Tried Viagra for first time - Will it get better?

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
Worried Guy
Posts: 28
Joined: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:40 pm

Tried Viagra for first time - Will it get better?

Postby Worried Guy » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:05 pm

I'm 11 weeks post surgery. One nerve gone the other "partially" spared.
I finally got around to trying 100 mg of ADC's Viagra and am not sure if my (lack of) results is typical.
I took a full one at 10 AM, 3 hours after breakfast.
At 12:00 I noticed my nose was getting stuffy and started activity (solo) in shower.
Pump, manual, and repeat often. No erection but did manage an orgasm that felt like "the old days".
About 1:00, I went out into the kitchen and noticed the lights were a slightly different color. Was his a power failure due to high winds today? Looked like a blue shift. Unless the lights are moving toward me at 0.93 c I have to assume the effect is caused by the 100mg. At 1:30 I tried again and achieved another orgasm - about 5-6 contractions (What is doing that I wonder?) without an erection. None, zero, nada. Oh well.
Since I'm only at 11 weeks, I wonder if there any chance it will come back later? It seems like the guys on the HW site seem to know one way or the other pretty quickly or is that my imagination?
Anyway, I will continue my experimentation.
Age 56, Gleason 3+4, BX 7/12 up to 70%, PSA 23 at DX May '09.
RP by DaVinci on July 21, '09 Both nerves gone. Incontinent.
Sling installed 1/2011 Works great. Now to fix ED.

Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:57 am

Re: Tried Viagra for first time - Will it get better?

Postby lewvino » Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:02 pm

Well I hope it continues to get better for you. For me I'm at the start of week 8 post surgery. I've had some success with Levitra (the only med i've tried)
At first I got the runny nose (which has not happened the last few times). So far no color changes. But I get a headache with it. I usually take some extra strength tylenol about 30 minutes before the levitra and that helps.

As far as the erections they are nothing like before. With lots of visual and manual stimulation I can get some good growth and have been able to use it though just barely. I've found using a lotion helps to get it in where it belongs. I'm able to get to orgasm and thankful for what I have for now since it could be nothing.

I assume it will get better from what most of the guys say.

Age 55
Gleason 7 3+4
100 Nerve spared on left side
50-70% spared on the right side

Posts: 86
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:58 am
Location: about 50 miles north of Cleveland, OH

Re: Tried Viagra for first time - Will it get better?

Postby BrokenArrow » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:57 pm

Hey Worried,

I supposedly had both nerves spared. VED works somewhat now...about 50-75% for a short time after use. Rings extend that time. I'm now 5 months out from open surgery. I was having great results with VED at first. I must be in a mid-term slump...or is it I'm boning up on Calculus and Fourier Transforms again for work? Levitra gives me a stuffy nose, headache and some weird eyesight colour shit going on. So, I don't think that's unusual but should mention to your doc.

I am getting some spontaneous psuedo-activity and some partials...nothing like before but better and improving. Hang in there. I am searching for resolution, too.


The Bone Ranger :lol:
Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.

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