Frustrated in South Carolina

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Frustrated in South Carolina

Postby lawnman29678 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:32 pm

I have been dealing with low testosterone for approximately 5-6 years. I have had multiple opinions (1 Internist, 1 Endocrinologist, 1 male NP who specializes in men's health, and 3 Urologists). I am NOT a "Doctor Shopper" or a "Drug Seeker". Each has helped in some way, but seems to become complacent and develop a "wait and see" attitude (come back in 6 weeks). Suggestions have been: Androgel (insurance denied), Axiron (levels fluctuated drastically), Testosterone Cypionate injections (levels fluctuated), Aveed (approved for drug, but insurance denied) and now Clomid. I am currently taking Arimidex 1mg once weekly, Clomid 25mg daily, and Cialis 5mg daily. In April my testosterone level was 571, which sounds great for a 51yo. However, I seem to feel most "normal" at around 900-1000. I am to have blood work and see my current Urologist in Jan. to determine if we should increase Clomid to 50mg daily. My energy levels have improved and the mood swings have drastically decreased. Erections can occur, but are few and far between, and often short lived. I have tried Viagra (little affect), Levitra (worked too well), Trimix, and Cialis (20mg as needed or 5mg daily). I have questioned Venous Leakage, but no one seems to think a Doppler Ultrasound is worthwhile. I am VERY happily married, but libido/desire for sex or masturbation is EXTREMELY low. Can anyone near Charleston, SC recommend a physician or make a recommendation? Thanks!

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Re: Frustrated in South Carolina

Postby Anonymous2 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:46 pm

Hi LM, Just started Clomid myself and on my own back, it takes around 6 to 8 weeks to get you up there so I've just done my first, but it does give you a lift, muscle pains have gone, a wonky knee feels better, and feel a lot brighter with it, had 4 days at 50mg now down on 25mg.

But our hormones in general do need a look at when we are down. OK

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Frustrated in South Carolina

Postby postra7777 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:20 pm

Take a look at Testopel implant. I got sick of paying $300 / month for Axiron and had my Uro do the Testopel implant. This is where they take testosterone pellets and implant them into your butt cheek just under the skin. You body absorbs what it needs over a 6 month period. Then you have to do it again. Best thing is that most insurances pay for it. It kept my levels around 900-1100 pretty consistently. Last time I had it done I had 16 pellets (about the size of a grain of rice) implanted. I will say that I have since switched to the weekly shots. The procedure itself is a bit uncomfortable (not painful) and you do have a sore butt cheek for about 5 or 6 days. Other than that they were great. ... opel_Exact
Suffered with ED for most of my life. Viagra then to Trimix then implanted 3/8/2018 with AMX 700 CX 21cm with 1cm RTE. 50 years old Urolift procedure performed 30 day prior to my implant surgery.

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