Testosterone shots.

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby DaveKell » Tue May 01, 2018 9:43 am

I began T therapy years ago as the first way to try and combat my total ED, although I was later told 2 things by a urologist. The first was that T therapy maybe helps only about 5% of men with their ED. The second was that my ED was the result of having surgery to remove my sigmoid colon, which is the last roughly one fourth of the large intestine. He said about 80% of men who have this surgery get ED that doesn't respond to treatment, a fact the surgeon at the time didn't share with me. Unfortunately, after learning this, the statute of limitations had long run out on suing him for that!

The T therapy had other benefits I enjoyed even though most of lovemaking attempts still ended in humiliating failure. The first was a generous increase in my overall energy and feeling much younger most of the time. Another benefit was more satisfying results when working out daily for a couple of years at a gym. I broke my back in three places at the gym 8 months ago and can no longer workout at the same intensity as before and am still facing a spinal fusion surgery.

For me, a big downside to the T therapy was my dosage (1cc weekly by injection) got my level almost 100 points beyond the top end of the scale for awhile. Extreme stroke risk at that point. Even cutting the dosage in half keeps my level in the high 800's. At this level, I became a horny adolescent again. I never stopped eyeing other women and my mind constantly raced with fantasies about them. I'd agree to go shopping with my wife just to see what was out there to look at.

Three days ago I gave myself my last injection. Since my ED is totally cured with an implant and I don't workout anymore, I'm looking forward to gradually reverting to acting more my age. I'm looking forward to being more calm instead of the occasional raging bull syndrome of thinking I can take on an entire platoon of young Marines! I refer to marriage of nearly 40 years now as a life sentence, one I'm happy with because my wife is 7 years younger than me. I'm tired of the shopping expeditions and look forward to settling into my "golden years" in a more mature state of mind.

I guess the only important thing I've said is the percentage of men who get relief for ED with T therapy is extremely low.
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Bionicrocketman » Tue May 01, 2018 1:18 pm

Hi DaveKell. Glad to hear your plan on enjoying your golden years. I to plan on enjoying mine. I was implanted because of a penile fracture not for a E/D problem. I'll be 68 tomorrow 5-2-18. My lovely wife is 19 years younger than me. I've been on the testosterone gel for over eleven years just now moving to the shots. I guess I still want to maintain the fire as long as I can. The implant does take care of the erection but not the fire. For me having no fire would be like having a new sports car and no gas to drive it. It would drive me nuts to sit in my new sports car and say wow the new car smell is fantastic but couldn't take it for a drive. For that reason I'm working hard to find the happy medium that works for me, my wife and all the family and friends I can help by sharing my knowledge I have learned. Thanks for your reply. It did indeed give me plenty to think about. Bionic Rocketman.
70yrs. Implant AMS LGX 18cm 4cm tips. 2-26-14. Implant installed because of fracture.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Bionicrocketman » Wed May 02, 2018 12:55 am

What is the best time to do the testosterone shots. Early when you first get up or at night before you go to bed or does it make any difference? Bionic Rocketman.
70yrs. Implant AMS LGX 18cm 4cm tips. 2-26-14. Implant installed because of fracture.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby CTR5000 » Wed May 02, 2018 10:27 pm

Bionicrocketman wrote:What is the best time to do the testosterone shots. Early when you first get up or at night before you go to bed or does it make any difference? Bionic Rocketman.

I've done both my shot as well as my husband's at various times of the day. Never makes any difference. You figure you're basically injecting a 2-week-dose into a muscle (we always inject in butt/glutes). It doesn't release into your system all at once. It's released from that muscle over those two weeks until next shot is due.

What's more critical is that any testosterone levels are drawn as close as possible to the mid-point between injections. If we're coming due for a shot within a few days... or just did a shot a few days ago... our doctor isn't even going to bother drawing blood at that visit. Just keep it in mind when scheduling appointments. We also mark in calendar what day we're due, and what butt cheek we should inject. Alternate left/right butt cheeks each injection.

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Robert66 » Thu May 03, 2018 2:57 am

Well dave your post opened my eyes wide i started having trouble years ago but it got really bad when a large part of my large intestines was removed pills nothing at 66 i discover injections except i am in a country where trimix is unheard i have been othinking of going fake on line but scary. My wife says who needs sex and is not on board would love to find trimix have not seen a woody in 10 year
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units


Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Larry10625 » Thu May 03, 2018 6:20 am

DaveKell wrote:I began T therapy years ago as the first way to try and combat my total ED, although I was later told 2 things by a urologist. The first was that T therapy maybe helps only about 5% of men with their ED. The second was that my ED was the result of having surgery to remove my sigmoid colon, which is the last roughly one fourth of the large intestine. He said about 80% of men who have this surgery get ED that doesn't respond to treatment, a fact the surgeon at the time didn't share with me. Unfortunately, after learning this, the statute of limitations had long run out on suing him for that!

The T therapy had other benefits I enjoyed even though most of lovemaking attempts still ended in humiliating failure. The first was a generous increase in my overall energy and feeling much younger most of the time. Another benefit was more satisfying results when working out daily for a couple of years at a gym. I broke my back in three places at the gym 8 months ago and can no longer workout at the same intensity as before and am still facing a spinal fusion surgery.

For me, a big downside to the T therapy was my dosage (1cc weekly by injection) got my level almost 100 points beyond the top end of the scale for awhile. Extreme stroke risk at that point. Even cutting the dosage in half keeps my level in the high 800's. At this level, I became a horny adolescent again. I never stopped eyeing other women and my mind constantly raced with fantasies about them. I'd agree to go shopping with my wife just to see what was out there to look at.

Three days ago I gave myself my last injection. Since my ED is totally cured with an implant and I don't workout anymore, I'm looking forward to gradually reverting to acting more my age. I'm looking forward to being more calm instead of the occasional raging bull syndrome of thinking I can take on an entire platoon of young Marines! I refer to marriage of nearly 40 years now as a life sentence, one I'm happy with because my wife is 7 years younger than me. I'm tired of the shopping expeditions and look forward to settling into my "golden years" in a more mature state of mind.

I guess the only important thing I've said is the percentage of men who get relief for ED with T therapy is extremely low.

Good morning Dave;
My T therapy was not to treat my ED, I took it because my libido was in my boots. I could have had Bo Derek with my dick in her mouth and I would have told her to "stop with the slopping noises, I'm trying to watch a movie". I started taking 2.5cc Delatestryl I'm my gluteus maximus every three weeks... now, just like you, bring on the babes.... ok, only one babe, my sexy wife... she can book a few days off of work, we can hide the vehicles, unplug the phone, get a couple gallons of lube.... I love that stuff and look forward to my needle. Lisa gives it to me because I can't really properly access the correct spot, AND, even if I could, this medication has the consistency of table syrup and the smallest needle I can use is a 21G. This needle actually hurts going in, it's ok once in. That's another reason I get my wife to do it... I think I would stop once it started to hurt. :)


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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Bionicrocketman » Sat May 05, 2018 8:39 pm

Made the jump today. I had my first testosterone shot today. I have been on the testosterone gel for over eleven years and it has slowly stopped working. The biggest drop was in my libido. From what I have heard and read increasing the libido is one of the shots biggest benefit. For the guys on the testosterone shots did you get a nice increase in libido and if so how long did it take to show up? Bionic Rocketman.
70yrs. Implant AMS LGX 18cm 4cm tips. 2-26-14. Implant installed because of fracture.

seeking info
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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby seeking info » Sat May 05, 2018 11:04 pm

Been on injections for years one. I like it better then any other method. The injections finally got my levels up to a low normal. I make sure to schedule my blood test on the day before I take my next injection. I take one injection a week of 80mgs of testosterone. I dropper a whole bunch of weight and losing the weight helped to boost my own natural T levels. So I decreased from 100mg weekly to 80 a week. I love all the affects the medicine gives me. I love the randy. Horny. Feelings the first couple of days after my injection...it has helped my ED also...I get by on low dose V if I need any thing at all. It makes me feel better and I do not have brain fog.. I don't sweat perfusely anymore. I know I will take this the rest of my life. I have my PSAchecked 2 times a year. The reason my T is low is because I have an intrathecal pain infusion system and receive a constant infusion of 12.8mg of dilaudid. These mess are giving to me because of a bad...bad ..back. It is known that any man on long term opiodal treatment will suffer from low T.
Medically retired. Due to very bad back issues..multiple surgeries. Implanted pain infusion system on long term opiodal meds; hypogonadism and hypothyroid as a side effect from intrathecal pain infusion system. Use low dose generic V

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Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby Bionicrocketman » Thu May 10, 2018 2:11 pm

I had my first testosterone shot Saturday ( 5-6-18) on a 12 week run. I have already noticed a slight change in a few areas. I know everyone is different so the results from person to person will be different. Can you share how and what changed when you started the testosterone shots. Looking for the first 30, 60, and maybe 90 days. I'm hoping for a big increase in libido. The wife says the bigger the better. Hope to hear lots of good news soon. Thanks Bionic Rocketman.
70yrs. Implant AMS LGX 18cm 4cm tips. 2-26-14. Implant installed because of fracture.

seeking info
Posts: 148
Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:19 pm

Re: Testosterone shots.

Postby seeking info » Tue May 15, 2018 8:14 pm

Took me about a month of shots to keep my levels up high enough to see a change. After that it seemed each shot made things more better in all areas. For me now..the few days after my shot each week... I feel really great...after the injection peaks in your system and you start the decline in you level before the next injection you don't have the serge you get right after you take your shot each week or bi weekly. I take one injection every Thursday. I chose that day cause my wife works 3rd shift. She is off every Friday Saturday and Sunday night. I get to have her home so while my level is surging. .she is near...I would be stupid to take it at the beginning of each week. She knows how I react to them and unless something healthwise happens to one or both of us. We take full advantage of that "randy" feeling I get. Once my t levels got back in normal levels my ED..did improve. . Greatly I think...but I also dropped over 110 pounds of UN. Needed...weight. I wish you all the luck I had...and more
Medically retired. Due to very bad back issues..multiple surgeries. Implanted pain infusion system on long term opiodal meds; hypogonadism and hypothyroid as a side effect from intrathecal pain infusion system. Use low dose generic V

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