Womens reaction to ED

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby Lost Sheep » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:06 pm

oowright wrote:My honest opinion is that ED and whatever are done about it, is a put-off for women ...

True that is. What's more, any weakness or failing is a "put-off" (or Turn-Off) for some women. And this makes genetic sense. A woman wants a strong, capable man without defects to provide the genetic source for her children, for the sake of the species. This is encoded into her psyche.

But it is equally true that a man willing to take the initiative to remedy said weakness is a turn--ON for many women.

This also makes genetic sense. A woman wants a man who can overcome difficulties, who can weather storms and be a good provider for her and her offspring. This is also encoded into her psyche.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby oowright » Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:12 am

A woman marries a CEO etc. to satisfy the "security encoding" of her psyche, then sleps with the driver to satisfy the "sexual encoding" of her psyche.

Most men here are very resposible and committed to their relationships - but they are here! Let's face it, if we are incapable of spontaenous, good quality erections then we are a put-off to women. That is where pills and injections fail due to the time to effectiveness and the need to "plan" the activity. Our women are supportive, that is all. But we will never again be "men" in their eyes when they come to know that we need "help" to become "men". Which of them will honestly tell you that, knowing the effect on you?

Concerning ourselves about women's reaction to ED can start an anxiety or insecurity syndrome, worsening our ED ...
62. Married 37yrs. Intermittent fasting and exercises for diabetes. ED for over 27yrs. Suspect VL. Tried myriads of supplements and viagra - not working. Afraid of injections but will now try Caverject. Interested in inflatable implants ...

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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:08 am

oowright wrote:A woman marries a CEO etc. to satisfy the "security encoding" of her psyche, then sleps with the driver to satisfy the "sexual encoding" of her psyche.

Most men here are very resposible and committed to their relationships - but they are here! Let's face it, if we are incapable of spontaenous, good quality erections then we are a put-off to women. That is where pills and injections fail due to the time to effectiveness and the need to "plan" the activity. Our women are supportive, that is all. But we will never again be "men" in their eyes when they come to know that we need "help" to become "men". Which of them will honestly tell you that, knowing the effect on you?

Concerning ourselves about women's reaction to ED can start an anxiety or insecurity syndrome, worsening our ED ...

Hi OO It was my wife who told me she was not getting any that started me looking for a way out of this problem we get, ended up with Viagra but gave me bad side effects, and not cheap here in Greece, so did a lot of my own research and here I am to day getting bigger and stringer erections, nocturnal erections that do wake me up and some really good morning woods that wake the wife up, she never complains about that, taught her its bad to waste a good erection, as you never know when the next one is coming along, just drop down few post till you come to DRUGS VERSUS HERBS, HERBS MY CHOICE its all there.

Just remember to get good erections you need good clean blood, get that working your half way there, its worked for me and still does, and do take my mix daily, and that mix will clean you veins and artery's unclog blocked ones, but you find doctors/uros wont tell you about it, American doctors/uros love there kick backs from drug company's, he cant get a kick back from garlic or herbs, spices or supplements and a hormone that can be brought anywhere.

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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby graymare » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:59 am

This is very interesting to me. Reading comments here I find many of you are not married, and are experiencing ED with a girlfriend. I admire your courage in broaching this with your significant other. I consider myself very lucky to have an understanding wife, who is commited to our marriage, and willing to partner with me in this unexpected phase of our life together. Years ago at the onset of my ED I didn't tell her I was using pills from my GP. I felt it was on a "need to know" situation. I was wrong. Eventually I told her and she was fine with it. As the pills lost their efficacy, I was glad to have opened that line of communication. We have since moved on to Trimix with very good results. Prior to injections, I expected more sexual activity. I would take a pill hoping to get lucky later and was disappointed when it didn't materialize. Now with Trimix we plan our "dates" ahead of time. Though the sexual spontaneity is gone, we have to admit we like this new approach. Having an erection that won't go away makes for a very relaxed situation. We have the time now to become far more intimate. She has learned far more about me because we don't have to rush intercourse before my hardon goes away. And I can pay far more attention to her needs for the same reason. She came from a religious upbringing where good girls shouldn't have a curiosity about penises and erections. Now we are both glad she has the chance to catch up on her education.
Married, 66 yrs old, ED for 22 yrs. On TriMix for 5 yrs. Live in the Adirondacks of NY. Would be a nudist if it weren't for the black flies and the short summers. :D

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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:44 am

good girls shouldn't have a curiosity about penises and erections. Now we are both glad she has the chance to catch up on her education.

Hi Graymare if your and your wife would like to gain even more education that can be use in the bedroom or any other room in your house,
I do suggest that you just go have a look on www.dodsonandross.com and let Dr Betty Dodson help even more, your both find its like all the questions your afraid to ask about sex, on this site your find all the answers to any thing you wish to, most people I know who go on there love it as Betty is very straight with her answers, she pulls no punch's with her answers and its easy reading.

So please do just go and have a good look round and your see. OK

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Lost Sheep
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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:40 pm

graymare wrote: I admire your courage in broaching this with your significant other.

Less courage than desperation...and determination on my part.

I posted on Craigslist and PoF (Plenty of Fish), frankly, clearly but discreetly that I was looking for an understanding woman willing to help me on my journey from impotence to (probably) an implant. I received several replies, almost all supportive and nearly half willing to consider entering into the physical relationship I requested (sort of a before-to-after journey). Many women expressed admiration for my bravery.

Denial is not attractive. When a man refuses to ask directions, when clearly he is lost, that is a turn-off for many women. A man who is strong enough to admit a mistake, being lost or a weakness AND IS ALPHA MALE ENOUGH TO TAKE STEPS TO FIX THE PROBLEM is attractive. More attractive than even a so-called "perfect" specimen of a man. So say all the women I have polled on the matter.

(That is, "polled", not "poled")

Lost Sheep
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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby ontopher469 » Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:43 pm

Most men, who have ED, don't seem to realize that their wives can still have great orgasms with their husbands whether the husband can get an erection or not! The answer of course is for the man to give his wife oral sex on her clitoris! Oral on her clitoris virtually guarantees her to have an orgasm!

I don't think I have ever read in this forum that men, who no longer have vagina intercourse with their wives, ever mention that he is willing to continue to satisfy his wife (giving her oral sex) after his ejaculation days are over. Are we men that inconsiderate of our wives??

Lost Sheep
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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:36 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:
oowright wrote:My honest opinion is that ED and whatever are done about it, is a put-off for women ...

True that is. What's more, any weakness or failing is a "put-off" (or Turn-Off) for some women. And this makes genetic sense. A woman wants a strong, capable man without defects to provide the genetic source for her children, for the sake of the species. This is encoded into her psyche.

But it is equally true that a man willing to take the initiative to remedy said weakness is a turn--ON for many women.

This also makes genetic sense. A woman wants a man who can overcome difficulties, who can weather storms and be a good provider for her and her offspring. This is also encoded into her psyche.

Lost Sheep

To put a finer point on my earlier post (now too old to edit)

Females of almost all species are genetically programmed to unconsciously seek out and couple with males of their species with superior genes (for the benefit of the species, through their offspring).

Females of almost all species which require any lengthy gestation and offspring-raising time are also programmed to seek out those males of their species who are good providers, responsible and able to commit.

So, in humans, females TEND to marry the good provider (and love them) and tend to have affairs with the virile.

This is a speculation on my part, but supported by plenty of biological research in humans as well as other mammals.

I further speculate that if a man can demonstrate INTELLECTUAL virility, I expect that can have an influence on a thinking woman's feelings.

Lost Sheep
Lost Sheep
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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby Andy425 » Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:06 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:
Lost Sheep wrote:
oowright wrote:My honest opinion is that ED and whatever are done about it, is a put-off for women ...

True that is. What's more, any weakness or failing is a "put-off" (or Turn-Off) for some women. And this makes genetic sense. A woman wants a strong, capable man without defects to provide the genetic source for her children, for the sake of the species. This is encoded into her psyche.

But it is equally true that a man willing to take the initiative to remedy said weakness is a turn--ON for many women.

This also makes genetic sense. A woman wants a man who can overcome difficulties, who can weather storms and be a good provider for her and her offspring. This is also encoded into her psyche.

Lost Sheep

To put a finer point on my earlier post (now too old to edit)

Females of almost all species are genetically programmed to unconsciously seek out and couple with males of their species with superior genes (for the benefit of the species, through their offspring).

Females of almost all species which require any lengthy gestation and offspring-raising time are also programmed to seek out those males of their species who are good providers, responsible and able to commit.

So, in humans, females TEND to marry the good provider (and love them) and tend to have affairs with the virile.

This is a speculation on my part, but supported by plenty of biological research in humans as well as other mammals.

I further speculate that if a man can demonstrate INTELLECTUAL virility, I expect that can have an influence on a thinking woman's feelings.

Lost Sheep

I don't disagree with any of that. :D

However, I would add this point to your already accurate ideas: It is a generalization of the human condition -- as you noted by using the word "TEND". But if some guys think that ONE specific woman is necessarily going to act accordingly, would be risky.

I suspect the older guys here probably already know this, but maybe not the younger guys. As I got older (66 now) I realized that nothing is black and white -- especially regarding human relationships. To predict how one person will react under certain conditions is an exercise in futility. :eek:
RP in 2012 because of prostate cancer. 100% ED, also some leakage problems.

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Re: Womens reaction to ED

Postby Anonymous2 » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:15 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:
Lost Sheep wrote:
oowright wrote:My honest opinion is that ED and whatever are done about it, is a put-off for women ...

True that is. What's more, any weakness or failing is a "put-off" (or Turn-Off) for some women. And this makes genetic sense. A woman wants a strong, capable man without defects to provide the genetic source for her children, for the sake of the species. This is encoded into her psyche.

But it is equally true that a man willing to take the initiative to remedy said weakness is a turn--ON for many women.

This also makes genetic sense. A woman wants a man who can overcome difficulties, who can weather storms and be a good provider for her and her offspring. This is also encoded into her psyche.

Lost Sheep

To put a finer point on my earlier post (now too old to edit)

Females of almost all species are genetically programmed to unconsciously seek out and couple with males of their species with superior genes (for the benefit of the species, through their offspring).

Females of almost all species which require any lengthy gestation and offspring-raising time are also programmed to seek out those males of their species who are good providers, responsible and able to commit.

So, in humans, females TEND to marry the good provider (and love them) and tend to have affairs with the virile.

This is a speculation on my part, but supported by plenty of biological research in humans as well as other mammals.

I further speculate that if a man can demonstrate INTELLECTUAL virility, I expect that can have an influence on a thinking woman's feelings.

Lost Sheep

Sorry lost sheep I think one talks a lot of bollocks, what makes a women love a man, the real answer is we will never know, there are so called lots of marriages that people say wont last and 40 years later there as happy as sin, and the ones that should last fail.

As couples most of us have had hard times its all part of the game of marriage, and its these hard times that brings us closer together, but the sex still goes on, its sex a women is looking for and not someone with deep pockets, and being happy does not take lots of money it helps.

Its togetherness that really counts at the end of the day, its the one thing we all love, your find a women who is looking for Mr right with lots of money will be in for a very sad marriage, as Mr rights tend to only splash out when they want something done, I know I have worked with some of these guys, you would not let them shit for you as there so tight.

This talking from life and not books.

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