Testosterone shots.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Robert66 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:55 am

tomas1 wrote:I've been injecting T weekly for years now.
My only problem is shrinking balls, but at my age, it's not a big deal.
They did increase my libido and seemed to give me more strength.
We monitor my PSA closely, and so far the doc isn't worried.
He claimed the shots don't cause Prostate cancer, but can feed it if you have it.

Filling the syringes is a bit of a pain, but, it beats paying $25 a pop at the doc's.
$60 is good for 6 months of weekly shots, and the needles and syringes don't cost much.
Screw insurance and Medicare.

Can you pm me the needle size i want to try injections of t and where in the part for sitting
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Mustang64 » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:58 pm

Robert51 wrote:get not helping me can I ask dosage some guys once every two weeks others weekly ... 40mg... 80 mg.... 100 mg what did you start out with

i have been doing 200mg (1ml @ 200mg/ml) every 7 days pretty much since i started. My first shot in the doc's office was probably considerably more than that. all i remember was that after 45 minutes or so i could feel it (i thought) and i felt really good. after a day or two i settled down to "life back to normal" but with morning wood and all sorts of other things reappearing over the next few weeks as my body adjusted to having T again.

now that i'm "used" to the current levels i don't feel the ups and downs as much but everything works pretty well and workouts are good. :)
Married 25+ years. Have had lots of urological procedures. Trimix made me ache, and bimix seems awesome. Castrated but on Test Cyp 260mg/week. Usually naked but kilted if not. Ask me anything.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Bionicrocketman » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:27 pm

Hi to all. Because the medication is on the thick side I draw with a 18 gauge needle and inject with a 22 gauge needle. The doctor originally had me try to inject with a 25 gauge needle. Because the medication is on the thick side it seemed to take to long to inject comfortably for me. I didn't feel much difference between the 25 gauge needle and the 22 gauge needle as far as pain. The 22 gauge needle did make the injection go a lot smoother. Has anyone had problems with injecting? Bionic Rocketman.
70yrs. Implant AMS LGX 18cm 4cm tips. 2-26-14. Implant installed because of fracture.


Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:40 pm

Bionicrocketman wrote:Hi to all. Because the medication is on the thick side I draw with a 18 gauge needle and inject with a 22 gauge needle. The doctor originally had me try to inject with a 25 gauge needle. Because the medication is on the thick side it seemed to take to long to inject comfortably for me. I didn't feel much difference between the 25 gauge needle and the 22 gauge needle as far as pain. The 22 gauge needle did make the injection go a lot smoother. Has anyone had problems with injecting? Bionic Rocketman.

It really all depends on the medication. I take Delatestyral 2.5mg every 3 weeks. That shit is thick as well. what helps is to inject a full syringe of air into the bottle and then draw out the dose. I use 21g needles for drawing and injecting. It really doesn't make sense to waste a needle just for drawing it up. :)


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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby tomas1 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:04 pm

I think I'm using 23g needles (too lazy to check). The only problem I have is if I inject too fast, occasionally the needle separates from the syringe. That wastes most of the shot, so I try to inject slow enough to stop that.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby kidagain73 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:05 pm

I`m 73 and in ok shape. As an alternative to T shots my Uro has implanted Testopel pellets under skin near hip. With a 285 T level I started taking Clomid in March 2018 and in one month went to 610 T level which is good. Changed Uro`s and new guy did the Testopel implant which is VERY expensive but lasts for 4 mos. No brainer right? Now T levels up near 1100! Morning wood is back and I`m horny as hell all the time. Downside is that I see young escorts but can only afford to 1 or 2x per mo.
Sex is great with my girls and I get it up good with and get them off but have never been able to finish with them. I can finish alone at home easily but blame the condom when with the girls. Too bad for me as in "no glove, no love" I might do better if I would quite smoking and back off on the scotch (gee, ya think?) but I want my cake etc.

seeking info
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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby seeking info » Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:03 am

Love my injections! I give 80 mgs every week. That is .4 on the syringe! I draw up with a larger gauge and inject with a smaller! I am a former paramedic..wife is radiological technologist daughter nurse son and daughter in law paramedics!!I have no lack of someone to inject me! I love my shots. I have been on them for several years! My only complaint is the shrinking of my testicles and the excess scrotum that flaps between my leg...but I would not give up the benefit from the injections for anything! I love the way I feel the three days right after my injections each week!
Medically retired. Due to very bad back issues..multiple surgeries. Implanted pain infusion system on long term opiodal meds; hypogonadism and hypothyroid as a side effect from intrathecal pain infusion system. Use low dose generic V

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby andrew1959nj » Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:24 pm

I inject myself once per week .5cc. Subcutaneously, belly fat. It cost nothing. I don’t like needles but it doesn’t hurt. I started taking TRT last year after T values plummeted to 200. Even with bad AFIB I felt noticibly better within 3 months @.85cc weekly. T values went to 800 range. I had to stop taking it to treat the AFIB. My AFIB is now cured and I’m starting to take TRT again. My workouts are more intense now and my energy is rising again. Having T vaule tested today.
60 years old. MS and Severe ED 10+ years. Pills and injections never worked well. Implanted 5/16/2019 by Dr. Sadeghi. Titan 20cm + 2cm RTE.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby DougAnd » Sat Jul 21, 2018 6:44 pm

Right up front they offered gel, shots or implants. I looked over the test results for each, side effects and health risks. The winner for me was implants hands down. They slow release over a 4 month period with blood work every 2 months. So far so good. Yes there is a small risk of surgical site infection . Not if you practice good hygiene as with any cut. My Uro does it in office takes about 5 minutes with a local. Not really bad we talk about what ever during surgery. After I always go straight to work never sore don't really feel anything after I leave the office. Something to consider.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby OhioGuy » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:19 am

I have been doing the testosterone pellets. I have them implanted every 4 months. My ideal dose is 3,200mg or 17 200mg pellets. I have been doing this for three years. Has been life changing in many many positive ways. Better mood, energy, erections, libido, self confidence, body hair, fat lose, muscle gain, sleep etc. Wish I had started it years ago. My doctor keeps my T above 1000. Insurance does not pay so I have to pay out of pocket. However, worth every penny.

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