Ineffective generics of cialis/viagra/levitra

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Re: Ineffective generics of cialis/viagra/levitra

Postby Vvs111 » Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:13 pm

Donkeykong wrote:Has anybody else found that pharmacies sell ineffective generics for viagra/levitra/cialis? I am in the U.S.

I feel like I am being forced to consider implant when I probably just need pills that contain what they claim to contain.

This is a ridiculous situation to be in:

Since the pandemic, I had only one 90-day refill of a generic cialis that worked pretty well. That was a couple of years ago. I haven't been able to find that particular generic brand anywhere since then, but I hoarded some, and sure enough, every time I used them I would get good erections. Anyway, all the other generics of this medication they gave me before or since (three different manufacturers so far) might as well be sugar pills. I know they are bunk because they have no side effects.

And I haven't found working generics of viagra and levitra since 2021. Same thing, no side effects so I know they’re bunk.

My docs have confirmed to me that other patients have this problem. In fact one said “I get this all the time...” But the docs don’t have control over the brand you get.

Pharmacies in my area refuse to order brand name cialis/levitra/viagra even if you specifically ask for them. They would cost thousands of dollars per container if they did order them. As for ordering a particular generic brand, that is impossible too. You pretty much get whatever fell from the truck.

I ran out of my hoard of the generic cialis that worked about a year ago and haven’t had a decent erection since except with injections, but I don’t care to inject anymore because I get long term swelling and nodules (scarring) from them.

I had the same issue with a TRT clinic’s generic meds. I went back to a peptide company’s meds and they work much better. I’d be happy to share it with you if the board allows it.

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