How to Get It Up

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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How to Get It Up

Postby Josh_14_11 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:23 pm

There are plenty of web sites describing how to masturbate, or at least how to edge (prolong the pleasure) and/or achieve maximal orgasm. But guys with ED try to recapture something that was achieved so easily at one time: getting an erection in the first place.

There are two aspects I've considered for manual techniques in "how to get it up." A. Basic penile innervation: the physiology of the nerves of the penis. B. Euphemisms for masturbation. There's a lot of common sense or "folk wisdom" if one considers the different slang terms for masturbation.

A. Penile Innervation (nerves in your dick!) There are four basic nerves in the penis:
1. Free nerve endings, found throughout the penis. They detect pain and temperature.
2. Ruffini Corpuscles, rare in the penis. They detect stretching and spatial orientation.
3. Meissner's Corpuscles, found in the skin surface of the foreskin and frenulum. They detect light touch and vibration.
4. Pacinian Corpuscles, found in deep layers of skin throughout the penis, but especially the head (glans). They detect vibration and deep pressure, but not continued pressure. This has implications for intercourse, but my focus here is--again--on "how to get it up."
(For further explanation, see ... 36733.html

B. Euphemisms for Masturbation. All you have to do is google for these, and there are endless lists of ways guys describe wanking or jacking off. They are more than picturesque, though, they graphically describe mechanics that can help us "get it up."

1. "Choking the Chicken" can be more than simply putting your dick in a death grip. Many of us have discovered that putting pressure at the base of the shaft can help hold blood in the shaft that might be lost through veinous leak. Or we may let a cock ring do the choking!

2. "Spanking the Monkey"
When a nurse gets ready to draw blood or insert an IV, they will lightly slap the inside of your arm to make the veins "pop out" some more. I have yet to find out exactly why "patting" the crux of the elbow helps a nurse find a vein for drawing blood--but it works. Similarly, "spanking the monkey" induces a physiological response that can help achieve an erection, too.

Then there are some euphemisms or techniques for masturbation that relate back to the physiology of penile nerves.

3. "Spoke strokes"
This method uses vibration to stimulate the Meissner's Corpuscles of the frenulum.
This is best done standing up. Hold both hands in front of your shaft, palms up and fingers spread apart. Letting your limp shaft rest on your fingers, drag the inside of your fingers up from the base of the shaft and past the glans. Do this rapidly, alternating left and right hands.
It's kind of like holding a baseball card to the spokes of your bike to make a ratcheting "motor" sound. (Haven't seen kids do this for a while!) Instead, the "card" is your dick and the "spokes" are your fingers. If you have a difficult time visualizing this, think of splashing water on the underside of your dick to rinse of soap in the shower .
The effect is two fold: it encourages blood to flow outward, toward the glans, and the rapid bumping of fingers on the bottom of the glans has a vibrating effect on the glans and frenum.
Unless I'm really tired or stressed, this method almost always works to get the little man to stand at attention. It can work while lying down, I suppose, I've just gotten used doing it while standing up because gravity will keep the frenulm in contact with my rapidly moving fingers.

4. "Jerkin' the Gherkin"
For some guys, the Ruffini Corpuscles in their penis are sufficient to induce an erection simply by pulling and tugging on their shaft a few times.

5. "Kneading Dough"
I invented that euphemism to describe how some guys say they initiate an erection. Remember, the Pacinian Corpuscles respond to deep pressure, but not continued pressure. Some guys simply grab their package through their underwear and squeeze it rhythmically. It's not constant pressure, but stimulating the Pacinian Corpuscles in that way can start up an erection.

Now that I've started the thread, what is your favorite manual technique (apart from porn, drugs, etc.) for starting an erection? It may or may not be related to a particular type of nerve cell, but if it works, share it with us. You may have a technique that is new to someone else!
60's. Married. Occasional ED offset by a variety of methods (VED pumping, foreskin restoration, edging) with Cialis and/or pills sometimes for sex.

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Re: How to Get It Up

Postby dtwarren1942 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:13 pm

Until the Trimix injections started to "rehabilitat" my penile tissues, there were no manual techniques that would even get a slight arousal out of my dick without the aid of drugs or constriction, at least for the last five years. However, now I can generate a nice semi with a squezeing/jelqing technique. I grab the base of my dick with my hand in a moderately tight ok grip. I then slide the grip slowly up my shaft so that the blood is forced toward the head until my hand is just below the head. I then return my hand back to the base and repeat the grip and slide. After about 10 or so repetitions, my penis starts to become engorged. Guys with longer dicks can hold the grip just below the head and start their other hand at the base and continue the movement alternating hands. My shortish dick has too much loose skin to get in the way so I only use one hand.

The jelqing motion forces blood up and into the cs and cc chambers. I guess it is a more intense kneeding the dough technique. For me, once I achieve a decent semi, I can slip on my tight cock ring and kegel in some more blood and bring it up to a 90% erection.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: How to Get It Up

Postby bob1138 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:44 am

Hi Josh,

By joining Frank Talk you have become a member of a brotherhood of great guys who will always be here for you and who have all walked in your shoes while battling ED.
First, I would suggest you see a Urologist who specializes in the treatment of male sexual dysfunction.
He will probably run a Doppler Test to check if there is sufficient blood flow to your penis.
The two main causes of ED are insufficient blood flow (arterial insufficiency) and venous leakage.

I think that the best way for me to provide you with some info about ED is to share the story of my battle with ED.
I developed ED Post-Prostatectomy in February 2004 at age 65 and had never experienced any problem prior to that.
Viagra, Cialis, etc. did not work for me.
After much research and having the opportunity to speak with 2 men who underwent the Coloplast Titan Penile Implant Procedure, I had my Titan Implant Procedure December 13, 2007.
The Titan Penile Implant completely corrected my ED and restored both my sex life and the emotional intimacy with my wife of 45 years.
I became a Coloplast Patient Educator in January 2008 in order to share my Pre-Implant and Post-Implant experiences with men still suffering from ED and its devastating side effects.
I just celebrated the Fourth Anniversary of my Titan Implant December 13th and my wife and I could not be happier with it.
The guys in Frank Talk are always willing to reach out to other men suffering with ED.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just want to talk.


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Re: How to Get It Up

Postby Josh_14_11 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:43 pm


I'm glad that Trimix not only helps you with erections, but it's been therapeutic for penile tissues. That's great!

Thanks for your reminding us about jelqing. When I first started trying to improve my EQ (erection quality), jelqing and pumping were the first routines I tried. I once asked my urologist about both routines. He routinely prescribes therapeutic pumping for post-prostatectomy patients: not pumping just to get it up for sex, but regular pumping just to erections on a regular basis until more spontaneous EQ is regained. Pumping duplicates the nocturnal erections that guys lose after a prostatectomy, or that guys seem to lose in conjunction with ED.

The urologist was a bit more cautious about jelqing. He said it could help, as long as it wasn't overdone to the point of bursting blood vessels or damaging the valves in the veins. Lightly "milking" the blood into the penis as you describe it, though, need not damage blood vessels or valves. You're right, I think... it not only forces blood into the CS and CC, but the pressure probably triggers something with the Pacinian Corpuscles.


I have asked my urologist to do a doppler sonogram for the exact reasons you mention (venous leak or arterial insufficiency). I suspect I have a slight leak since a cock & ball ring usually seems to help my erections considerably. The urologist declined doing a sonogram, though. He said as long as a pill would help my erections (and they usually do), the insurance company would not pay for a test that would still result in pills--since they prefer medications to venous leak surgery these days.

I should clarify that my own ED is mild. If it were severe and nothing else worked, I would consider an implant. But at this point, an implant would be overkill. Hence my approach is to maximize natural methods as much as possible--like various manual techniques. I know there are other guys here at Frank Talk in the same boat. We could benefit from sharing notes with each other.

Even if there are some of you who need more than manual techniques to get it up, you might have some ideas to share with those of use still trying to maintain natural erectile function as long as we can.
60's. Married. Occasional ED offset by a variety of methods (VED pumping, foreskin restoration, edging) with Cialis and/or pills sometimes for sex.

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Re: How to Get It Up

Postby Muz061 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:21 pm


Concur with Warren's comments. "Expert" ED advise sometimes categorises three stages of treatment.

First line of attack is pills - PDE-5 inhibitors, Viagra, Cialis,Levitra
Second line is Vacuum devices and/or injectiontherapy
Finally if none of the above is effective - implants.

I know the latter has it's place and guys like Bob are 100% satisfied but it should be regarded IMHO as the final answer if all the other treatments fail to produce a good and usable erection.

My self I am so pleased I relented and used teh injections as after 3 years it jumpstarted my erections and I am now getting avery significant response to Viagra after 3 months of this therapy.

Good luck in finding the best solution for YOU.
1/08 PSA 7.7, 3/08 PSA 11, 5/08 biopsy Gleason 3+4=7
RARP 18/6/08, Fully continent 31/8/08
53 years old at surgery, now 57
ED major problem until Trimix October 2011
Viagra now looking to be viable

Posts: 134
Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:40 pm

Re: How to Get It Up

Postby Josh_14_11 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:49 am


To what kind of physical, manual stimulation was your penis most responsive before surgery? How about now? (Even Viagra, of course, requires some initial stimulation!)
60's. Married. Occasional ED offset by a variety of methods (VED pumping, foreskin restoration, edging) with Cialis and/or pills sometimes for sex.

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