Post surgery question

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Post surgery question

Postby lewvino » Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:53 am

I've posted extensive update on healing well site But will ask this question here.

I'm on the start of day 4 with the Catheter. Have to wear for 12 days. Two different evening at about 5pm when I've been setting doing emails on the computer I will suddenly notice my underware is wet with urine from around the penis tip. I assume this is normal? The first day or two had lot of red blood oozing around the penis but that has stopped pretty much. Just this urine wetness two times now. Thought that Cath would catch all of that urine.


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Re: Post surgery question

Postby Paul-Mod » Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:38 am

The leakage around the catheter is normal. It is not a perfect seal around the catheter so some urine will leak through. When you are taking a crap, watch out. those involuntary contractions as you finish will often result in some real squirts of urine out your dick. Since your dick can no longer go inside the toilet, you need to keep some toilet paper on your dick to catch it. Keep the tip of your dick lubed up with either KY or whatever they give you in the hospital. Don't use vaseline. What looks like a lot of blood to us, is nothing to a doctor. as long as you can take a piss, they don't care what comes out.
As much as we all want some proof that things are OK in the ED department, this is not the time to see if you can get an erection. Ouch.
good luck

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Re: Post surgery question

Postby BrokenArrow » Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:27 pm

Larry, I saw your post on HW. Looks like you're doing pretty good. Leakage around the cath is normal. I had mine for about 17 days total. Even until a few days before removal, I had a small amount of urine and still a small amount of blood leaking around. This is normal, especially when trying to have a dump, according to my doctors. Stay on the stool softeners so you're not straining. Keep the end of the rooster clean and use KY as a lube, not vaseline as has already been said. And there's a reason they get you up asap for a walkabout. It's gets your bowels moving properly. Drink lots, walk lots without overdoing it. As Paul said, don't even think of trying for some wood with the catheter in. You'll stress the plumbing too much. Getting a bit of wood with it in is a good sign, doesn't mean you'll be OK the day after catheter is out. We're all different.

Good luck and speedy recovery.

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Re: Post surgery question

Postby lewvino » Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:32 am

I'm not trying to get an erection yet. But it feels good to know there are some rumblings going on down there. I'm not sure if the one was just a wild dream or a true night time erection. I had to VERY VIVID Dreams that night! Yesterday wife was at work all day and was channel surfing the TV Between my walks. Don't worry I'm not a coach potato. Stumbled on some show about Female strippers. My brain was sending all kinds of signals downstairs and I could feel some twitches going on! Once the Cath comes out Dr. Smith has a specific penile rehabilitaton plan as he calls it to Start on. Told my wife I'm really looking forward to the homework for that one!

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Re: Post surgery question

Postby Paul-Mod » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:35 am

getting ANY twitches down there is a good sign. Even just a slight puffiness is good. It means nerves are talking...maybe not having conversations yet, but talking. When you get the catheter out, it is tempting to see what you can do. My doc told me two different things...when he sent me home, he told me to do nothing. When I did something (JO) and told him, he told me...'aw, nothings going to happen. It's not as though you're going to knock anything loose."

But don't get excited. those first orgasms are not anything fact they just feel weird...kinda achy almost. but they get better.

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Re: Post surgery question

Postby lewvino » Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:44 pm

Monday evening I felt some very warm sensations inside about where I would think the surgery area was. It was tinkly and warm I actually thought I might had wet my self since the Cath has been leaking at times. When I checked my underware it was very dy and I'm assuming this might have been some nerve type sensations in there. I've had over 15 nerve tumors removed on my left arm and this senstation was similar to those nerves. I know its way to early to know anything about erection capability yet but keeping my fingers crossed.
The Cath comes out on Monday and then I start on Levitra.

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Re: Post surgery question

Postby Cliff244703 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:10 pm

Anyone had their pump stick to the wall of their scrotum after surgery?
Implant in Oct. 2018, AMS 700. Pump repositioned in Dec. 2018.

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