Women allowed on FrankTalk?

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Re: Lift the female posting ban on FT - Please consider it.

Postby Bigred » Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:36 pm

I Would think those that need a clitoris implant could benefit from this forum. :D
66 YO, Implant 6/7/2017 at University of Maryland by Dr. Andrew Kramer, High Volume Implant And world class surgeon. AMS 700. Great expierence with zero complications.

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Re: Lift the female posting ban on FT - Please consider it.

Postby dg_moore » Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:27 pm

I think there is still merit in Paul's original policy of restricting access to men. A reasonable compromise might be to have a separate forum which women can access, while restricting access to the other forums. While there is really no way to prove the gender of members, this could be a step in a useful direction. I think allowing free access to all of the forums would really change the nature of FT, and not in a helpful way.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.


Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Postby Larry10625 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:42 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:Occasionally, the subject of allowing women to be MEMBERS on FrankTalk.org.

Should women be allowed to join FrandkTalk as (A) members? (B) Members restricted to a single sub forum (i.e. "Voices from the female perspective") (C) barred from posting, but allowed to read and to PM, (D) barred from posting or PMing or other functions like following links or the search function but allowed to read (the current status)?

Occasionally this question comes up in a thread as an off-topic discussion.

I am starting this thread because one such thread in "Implants" is such an example.
Implant case study (Mr and Mrs Roberts)

For more examples of the value of the female perspective, read these threads, then we can dscuss here or PM to the moderator if you like.

Please do not distract threads from their original topic.

Here are the links to those threads.

Implant case study (Mr and Mrs Roberts)

Women do tend to be more understanding and supportive if given the proper chance and incentives.

Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

How will young women respond to implants?

Getting discovered: How to tell a woman

What will she think? - a womans perspective

Pumping in front of her a mood killer?

Another Day, Another Research Question - Sponteneity

What excuse did you use? (More about explaining the surgery than to your partner)

She can't feel anything (a little bit off the subject)

Afraid of sex

Is this a common story?

Does it feel different to her?

Personality changes with sudden restoration of sexual ability

How does implantation change you as a person?

Apparently it doesn't matter because there are people who support lying, cheating or whatever it takes to allow it to happen. I don't suppose it occurred to anyone that with 7000 members, the fact that there are not a LOT more members supporting this idea speaks volumes?? I would hope that the minority in favour would not disrespect the rest by condoning, supporting or encouraging such deceptive behaviour.


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Re: Lift the female posting ban on FT - Please consider it.

Postby BadGrandpa » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:16 pm

Aside from the members-only forum, everything else is open to anyone to read. I don't agree with the ban on women, talking to my wife about the entire process and having a woman's perspective has been priceless. It is not my forum, so I don't have to agree to the ban, but it does only allow one side of the story to be told. I've seen more than one discussion started where the person has concerns how a woman might feel about an implant, or how do you bring it up etc. The only way to get women to have a better understanding of ED is to talk about it, include them in the treatment, the questions, the experience etc. I hid ED as best I could for 30 years because of the stigma attached to it. That won't change if you ban half the population from the discussion.

Again, not my forum, not my rules. Just my opinion.
49 years old, married 29 years, type 1 diabetic since 12, battling ED since 18. Triple bypass in 2010. AMS 700 Implanted 5/14/18 by Dr Cornell in Houston TX.

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Re: Women allowed on FrankTalk?

Postby tomas1 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:16 pm

I really don't care either way, but using 7000 members could be misleading.
I'd guess there are maybe 100 members who actively follow FT.
Let's hear 3500 m4mbers who don't want to hear a woman's view.
I repeat that I don't care one way or the other, but occasionally I like to hear their points of view.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

Lost Sheep
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Does anyone know of a forum where female partners of men with E.D. can go to for support?

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:23 pm

Women can go onto the forum and read for themselves. They can read over their male partner's shoulder, too. And their male partner can post on their behalf. There is no prohibition on those, I believe.

But a woman partner of a man with E.D. cannot easily converse with anyone here to ask questions, PM or in threads. I don't think they can search, either, a major drawback, I think.

There was a thread by a woman who knew her partner had an implant but chose not to tell her. She chose not to tell him she knew. I imagine she joined without knowing she was prohibited. However, the thread was VERY useful to some men here...and to her.

On the other hand, knowing that women were reading and reacting to their most private thoughts might have a chilling effect on the men's expression of their most private (and sometimes embarrassing) thoughts and feelings.

That chilling effect is worthy of consideration because helping the men with E.D. is the primary goal of the forum, not their partners (male OR female).

It is a balance the owners of the forum have found.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Lost Sheep
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Does anyone know of a forum where female partners of men with E.D. can go to for support?

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:26 pm

Women can go onto the forum and read for themselves. They can read over their male partner's shoulder, too. And their male partner can post on their behalf. There is no prohibition on those, I believe.

But a woman partner of a man with E.D. cannot easily converse with anyone here to ask questions, PM or in threads. I don't think they can search, either, a major drawback, I think.

There was a thread by a woman who knew her partner had an implant but chose not to tell her. She chose not to tell him she knew. I imagine she joined without knowing she was prohibited. However, the thread was VERY useful to some men here...and to her.

On the other hand, knowing that women were reading and reacting to their most private thoughts might have a chilling effect on the men's expression of their most private (and sometimes embarrassing) thoughts and feelings.

That chilling effect is worthy of consideration because helping the men with E.D. is the primary goal of the forum, not their partners (male OR female).

It is a balance the owners of the forum have found.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
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Re: Lift the female posting ban on FT - Please consider it.

Postby Hawkman » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:45 pm

Being the administrator of a male sexual health forum with many thousands of members I have some experience and insight with exactly what we are talking about. I am not speaking from the position of theory or conjecture. If approved, this is what you will see:

Far fewer women than you might expect, so this will always be a more than 97% dominated by men.
The women who do post to ask questions because of a male friend or family member will be women with more than your usual amount of insight.
Men will for the first time get real-life feedback on issues such as how women perceive a visible bulge in a man's pants to ways a man can approach a woman with the topic of an implant, etc.

I have yet to ever see one single downside and I have seen heartwarming positives. I wish I could attract more women to our site. Having your penis twisted like a pretzel is about as personal as anything that could be discussed on FT but I have never seen a stifling effect and I assure you that 99% of the Peonies Forum would vote to keep women there.

One other aspect is that women learn from us. Lucky is the man who is withdrawing from his marriage because of ED if his wife comes here and asks "what can I do to reassure this man I love and lift the stress off of his shoulders."

In theory, there may be some downside, but once you watch it in action you see those theories evaporate. There is literally nothing to balance. (and that is coming from someone that many consider a male chauvinist)
Prostatectomy 2004-Bimix caused Peyronies-Viagra had little effect. Active sex life with wife of 50 yrs- been dependent on a VED for 10 yrs. 22cm Titan w/Dr. Eid Aug 7th See my Implant Journal -> http://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/board,56.0.html

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Re: Lift the female posting ban on FT - Please consider it.

Postby keysdude » Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:34 pm


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Re: Lift the female posting ban on FT - Please consider it.

Postby Hawkman » Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:48 pm

Airpirate wrote:PLEASE DON'T.
Can I ask why? I am very interested in what you perceive that would change for the worse.
Prostatectomy 2004-Bimix caused Peyronies-Viagra had little effect. Active sex life with wife of 50 yrs- been dependent on a VED for 10 yrs. 22cm Titan w/Dr. Eid Aug 7th See my Implant Journal -> http://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/board,56.0.html

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