Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Postby 729b4l » Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:30 am


I had similar numbers when diagnosed back in August '07. Robotic surgery in November '07. PSA numbers have never been "0". For years they have been 0.15-0.17. When I questioned the surgeon about this, his explanation was this, "PSA measures the level of Prostate Specific Antigen. As long as there is one cell of prostate, there will be some level of antigen. It doesn't mean that there is cancer there. His comment of ...there is no dotted line that says cut here in the removal of the prostate."
After 10 years, at my last blood test, I requested a PSA level test (not normally included in your "Medicare Wellness Check") and the results came back as " 0.4 Total PSA". If you have gone through all the testing prior to diagnosis you will know that they do 2 different tests for PSA. The "Total" number was one of the factors that kicked it over the line to determine treatment. This is different from the "Normal" PSA number they typically report. My doctors have never suggested radiation as a follow up. I know that every doctor sees things differently, but I wouldn't get too worried yet.
diagnose 8/07
Gleason 6
Robotic surgery 11/07 PSA 0.15

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Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:46 pm


Postby Unclebob81 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:24 pm

First goal--deal with the cancer, second goal deal with peeing your pants, third goal get your ability to have erections again. Each step takes a while. I was 9 months before I stopped wearing pads, 13 months before I had an erection hard enough to resume love making, almost two years before I started injections rather than the pills that gave me incredible headaches. It takes patience. Sites like this give you a chance to share stories and success. I am cancer thriver not just a survivor.
Born in 1953. Robotic prostectomy in 2013.PSA 0 Began Trimix 3 years after surgery. Couldn't be more satisfied.

Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:05 pm
Location: Houston, TX

Consider Radioactive Seed Implants

Postby retexan599 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:59 pm

Thought this may be useful:
When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1999, I researched the three main approaches: prostatectomy, external radiation, radioactive seed implants. I elected to go with the seed implants (brachytherapy). I was concerned that the surgery might either fail to get all the cancer, or cause peripheral damage (as the OP expressed). External radiation was not appealing because of the intervening organs that would be subject to the radiation. The seed implant method appealed to me because it would attack the cancer from the inside out which made sense. The result was totally successful, and my PSA has been undetectable for many years now. I have no problem with urination. Due to my age plus antidepressant medications, I do have ED (use vacuum pump which I discussed elsewhere in forum). I realize that course may not be appropriate for everyone, but mine was diagnosed early enough that it made sense.
Age 86, divorced, single.
Prostate seed implant radiation (brachytherapy) 1999.
Like a ship without sailors: 'No seaman'. ;)
No implant.
Use electric Encore Impo-Aid vacuum system. #4 & 5 size cock rings.
Generic water based lube.

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