
Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Re: Rookie

Postby BrokenArrow » Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:33 pm

Hey Rubber,

Welcome here!

You're pretty early in your recovery and if you're getting any stirrings down under already, you are doing well. I had my surgery in May 2009. It wasn't until after 5 months of trimix that oral ed drugs did anything (which is just recently). Patience and an ed doc/uro can help. I'm now at 10 mG of levitra and it's working good enough for the old insert, moan and twitch... AKA...intercourse.
Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.

rubber biscuit
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:25 pm

Re: Rookie

Postby rubber biscuit » Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:42 pm

Hey BA, thanks for the encouragement! I'm hangin in there. 5 months seems to be the magic number, I got a bud who said thats when things started happening for him. I know it can be 1-2 years or so but I'm hoping my relatively young age will be in my favor. Thanks man!

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Re: Rookie

Postby Thomas » Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:03 pm

I have to say that I was 47 when I had my RP and I would use the calendar to measure my ED progress. At one year my natural erection was still a floppy (although the meds worked well) and I thought that was it for me. I am now coming up on my second year anniversary (Sept 16th) and have to say that the last three months have been a dramatic improvement. I can get an erection hard enough for penetration without any meds! Although I still use the meds for IC due to going the duration, I can now have a masturbation session with a natural erection. So, my point being, try not to follow the calendar and set your sites on 2 years (any maybe beyond as I plan to keep healing ;-)
Robotic RP Sept 2008
Cancer free
ED, but still hopeful (meds work well)

Posts: 86
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:58 am
Location: about 50 miles north of Cleveland, OH

Re: Rookie

Postby BrokenArrow » Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:15 pm

Thomas, That's great news...without meds!

I'm approaching 18 months, post-RP. Without repeating my whole ED trip so far, one thing I can say is for the longest time it seemed like I'd almost take a step forward and sometimes 2 back, sometimes 2 forward and 1 back. That is, a lot of inconsistent improvements. But, the trend was always in the positive direction. I think maybe by the 2 year mark, maybe I'll have no-med naturals again, too. Here's to hoping!

Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.

rubber biscuit
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:25 pm

Re: Rookie

Postby rubber biscuit » Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:08 pm

Hey guys, since I'm the newcomer here is my take. When you first get diagnosed w/ PC you are inundated with bundles of info on what to expect. The first thing is that you want to be cured of PC then deal with the consequences. They tell you that you may be incontinent for awhile and that you'll have ED for 1 maybe 2 years. At the time your biggest concern is getting rid of the cancer so the other obstacles are on the back burner. After my surgery I was fortunate not to have any issues w/ incontinence, a word I had never used prior to PC. So now that I've cleared those 2 hurdles, suddenly 1-2 years w/o wood seems like an eternity! I know I will get through this by reading all the great success stories on this site. It makes it a lot easier knowing that I'm not alone and that there options for us w/ meds and pumps, etc.. Thankfully my wife has been great through this and I'm lucky that we can improvise so that we can still have a fairly active sex life. Hey what boring life it would be w/o a challange :)

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