Viagra v Lavitra

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Viagra v Lavitra

Postby dtwarren1942 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:17 pm

I have been using Viagra for over ten years and have worked my dosage up to 100 mg. Even at 100 mg, I usually need constriction to maintain a decent erection. Went to the Urologist today and he wants me to try 25 mg of Lavitra to see if it works better. Are 25 mg of Lavitra equivalent to 100 mg of Viagra? Anyone tried both and have an opinion as to which is more effective?
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

Frank Talk Admin
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Re: Viagra v Lavitra

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:45 am

The maximum standard doses, I am not sure, are entirely corellary. Due to the slight differences in chemicals, for side effects or safety reasons, the maximum standard doses I'm sure do not have the same wattage. Most men, but not all, find viagra to be the most hard hitting. For some men, The Viagra is too much and the Levitra is sort of a velvet fist in the PDE-5 world. Levitra does better with food and alcohol, lasts longer, and has a more subtle effect. For me, levitra did nothing for years. Now, it works ok - but still not as strong as viagra.

Try cialis as well. That is best absorption of them all. Take it mid afternoon and you can have a nice dinner. Also, ask your doctor about combinations. Don't do this on your own, however. Risks increase a lot. So be sure to talk to your doc. Many docs will allow some experimentation, but I dont know your general health.

Other combination therapies include pumping with oral meds. Getting the penis fully engorged, help to close off the veins that drain it. Often times, once the veins close, the oral meds can take over. You would not use a ring for this therapy. Take the pill - an hour later, try pumping up and see if the erection stays.
You are right to use a constriction ring with the oral meds. You might try different one. I don't know the sequence of your erection issues - does it get hard and then slowly fade? does it never get hard? If it gets hard, put on a strong constriction ring and it should stay hard - be sure to take it off within thirty minutes.
Again keep talking to your doc. I'm just an schmuck - not a doctor. But make sure you have an ED specialist, not a general Uro.
good luck

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Re: Viagra v Lavitra

Postby dtwarren1942 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:35 pm

Thanks for the response Paul. My primary ED issue at this time is maintaining the erection after getting one. Hence, the need for constriction. BTW, I have been pumping for about 15 months. The reason I am trying Lavitra is that I would like to improve my initial erection to 95% and maintain it without constriction. Without any medication, I am unable to achieve even a mild semi. My current procedure is to take a Maxidus pill (primary ingredient is eurycoma longifolia plus seven other herbs) which generates a nice semi after 90 minutes. I then take Viagra and another Maxidus and start pumping for thirty minutes which usually results in a slightly enlarged 85 - 90% erection which begins to fade after 5 minutes if I do not put on a constriction band. With the band on, I can usually maintain a 90% erection for up to an hour (periodically releasing constriction). I'd prefer a constriction free 95% erection without constriction (constriction tends to numb my glans after 10 minutes), but I can live with what I am currently able to achieve if Lavitra does not due the trick. However, I would like to achieve a better quality erection without constriction and without having to start preparing 2+ hours in advance.

I picked up my Lavitra prescription on Monday, but have not tried it yet. I think I am afraid of being disappointed. I know I can be 90% successful using my current procedure and I hesitate trying something new which may not work as well. My erections are on the endangered list and I don't want to waste opportunities for good sexual encounters.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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