
Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Postby padreest » Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:47 pm

Many of you know that I have been using Androgel for 6+mo. T count was lo at 160. After a couple of weeks on Androgel I started to feel stronger physically and sexually. Even had a couple of sticky mornings close together tho I don't think it was semen just pre-cum. Had blood work and T is now 51, viritually none and I'm exhausted and too tire to continue to live. Had cardio appt today, he was the one orig blood work and precription for Androgel. He say most heart guys have no backroung in hypogonadism and recommented that I go to Medical U for further study. Talked with a guy from the office of the infamouse Dr. Frye in West Palm Beach and described everything I'm struggling wiith 100% He is 58 so just a kid.I may end up there this winter but I have an appt with endocrinologist tomarrow fr diabetes ck up and will discuss with her. She is a newer younger Dr from the Med U. And I have an upcoming appt with a younger Urologist. So Androgel isn't the answer. The guy in Fla said shots and a balanced hormone system is what is needed. He said I probably have too much estrogen now. So the saga will continue if not for sex for physical stamina. Ron

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Re: Testosterone

Postby hockey » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:49 pm


Best of luck to you!
If I may suggest to you that you ask your doctors about Testopel pellets. They raised my T up like 500/600 points.
They are injected deep in the butt cheek and desolve very slow.
I get them about every 6 mos. That is if they are going to suggest getting your T back up.

I have nothing put positive things to say about them. Everything good you need worked for me.
My insurance paid for everything but $9.35. My script is sent straight to my Urologist and his office
calls me and schedules my appointment. He also monitors my prostate very close every 3/4 months.

I have been on Testopel for over two years. I have never felt better. I can tell when it's time to get
another round.

Again good luck to you!
67 yr's young. Loving wife and 4 children 7 grandchildren. Type II diabetic for 9 years. Could retire but love my job and the people I work for. Pills, Pumps & Injections all failed. Implanted on 9/2/11. I am now "Bionic":)

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Re: Testosterone

Postby BrooksBro » Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:56 am

I was on Testim topical for most of a year. At first, 1 tube/day, with testosterone level in the 400s. At 2 tubes/day, it climbed into the 700s, but gynecomastia showed up.

I since switched to a weekly injection of 200 mg testosterone cypionate, and my testosterone is just over 1,000. If this is how normal feels, I like it. The injectable is so much cheaper than Testim, and no daily mess.

I have 2 full boxes of Testim, and one that has only had a few tubes taken out of it. These expire 3/2012. I will ship free to anyone that is on Testim. Send me a PM with your mailing address and a phone number.
Age 59, married 24 years, ED 7 years, Peyronies 3 years with venous leakage. Dr. Larry Lipshultz, Baylor, Houston TX.

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Re: Testosterone

Postby acer55 » Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:24 pm

do you get the gynecomastia with the injections? i'm considering starting, thx, ace

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Re: Testosterone

Postby Peckerwood » Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:37 pm

Ace, I think you will get all kinds of benefits: a sense of well-being, greater confidence, more sexual desire, and stronger muscles. I've been trimming down quite a bit since I started taking mine. Also, I haven't developed breasts. I sent you this information in a private message, but I will mention here that I get a shot every ten days, and it is 200 mg. I just asked the nurse yesterday when I got my most recent shot. John
acer55 wrote:do you get the gynecomastia with the injections? i'm considering starting, thx, ace

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Re: Testosterone

Postby padreest » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:38 pm

Hey All,
I'm waiting to see new urologist this month, I think this week. My endo dr not happy with what I did with androgel. I had hope to loose some of the bulk around the gut ,especially the liver area as that is where I'm the largest due to the cirrohosis. Have not lost anything and really feeling very low energy levels now. Hope the Drs will recommend some form of T as I did feel great when first started. Follow up for sure. Ron

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Re: Testosterone

Postby BrooksBro » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:10 pm

Yes, I have been getting them (growing them?) with weekly 200 mg injection, not quite as agressively as with topical Testim. My testosterone level is now slightly over 1,000. I just started on tamoxifen 20 mg 2X daily, which blocks the breast tissue from absorbing the additional estrogen. In 2 weeks, I lost 1 inch in my chest and 2 lbs total weight, on the same nutrition and exercise programs. I think I am on the right track with getting things under control.

My employer's prescription program is not nearly so generous with Testopel. My share is $200, and the total cost was over $2,000, every 4 months. Compare to $300 total, $30 my cost, for 10 weekly injections. My wife is a RN so I get them without having to visit the doctor's office.

acer55 wrote:do you get the gynecomastia with the injections? i'm considering starting, thx, ace
Age 59, married 24 years, ED 7 years, Peyronies 3 years with venous leakage. Dr. Larry Lipshultz, Baylor, Houston TX.

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Re: Testosterone

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:57 am

Have you tried looking for a natural way out insted of just drugs? black seed oil, cayenne and garlic, theres lots of answers out there if you look.
Try the ED forum on www.pegym.com or the ED page on www.earthclinic.com
Good luck.
Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Testosterone

Postby padreest » Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:14 pm

I have tried natural and DHEA but no results. I will be seeing my endocrinologist on 12-3 for her input to recent testing.

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Re: Testosterone

Postby newly1 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:18 pm

Try Axiron, $25 a month the first year and it works, ask you doctor. My T is back to normal just two pumps a day

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