
Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Postby Donnie1954 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:49 am

Men with ED get a lot more attention from Doctors, Nurses, Urologists, and even Surgeons( if Implanted). What are your feelings about nudity? Have they changed since so many people handle your junk. I am not at all uncomfortable being naked around other men. Women, yes, very, very, uncomfortable. The only woman I care to be naked with is my wife. I have been in naked situations with men and feel very comfortable. I always have and always will. However, I would feel awkward and uncomfortable if I were the only man naked. How do you feel about nudity in a controlled environment?
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Nudity.

Postby Hunchback » Wed Apr 04, 2018 9:23 am


I've spent large parts of my life in hospitals since i was a baby till early adulthood and still have some regular check-ups etc... I couldn't care less who sees me naked, considering they are doctors.
When you think of it, being naked is our "natural state", and more or less we all have the same bodies, so what's there to be ashamed of?
39 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: Nudity.

Postby Anonymous3 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 9:36 am

H73nch tell that to our wives

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Re: Nudity.

Postby David_R » Wed Apr 04, 2018 9:40 am

Donnie, I am not uncomfortable being nude around other men (even if their bodies are "better" than mine), and I have been one of just a couple of men who were nude while the rest of the large group (around 100) were clothed, and I didn't feel uncomfortable either (knowing that it was OK with the dressed guys that whoever wanted to be nude was welcome to do so at this growing-as-men annual retreat I used to attend). Women, however, would make me uncomfortable, whether or not they were nude. I agree with you that "the only woman I care to be naked with is my wife."

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Re: Nudity.

Postby Hunchback » Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:17 am

hturner12 wrote:H73nch tell that to our wives

My wife goes to a man gynecologist, i accompany her for comfort since usually it's not the most pleasant of examinations, but it's not like the guy is there to "admire" her or anything.

Doctors are doctors, it's their job.

As for "other" people - i've never had a reason to hang around naked random people. Unless you are on a nudist beach or something like that, where being naked is "part of the deal", i can see it being weird, but then again i don't see WHY you would be naked in another situation.

So in short, if it's at the doctors or as the OP put it "controlled situation" it's not a problem, if not why are you naked? :D
39 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: Nudity.

Postby Donnie1954 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:39 am

Unless you enjoy nudity, it's hard to explain. In our world when so many people, especially men, hide behind a macho facade, afraid to let others know the man inside. When I am naked I am open and honest and yes venerable. Men, celebrating what makes us uniquely men. Men, some men, celebrate a nice dick, but never laugh at a small one. or a big gut. We are who we are. Accepted by those made like us. Women , and some men, hardly ever get it. That's OK. When men are naked with other men, we may not be Adonis, but we are proud. Proud to be a man.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Nudity.

Postby bldoink » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:02 am

I really don't get what the big deal is, although I understand that it is a big deal to some. I lived on a nude beach for most of a year (could have been a bit over a year) in my very late teens.

Then there was the hemorrhoid procedure when I was aware when I was wheeled into the operating room with numerous females participating and observing as they bared my ass and proceeded to crank my ass up into the air for all to see. Come on folks, couldn't you have put me out first. I didn't like that much but it did help inoculate me from caring in the future.

I've had female doctors off and on for years. It was a female doctor that was sticking her finger up my ass to check the prostate for a number of years before she graduated me up to the urologist when she felt it was necessary.

When I passed out while on the crapper at work from kidney stones, ripping my foreskin in the process, it was a female ER doctor that sewed it up. It was a female doctor that later took out the stitches. We all got a laugh out of that process. Light humor and banter with the doctors always makes things easier and less stressful for all concerned (even while enduring kidney stone pain).

I've had plenty of nurses and med techs looking at my dick due to various skin, urological or whatever issues. It seems it's always a female that removes catheters. I quit being bothered about that long ago. There's nothing sexual about it. Who cares! Well, at least I don't.

I have no desire to see or be with other nude people for the sake of nudity but I'm not bothered by other's nudity although I will note that some people really need to be wearing a mumu or a shower curtain or tent. I do appreciate a fit female's body. I live on acreage and I have been known to wander around without clothes on occasion but not often. My skin is sun damaged enough without purposely exposing it to the sun.

I don't care who sees my dick or any part of my body but I certainly don't know who would want to other than the medical profession in the course of their duties. If I'm on a kike or something and there's the opportunity to go for a cooling swim, I'll skinny dip. No big deal. But I don't really get nudity just for the sake of nudity. I mean Yea! I'm outside and I'm nude! So what!!! Now, I will lounge around the house nude sometimes but that just convenience not intention.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Nudity.

Postby Greg1956 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:17 pm

I was raised in a household where nudity was non-existent. I have a brother who is a year and a half older than me and after I was maybe five or so my mom sort of kept us separated while bathing, dressing, etc. I happened to see him nude when I was in 7th grade and our gym classes were the same period and we were in the communal showers together. Once I got to that age where we had to take showers with all the other guys, I lost my inhibitions about that form of nudity.

When I was in my first year of college I saw a flyer saying the art department needed nude models. I was kind of petrified by the thought of it, but had to pay my own way through school and the pay was superior to any other job I could get so I applied and got it. I was nearly physically ill the first time I had to strip down and then get up on the model stand, positioned in the middle of the room, in front of a co-ed class of about 20 students and a female instructor. To top it off it was the school I was a student at and I was nude in front of fellow students and friends. I ended up getting an erection to top it off. I was mortified. The instructor was kind enough to get me in a pose where it was not on full display. Looking back on that day it was maybe the best thing that ever could have happened to me. After that it was like nothing could get worse and everyone had seen my junk so I felt liberated. Even more liberating wasehen my mom came to the college to see a show where some of my art was on display, but she also saw quite a few drawings and paintings I had posed for in all my nude glory.

I also had my first nude beach experience around that time. It became very apparent that nudity was simply about freedom, not sex. I saw entire families, including kids, parents and grandparents nude together.

Up until I was in my 30’s I had always had male doctors and nurses were never present when I had to strip down for my annual physicals, etc. Generally, at those times I was just asked to pull my underwear down for that quick “turn your head and cough” moment. Then, due to a new insurance plan I had to change Primary Care Physicians. When I went for my annual physical I was asked to completely undress and put on a very short paper gown. When I was in the gown there was a knock on the door and the doctor and female nurse entered. I was asked to get on the exam table and lay back. My junk was fully exposed. Then I was asked to pull the top part down to expose my chest so all that was left was bunched up covering my stomach. As the doctor examined me he told the nurse what notes to write down so she was pretty well occupied, but kept taking glances at me. Finally the doctor asked me to stand and took the paper gown away. After checking my junk very thoroughly, he then had me do balancing exercises, walk back and forth in the room to check posture and gate, etc. I think it was the first time I was grateful I had ED and troubles getting an erection.

As my ED got worse I had many more interactions where females saw me nude, touched my junk, etc. after a while I lost any concern over woman seeing or touching me, knowing they were medical professionals and to them I was just a part of their job. I had surgery for a Variocele on my testicle and before I was sedated a pretty young female nurse scrubbed my genitals. Although I had ED when I was flat on my back I still got strong erections at that time and I felt it happening. I told her I was sorry and she told me it was nothing to be ashamed of and it happened fairly often.

When I had Prostate Cancer I ended up having a Prostatectomy. After surgery I was in a room overnight and female nurses kept coming in to check catheter and empty the bag. The next morning when the doctor came in he had three females and two males with him who were med students and asked if I minded if they were there when he examined me. By that time it was like I had been exposed so much it didn’t matter.

Over the years I continued nude modeling. One of my favorite modeling jobs ever was as a model for an outdoor body painting event in a high traffic tourist area in San Francisco. I was assigned a position on a raised platform right out in front, with everyone at eye level to my junk. My face wasthe last thing painted so I was pretty much exposed for four hours and an estimated 10,000 people saw me and a few other models nude. After we were all painted we had a nude “parade” all over Fisherman’s Wharf. I’ve had other jobs where I am the only one nude in front of a couple hundred people who are fully dressed.

I have read comments in other threads here from men who don’t care to see other guys naked. That isn’t what it’s all about. Being nude with others, whether it’s all men or both men and women is all about body acceptance, freedom, and liberation. Once you get comfortable in your own skin you see we are all just people and it eliminates all of the crap about who has the best car, clothes, etc.

Last edited by Greg1956 on Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.


Re: Nudity.

Postby Larry10625 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:22 pm

ddbryan1972 wrote:Men with ED get a lot more attention from Doctors, Nurses, Urologists, and even Surgeons( if Implanted). What are your feelings about nudity? Have they changed since so many people handle your junk. I am not at all uncomfortable being naked around other men. Women, yes, very, very, uncomfortable. The only woman I care to be naked with is my wife. I have been in naked situations with men and feel very comfortable. I always have and always will. However, I would feel awkward and uncomfortable if I were the only man naked. How do you feel about nudity in a controlled environment?

In the last 3 years, I have dropped my drawers in front of more people than all the ones before that. All though I am use to it now, I am very self conscious about my hamster dick. If I were hung like Maxx.... well.... you know... :)


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Re: Nudity.

Postby graymare » Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:51 pm

Like many of you, my genitals have been examined, scrubbed, probed and manipulated by many male and female medical professionals. As I wrote months ago in a "Naturist" thread, I used to live in a small town (under 10,000) with one urologist office and one imaging facility. I didn't have the option to say no to a female nurse or ultrasound tech. Everybody was professional, but we were always meeting up in grocery stores or school sporting events. I learned to live with those conditions and so I became accustomed to them. In fact I realized I liked being naked; and didn't mind if I was in front of others. When I became an empty nester my wife and I moved to a lake house in upstate NY. In the summer I try wearing as little as possible around the house or in a secluded section of my property, much to my her chagrin. I skinny dip whenever possible but am always discreet.
Thanks to that small town urologist, my wife and I can have sex again like we were youngsters because he got me on Trimix. He also performed a urolift improving my urination. I wondered what I could do to improve the future urologists of the world so others in small towns have quality care too. That's when I read about something called a MUTA, a male urogenital teaching assistant. It is basically a trained male who helps nursing and/or medical students perform genital exams on his own body, giving advice and truly "hands on" experience. I observed a session with two professional MUTAs and six students at a nearby university and was very impressed. The students were thrilled with the experience; something not easily obtained in the genitourinary field. It was all supervised by a certified nurse practioner. I am considering going through the training and becoming a MUTA. Am I nuts? Would you do it?
Married, 66 yrs old, ED for 22 yrs. On TriMix for 5 yrs. Live in the Adirondacks of NY. Would be a nudist if it weren't for the black flies and the short summers. :D

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