RP patients - How long before erections come back??

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby radiodec » Thu May 15, 2014 9:36 pm

Spontaneous erections may never return nor ones that work with pills. Injections often help for quite a while and even if they don't, there is always the implant. Getting one is no picnic but most often not tremendously bad. Implants do work and well. After 18 months I am still happy with mine.

Fourteen years out from prostate cancer surgery I am doing well, even after radiation treatments for an attempted recurrence by the cancer.

70 - married 47 years: RP - 2000, injections till 2012, AMS700LGX with 21cm tubes 2cm extenders 11/7/2012, failed 6/5/2017 --- Re-implanted 8/18/2017 with AMS 700CX -- Implants by Dr. David Morris, Hendersonville,TN

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby Greybeard » Fri May 16, 2014 6:49 pm

How very true you all are ... 5 yrs out here and never had intercourse since the RP! There are times I wish I had lived another year or two normally and then called it quits. Lots to be thankful for I guess but life without sex ... Well can we really call it life? There are times when I wished I let nature talk it's course ..

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby Andy425 » Fri May 16, 2014 8:19 pm

Greybeard wrote:How very true you all are ... 5 yrs out here and never had intercourse since the RP! There are times I wish I had lived another year or two normally and then called it quits. Lots to be thankful for I guess but life without sex ... Well can we really call it life? There are times when I wished I let nature talk it's course ..

I hear ya on that, although you're the first person that has actually said it that I've run into.

I have often contemplated this, and of having several good years of a normal life instead of the RP.

I met a woman two weeks ago who wants to go out with me (we have mutual friends so I know this for a fact). The mutual friend gave me her phone number -- at her request. I've had it since Monday but have not called her. Every night I say I will do it, but so far I have chickened out. I'm thinking seriously of it right now but am writing on a limp dick forum instead. Prostate cancer is such a sick joke.

Half of me wants to call her -- I would certainly like some female companionship -- and the other half of me is saying "Why waste everybody's time? There are no goal posts."
RP in 2012 because of prostate cancer. 100% ED, also some leakage problems.

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby Bionic_by_AMS » Sat May 17, 2014 5:12 pm

Why the poor attitude? ... What have you done to correct the issue?

Have you at least tried Injections or considered an Implant to deal with ED?
Robotic Prostrate surgery - Dec. 2011 - AMS 700 LGX Implant - 21 cm/3 cm RTE - June 2012

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby Peter1951 » Mon May 19, 2014 1:12 am

I had robotic surgery just over 3 months ago with full nerve sparing and no natural reaction down below since the op.

The urologist and ED specialist both said at least 12-18 months before any sort of normalcy returns, if ever.

The ED specialist insists that injections must be used at least twice a week in order to stop scarring of the blood vessels. He uses injections because fresh blood goes into the penis rather than oxygen depleted blood when using a pump. Unfortunately I am one of the many who react badly to prostaglandins so don't know how things will turn out long term. Bimix didn't work and so starting low dose trimix next week.

There are a couple of videos on this page below if you are interested or search for menshealthdoctor on YouTube.


Hope that helps.

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby TWFJR357 » Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:03 pm

Had RRP May 8, 2014. Gleason 4-3=7, nerves spared. As of 9-15 I am off the pads and have 65%
erections with 200mg Stendra. With a little "stimulation" from the wife, it goes to 95%.
I feel very fortunate, but still have a way to go to get to whatever the new normal will be.

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby satopper » Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:33 pm

I feel pretty lucky. My erections came back within a few weeks after RRP. I wasn't sure it would happen, but it seemed the "nerve sparing" worked. My first one was actually while taking with a friend in another state and we had a long and intimate conversation; so stimulating that I eventually laid down on the bed while continuously stroking and as the conversation got hotter, I got harder and eventually "came"--well, I "came" internally. It was quite a surprise and quite a great feeling to be able to "get off". It was a few more weeks before I even thought of intercourse, but then everything was like before, except that there was no sticky, gooey mess this time. I do use Viagra (small dose), although I still get an erection naturally. I just find that it makes me "harder" and that makes penetration easier; there were times when I would be about 80% hard, and penetration was difficult. However, with Viagra, there is no problem and I have had partners say that mine is very, very hard--and it sure makes my partners happy.

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby Moonman33 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:53 pm

Otis? I am now about two years since my prostate surgery. I was told that I would most likely never be normal/regular again, but the possibility was there, if I could would pump it, stroke, play with it, and what ever method could help. The only time that a semi erection occurs naturally, is when I am urinating for a lengthy time. But, nothing has come back, and it seems like a lost of size comes with the operation..and, I can't afford too much lost.. LOL..I have been taking injections but have yet to find the right amount. I will be meeting with my urology nurse to see if I have been doing it correctly, or if I need a stronger solution. Good luck ...Moonman33

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Re: RP patients - How long before erections come back??

Postby DesertDweller » Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:47 am

Otis and other RP patients,

My natural erections never came back following my protatectomy in 2005. My last natural erection took place on the morning immediately preceding the surgery. Losing this capability was a disappointment, because the uro claimed to know how to do nerve-sparing surgery, and claimed to have spared both nerves. Since I had good erectile response before the surgery and since even pills don't work since the surgery, I tend to doubt the competence of my uro with regard to nerve-sparing.

However, on the positive side, this uro did a good job at maintaining my urinary continence, and I have had no recurrence of cancer. And, also on the positive side, Trimix injections have worked for me for the past nine years for intercourse and the pump works for masturbation or for an occasional "quickie". But the biggest positive is that I have recognized other important things in life, like trying to do things that benefit future generations.

I recommend doing whatever you can to maintain both your sexuality and your sense of purpose in life.

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