
Anything goes when it comes to ED.
seeking info
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Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:19 pm

Re: UroLift

Postby seeking info » Sun Sep 17, 2017 8:20 pm

Thank you guys. I posted earlier about this procedure and this infomis great. I take Uroxatral...no problems with the mess at all..but am ha ING a difficult time getting my stream started. Don't use urinals cause it takes me forever. .in stall sometimes 10-15mins before stream starts. I never feel my bladder is empty. I am approaching 55. My Dr gave info about all the procedures for BPH..My PSAis great no other issue with prostate except its big. Imwas hoping someone who had the urolift would post and tell me if all the literature is true. Its says ZERO..sexual side effects..I want that. I am tentatively on schedule for the urolift in December. It can be earlier but I wanted time to check it all out. Your previous postnare great. I have had to wear a catheter in the past few months. Due to the fact I could not have let down. It wasca horrible feeling not being able to pee. I was miserable until they got me cathed...worn the thing for over a week. Anyone who can give me more info please post or PM me. I trust you guys and your advice. Thank youmall

Seeking info...ska Scott
Medically retired. Due to very bad back issues..multiple surgeries. Implanted pain infusion system on long term opiodal meds; hypogonadism and hypothyroid as a side effect from intrathecal pain infusion system. Use low dose generic V


Re: UroLift

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:06 am

seeking info wrote:Thank you guys. I posted earlier about this procedure and this infomis great. I take Uroxatral...no problems with the mess at all..but am ha ING a difficult time getting my stream started. Don't use urinals cause it takes me forever. .in stall sometimes 10-15mins before stream starts. I never feel my bladder is empty. I am approaching 55. My Dr gave info about all the procedures for BPH..My PSAis great no other issue with prostate except its big. Imwas hoping someone who had the urolift would post and tell me if all the literature is true. Its says ZERO..sexual side effects..I want that. I am tentatively on schedule for the urolift in December. It can be earlier but I wanted time to check it all out. Your previous postnare great. I have had to wear a catheter in the past few months. Due to the fact I could not have let down. It wasca horrible feeling not being able to pee. I was miserable until they got me cathed...worn the thing for over a week. Anyone who can give me more info please post or PM me. I trust you guys and your advice. Thank youmall

Seeking info...ska Scott

Good morning Scott;
Try sending a PM to the following members;

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Include things like date implanted, doctors name, Make - Titan or AMS, size of implant, rte's? any story you wish to share - like ED for 15 years, or whatever, any medical info - like diabetes, or high blood pressure, etc. or 33 years old, single gay man with ED for 10 years, thinking about getting an implant. Here is mine:

AMS 700 (18 + 2). Implanted March 30, 2017 by Dr. Brock of London, Ont, CANADA. Went in to septic shock and had to have implant removed April 29, 2017. Appt. for consult for second attempt is on November 6, 2017, surgery on Dec 7th... I can't wait.


Posts: 109
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:50 pm

Re: UroLift

Postby graymare » Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:23 pm

It's been two weeks since my Urolift and I can honestly say I see a definite improvement in my stream. I can start peeing on command, with some decent flow. I won't say the same about finishing. The prostate is still swollen, (I can feel slight discomfort in there still when I sit down) and that keeps me thinking I have the urge to go when I really don't, so it is hard to tell if I am finished urinating or not. But so far so good. All urinating pain is gone, unless I get a few drops down at the end that won't shake free. They can irritate. Next week is my follow up with the doctor. I will get back to you then.
Married, 66 yrs old, ED for 22 yrs. On TriMix for 5 yrs. Live in the Adirondacks of NY. Would be a nudist if it weren't for the black flies and the short summers. :D

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Re: UroLift

Postby tomas1 » Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:15 pm

That's good to know and I hope it improves even further.
Thanks for keeping us posted on this procedure.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

Posts: 109
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:50 pm

Re: UroLift

Postby graymare » Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:20 am

I went back to my urologist for my 3 week check up. I told him up front that his brochures were too mild on the various "discomforts" caused by the urolift itself. I told him that my urine stream was starting up much better and faster now, but it wasn't ending quickly yet. He had me do a urodynamics test which reflected that same thing. I still feel urges to urinate when I don't really need to. The end of my urethra is not as sensitive to urine as it was 3 weeks ago. But I also told him about my first ejaculation, about 4 days ago. It was painful exiting my urethra but not as bad as the urine stream had been. The prostate itself is still somewhat swollen and is a noticeable presence when I sit for long periods of time. My urologist explained that the spasms created by an orgasm probably caused these issues. He said my progress was acceptable and hoped the urges and the stopping of my urine stream would both resolve themselves in the near future. I'm scheduled to go back in January to have another urodynamics test. As for pain during ejaculation, he basically said to just keep at it and it also should resolve itself.
Married, 66 yrs old, ED for 22 yrs. On TriMix for 5 yrs. Live in the Adirondacks of NY. Would be a nudist if it weren't for the black flies and the short summers. :D

Posts: 221
Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:58 pm

Re: UroLift

Postby JDavid » Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:03 am

Another option is Green Light Laser Surgery. I had it a week ago today. It was an outpatient procedure but that evening my catheter clogged with blood clots and I had to return to the ER. I would plan on at least a week to recover. The main downside, it seems, is that it can take several weeks to stop peeing blood. The advantage over TRUS is no overnight stay and fewer adverse side effects.
I am sixty-six years of age and dealing with gradually worsening ED for twenty years. At sixty-three I wanted something that worked reliably. I got an AMS 700 LGX implant in 6/25/13. I am entirely pleased with the outcome. My surgeon was Dr. Karpman.

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Location: Tempe, AZ

Re: UroLift

Postby tomas1 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:20 pm

JDavid, I was reading up on TURP and it sounded pretty barbaric.
Does the laser lessen the amount of prostate tissue surrounding the urethra?
I wonder why it bleeds?
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

Posts: 273
Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:43 am
Location: Indiana

Re: UroLift

Postby Lester33 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:22 pm

I had a TURP done in 2013 and it wasn't laser. He told me the procedure "sliced" the prostrate like slicing an apple. Did have a catheter and bled, was sore for some time but in my case it worked well. It is still holding up today I was having a terrible time before.
IPP on 6/22/2018 by Dr. Perito, Miami, FL.
22cm Coloplast Titan, 2 RTE
Testosterone therapy
Cancer free seven years, married fifty years, wonderful sex life

Posts: 1966
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Location: Tempe, AZ

Re: UroLift

Postby tomas1 » Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:19 am

Thanks for the info. I'm still a good ways from pulling the trigger (bad choice of words nowadays) on this, but at least there seem to be options.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

Posts: 109
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:50 pm

Re: UroLift

Postby graymare » Sat Oct 21, 2017 2:50 pm

I'm five and a half weeks out from my urolift and I am very happy with the results. Many nights I can sleep all the way through. I do need to get up once at night if I've had a lot to drink around dinner or I had late drinks. That used to mean two or three bathroom visits at night. My stream starts immediately now and finishes in much faster time than it used to. Even my wife is surprised by how fast I return from the men's room when we are out somewhere. And for me, the big positive is no retrograde ejaculations. I definitely recommend the urolift.
Married, 66 yrs old, ED for 22 yrs. On TriMix for 5 yrs. Live in the Adirondacks of NY. Would be a nudist if it weren't for the black flies and the short summers. :D

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