturbation?
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby steamfitter » Fri May 13, 2022 9:36 am

I believe Finasteride, Isotretinoin (accutane), and SSRI should all be banned. It just goes to show how completely corrupt big pharma is that these things are still on the market and handed out like candy by so many doctors.

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby 1380anthony » Mon May 16, 2022 12:24 am

I have PfS and the problem relies more on the erectile tissue and probably the limbic system. It is horrible!!! I think the only thing the cire erectile tissue is shockwave.

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby Flavio » Mon May 16, 2022 4:26 am

Simbarn wrote:[...] Finasteride is a horrible drug. It should be taken off the market for cosmetic use. DHT is so important for all men of all ages. Many of the actions of testosterone in the body are actually mediated by DHT. Playing with hormones in the body for cosmetic use is IMO irresponsible medicine. [...]

I agree with Simbarn and steamfitter, finasteride is a dangerous drug and may impact your sexual performance.

The big question is how important is DHT? Many users claim that DHT is 'useless' and a trash hormone but every doctor I've spoken to said the exact opposite.

Same thing with SSRIs: lots of side effects, incl. ED. I remember an episode of The Sopranos about Prozac and the effect it had on Tony Soprano's sex life.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby Simbarn » Tue May 17, 2022 4:17 am

Flavio wrote:
Simbarn wrote:[...] Finasteride is a horrible drug. It should be taken off the market for cosmetic use. DHT is so important for all men of all ages. Many of the actions of testosterone in the body are actually mediated by DHT. Playing with hormones in the body for cosmetic use is IMO irresponsible medicine. [...]

I agree with Simbarn and steamfitter, finasteride is a dangerous drug and may impact your sexual performance.

The big question is how important is DHT? Many users claim that DHT is 'useless' and a trash hormone but every doctor I've spoken to said the exact opposite.

Same thing with SSRIs: lots of side effects, incl. ED. I remember an episode of The Sopranos about Prozac and the effect it had on Tony Soprano's sex life.

I don't think its such a big question anymore Flavio. Its quite evident that DHT is important, but also, 5 alpha reductase is very important too, which Finasteride and its evil brother Duasteride strongly inhibit.

Do you think those “users” claim this just to make themselves feel better about taking the drug? I wonder where they get their information from? DHT is a very potent androgen, far more potent than testosterone. Testosterone is converted into DHT by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase in particular cells so that particular required actions of testosterone are carried out by DHT. Some of these actions are in the penis, keeping it healthy and thus maintaining erectile function. It is one of the hormones that masculinizes us. Doesn’t sound like a “trash hormone” to me.
It is quite possible that our body adapts when levels of this hormone are drastically reduced and perhaps some of the actions are taken over by testosterone to compensate. But this will most likely cause some adverse effects.
One of the very concerning effects is also the loss of particular neurosteroids in the brain that depend on 5 alpha reductase, most importantly Allopregnanolone. Finasteride and to a greater extent Duasteride stops the enzymatic conversion of progesterone into Allopregnanolone. This could have serious implications with depression and anxiety and may also be responsible in part for the sexual side effects seen in some men. It has been shown that post finasteride users show altered levels of neurosteriods in cerebrospinal fluid.

I quote from: ... egnanolone
“Allopregnanolone is a neuroactive metabolite of progesterone. Allopregnanolone is synthesized from progesterone by the sequential actions of two enzymes, 5α-reductase type I (5α-RI), which transforms progesterone into 5α-dihydroprogesterone, and 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3α-HSD), which converts 5α-dihydroprogesterone into allopregnanolone. Allopregnanolone is a potent positive allosteric modulator of GABA action on the GABAA receptor. Allopregnanolone slows the rate of recovery of the GABAA receptor from desensitization and possibly increases the rate of entry into fast desensitized states. Allopregnanolone exerts neurogenetic, neuroprotective, antidepressant, and anxiolytic effects. Reduced levels of allopregnanolone are found to be associated with major depression, anxiety disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and Alzheimer's disease.”

Another good paper on the topic: ...

It could be that 5 alpha reductase inhibitors may change certain enzymatic conversions of progesterone and its metabolites in the brain long-term, causing depression and other mental health disorders. This could also explain some of the permanent sexual side effects such as the inability to feel any sexual pleasure, which may affect erectile function with regard to compromised erectile stimulation from the brain.

5 alpha reductase inhibitors appear to affect much more than just DHT.
Last edited by Simbarn on Wed May 18, 2022 1:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby slipnslider » Tue May 17, 2022 1:25 pm

My ED problems started after I took finasteride. My dick has very little sensation now.
I was also circumcised around that time (late 20's) which caused a great loss of sensation so it's hard for me to determine exactly what killed my erections.

I still get erections naturally sometimes. But not easily or frequently. And they dont stay hard enough long enough for sex.

Pills gave me bad side effects and were becoming less effective, so I've become reliant on trimix injections as the only way to have reliable, stress free sex. But the total inconvenience sucks. Having to travel with it sucks. And how long the erection lasts after sex is annoying and embarrassing. But it's better than not having sex.

I'd love to have an implant and just not worry anymore, but the recovery process seems like absolute hell. As does the frequency of problems and revisions. And the cost.

I had a nightmare last night that a hot girl invited me to a spontaneous orgy but I couldnt go because I didn't have my trimix with me. I'm 45 years old. Unmarried. I've spent almost 20 years fighting with my dick. Just wish I could be normal.
44, ED problems began around age 28 when I was on finasteride for hair loss, and also got circumcised so I lost a lot of sensation. Pills gave me bad headaches and other side effects. Now using trimix 30/1/20. So far so good.

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby Markc2008 » Wed May 18, 2022 6:16 pm

You pretty much hit the nail on the head with my experiences. Low sensation and the only way to have a reliable erection is pge-1 shot but it is embarrassing when two hours later I’m stressing whether my dick will go down.. not to mention my libido sucks.

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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Fri Jul 01, 2022 12:30 am

I feel like I could literally copy and paste some of what you guys describe about PSSD. Back when I was in my early 20s and in college, I was experiencing a lot of turmoil in my personal life. What should have been the prime of my life, was instead filled with depression, anxieties and guilt.

I saw my PCP at the time who was very willing to give me anti-depressants. I kept a list of everything that was tried. Not all at the same time of course, but over time just trying different ones. The drugs never helped with the feelings, and in fact I had many dark days while on those drugs. Days when I contemplated some sort of suicide by running my car through a guard rail or something. It was difficult making friends or even a connection. I actually had a serious breakdown that caused me to exit the program I was in quickly and just graduate. I don't know how I managed, but I guess God stayed by.

To make a long story short, I conclude that those drugs damaged my body and my development during my early twenties. They all say males still mature into their twenties; it doesn't just stop at age 18. The anti-depressants didn't help and I just stopped the meds. I was left to "get over" depression myself. If I wasn't depressed then those drugs should never have been given to me. Now I have difficulty with erections. I have loss of sensation, numbness, and shrinkage. I have very low drive or interest in sex. People talk about libido and I have no idea what it is or feels like. I feel dull and easily distracted. Like when I should be focused on masturbating my penis, my mind goes to an argument earlier in the day or some menial task. I've heard guys joke and talk about women, but for me I feel like I can't relate. I feel like I lack the ability to enjoy sexual stimulation. I'm also having bowel issues where I'm nearly constipated and it causes pain and bleeding. Also experiencing a dramatic change and increase in hair loss as of late. I used to lose a few hairs now and then, but more recently it is like every time I touch my hair. It all adds up and I don't feel attractive or desirable to anyone. Why would anybody look my way?



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Re: Post-finasteride syndrome, post-Accutane syndrome, post-SSRI sufferers

Postby sogwap » Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:09 pm

I have taken Paroxetine (Paxil) 10 mg daily to help with PE (Premature Ejaculation).

Would Paroxetine cause these problems that you are describing here? If so I will give my experience in using Paroxetine and its other side effects.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD

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