Pain (burning) urinating sometimes, along with lack of erection (occasionally) and minimal ejaculation?

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Pain (burning) urinating sometimes, along with lack of erection (occasionally) and minimal ejaculation?

Postby drw1107 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:34 pm

I think there may be something seriously wrong with me, but trying to be optimistic. I know I have no VD, but maybe something is wrong within my urinary/ reproductive tract, or within the digestive tract. Sorry, I get upset thinking about things like this and I get scared easily. I'm glad some other guys let me know that something isn't right and I need to speak to my primary ASAP.

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Re: Pain (burning) urinating sometimes, along with lack of erection (occasionally) and minimal ejaculation?

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:54 pm

Hi For your urinating that could be just a UTi, so yes do see your doctor over that.
As for your ejaculating, could be the your PC muscle has got weak, this you can put right with kegels, just go to just under the header banner you see a list of links your see kegels there. OK, you just fololow what they say, dead simple to do and should soon have you firing again. OK

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