new member intro

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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new member intro

Postby Gingertom3 » Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:22 am

Hi to all of you. it seems most of you live in the States. I'm an American ex-pat, born in California. I met my wife here in England and got married the same year. We've been together now for nearly 46 years.
Prostate cancer in my family is genetic. My father got it in his 60's and eventually died from complications, aged 86.
Two of my brothers got it in their 50's. One opted for radiation treatment, the other for radical prostatectomy. The radiation didn't work for that brother, and 10 years later he died. The other brother is still allive and healthy.
Both of them led stressful lives. I didn't. So it wasn't until fairly recently, when I was 63 or 64, that my psa levels got too high. Then I had a radical prostatectomy in Jan. '08. That was the beginning of the e.d. of course.
I found the situation embarrassing and difficult to talk about, even with my wife for well over two years. Sex had always been intensely private, not something I could talk about with others.
But the need for sexual expression after surgery got too strong to ignore. So I went to a male doctor and asked for help.
Ciallis was the first option. It helped at first, but then the surgeon recommended the pump and Muse.
I miss the spontaneity and the hardness and the length I once had. But my wife and I are emotionally closer now and manage to make love more often. There are frustrations and disappointments. We hope that with time things will get even better.
I'm going to try Muse injections on 27th September.
Last edited by Gingertom3 on Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Cajun Jeff
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Re: new member intro

Postby Cajun Jeff » Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:35 am

Welcome Tom, I am here for the same reason PCa at age 58. I am also retired and find that very nice. :D
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Re: new member intro

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:50 pm


Welcome! Nice to have you with us. Like you I was merrily cruising along until a surprising, in my case, diagnosis of PCa sent me also under the knife; howbeit a robotic procedure. Recovery was/has been very good except for the ED. Am also using a pump- thanks to the encouragement of the other guys here plus pills. Although time separation is interesting, please ask any ?'s you have and join in the chat room as your schedule permits. I've only been here a few months and have found the site a life-saver.

See your in Oxfordshire. Our son is completing a PhD at Cambridge so we have enjoyed you country a bit. The site will help you- at least in learning to laugh at some of this dark humor the fates have given us to contemplate.


PCa-surgery 10/06

Posts: 86
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:58 am
Location: about 50 miles north of Cleveland, OH

Re: new member intro

Postby BrokenArrow » Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:25 pm

Hi Jim,


I'm 55 now and here due to ED following an open RP. It looks like cialis/pump is working for you OK?

ED oral drugs (levitra, 10 mG) is now working for me pretty consistently. I tried the oral drugs for several months on/off after surgery and they really didn't do much. About 9 months after surgery, started trimix. Used trimix for about 5 months. I got too sensitive to it and was down to a really low dose near the end. In my case, I believe the trimix got things jump started enough that the pills started working.

Again, welcome
Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.


Re: new member intro

Postby 3mtrship » Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:21 pm

Hello Jim and I think BrokenArrow's comment contains real insight. He had ED and started working to change that. For him he feels the trimix got things started. For others it will be something else.

Many men hide their heads at the first signs of deep ED and allow sex to go away. I sat with a fellow 2 days ago who allowed that to happen after his radical back in 2002.

I was stupufied when he told me what happened to his erections and then went on to tell me he only played with his penis a little and stopped after a few weeks, I also most cried for him and her.

My personal battle took over 2 years to win back what we have now.

I pump a couple times a week to full. While full I do kegels to help my penis remember what it is suppossed to do until I have 100 rep's in my "penis bank." I still get good results from 1/2 a 20mg Generic Levitra from All Day Chemist when we want sex or I masterbate and all with no pump later.

She is 71 and I am 66 now, so some of these changes would have occured without cancer. We can't tell the difference. It is just the new normal after cancer and ED walked into our lives over 5 years ago.

The lesson I hope others take away from this site is simple.

ED can be corrected in many men by the careful application of many procedures discussed on this site.

We know ignoring the problem does not work.

So Guys and Gals if ED enters get to work or sex just might walk away.


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