Orgasms after prostatectomy

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Orgasms after prostatectomy

Postby capybara » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:05 am

Since my prostatectomy almost 2 years ago, my orgasms are minimal to non-existent. I have normal sensation, but when it feels like I'm about to reach climax, it just sort of stops, without anything close to what an orgasm used to feel like. Anybody else with the same experience?

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Re: Orgasms after prostatectomy

Postby sa4956 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:02 pm

I am just about seven months post RRP I have not had a orgsam with injections. My penile sensation is returning and I do have orgasms after much stimiulation with the VED and solo; these orgasms are gradifying. I am hoping all this continues to improve as my nerves seem to be waking up lately and the oral meds seem to be having a bteter response and have had three nocturnal erections this past week (not the same as before the surgery really good chubbies).

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Re: Orgasms after prostatectomy

Postby notsostiff » Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:57 pm

I am 10 months post prostatectomy and my orgasms have been improving steadily. They are now quite strong. They are different from before surgery but they are strong and last longer.
Had a robotic prostatectomy on 16 Dec 2010, with partial bi-lateral nerve sparing.

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Re: Orgasms after prostatectomy

Postby RMDavis » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:25 am

It's almost 2 years for me since surgery and my orgasms have been quite satisfying in the last year or so. They're totally different than when I had a prostate, not as deep or intense, but what the heck, they still feel good! My problem is that my body still can't get used to no semen, so when I orgasm I tend to pee a, I empty my bladder before sex and hope my wife doesn't get too grossed out by a little urine. So far, she is ok with my limitations and occasional "slips" and as long as she is satisfied, I'm ok too. The orgasms WILL get better..don't lose hope, just make sure that you don't neglect your "buddy" if your spouse isn't interested in sex, just fall back on "mother thumb and her four lovely daughters".

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Re: Orgasms after prostatectomy

Postby sabaone » Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:07 am

It's almost seven months since I had my prostate removed. I'm still unable to get erections but can masturbate to orgasm with a flaccid to semi-flaccid penis. I had very little incontinence from the beginning and virtually none now EXCEPT. Except when I have an orgasm. As my penis starts to get to a pre-orgasmic stage, urine comes out, and when I orgasm I spray out urine.

Will this ever stop? Is there something I should be doing, or more of it? I do Kegels irregularly but have a sense that were I to increase the frequency it may help with the urine/orgasm. Any ideas? I feel reluctant to have my wife share in my masturbation (me or she the "master") because of the spraying.

Also, when I tried to search for people with similar issues by using the word "urine" in search, it brought up zero because it is too common a word. How does one search for this issue then?

DOB:2/1940; 4 Oct 2011, date of Robotic surgery
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Re: Orgasms after prostatectomy

Postby Daverx » Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:00 pm

I am a 69 year old that is 23 months post open RP. I have been able to orgasm since I first dared to masterbate post surgery. I had a Titan implant this past Jan 11 and I am very happy with it. My orgasms are more intense than ever before in my life and they last about twice as long. Like all of you readers, I have been through quite a harrowing journey over the last two years, but I am elated to be where I am today. Never give up hope, hope is eternal. There will be many better days ahead for those who have faith/
75 yr old survivor of aggressive PC, original implant in 2012, revision Apr 19 2018. AMS 18cm 3cm RTE Happy man.

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Re: Orgasms after prostatectomy

Postby thoroughbred » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:27 pm

I had my radical prostatectomy 18 years ago by a reputable head of a Urology Dept. at a major university's teaching hospital. Recovery was hard while the catheter was in. There was no rehab in those days, and the only erectile aid available was the penile insertable Muse. My report that my penis had lost almost an inch was met with strong denial by the medical staff. When I was able to have my first erection it felt shrunken and numb. Both continence and some erectile capacity slowly returned over the years. I first turned to pumping and later tried Viagra and the other drugs that followed it. I could not cope well with the side effects of drugs and related concerns about their lowering blood pressure. Eventually, I got the courage to ask for an injectable. It helped enormously though not always predictably at first.

As to the question about orgasms, it is an extremely relevant and important one. No doubt, every man is different due to the extent and success of his surgery and overall good health. In my case, I found that orgasms varied greatly, but under good circumstances could be so strong as to astound me with their intensity. The same might be said for penile sensitivity. Many times the pleasure was and continues more or less to be acutely powerful and astonishingly rewarding. Yes, these orgasms might be often not the same as before surgery. Sure I miss the sense of semen expelling, its aroma and visual, tactile qualities. However, on occasion I have discharged a clear viscous fluid in with the same kind of wave like spasms I had a 16 year old. No orgasm I have is ever quite the same in quality or intensity. I offer this simple report to Frank Talk because all this has taken such a long time and was so unexpected. Pursue your potency with care, prudence, and self love. There's a lot now and perhaps more to come. I wish every man hope and joy in the exercise of his virility now and in the future.

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