Venous leak embolization

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Venous leak embolization

Postby Terminator_7 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:59 pm


I would like to ask you about your experiences related to venous leak embolization.
This type of surgery is currently available in only a few countries:
- Taiwan
- Singapore
- Florida
- France
- Switzerland
- Spain

You can mention other countries, if you know.

I know about these above.

The venous leak surgery is not recommended since 2015, because of poor long term results. However the long term results used to be 60-70% success rate based on different sources from internet or even more. The question is what long term means for the doctors? Other sources say outcomes are very poor beyond 1-2 years. It might be because new veins appear and veins wasn't the original problem. (?)

One of the doctors said:
"Approximately, 30% of people can benefit from surgery, either to completely solve the pathology or to delay the arrival of the penile prosthesis while helping them maintain their erections."

Are there any special cases when venous leak embolization solves the problem completely and it doesn't return?

What are the side effects of the surgery?

Are the new methods including the CT Angiography with 3D reconstruction make any difference in long term results or it destined to fail in long term? I read that the new type of surgery leaves no scar.

Are the surgery and CT Angiography painful?

It would be very good to hear informations from people who had this type of surgery in the past.

I am not going to have implant for sure, so this surgery is my only hope.
For me Sildenafil/Tadalafil/any similar product from sex shop + penile ring together is more effective than Caverject injection alone, however it's not enough for a relationship and I don't like the ring either. I will die alone :cry:

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Re: Venous leak embolization

Postby 25yearsold » Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:54 pm

I had this procedure when I was 25 years old; 6 years ago.

It somewhat helped: First 2 weeks almost normal erections, efficacy faded quickly after that, in 1-2 month I was just slightly better than my baseline. That slight effect also gradually faded in 2-3 years.

I dont really think the numbers mentioned for the long term success in medical articles reflects the truth.
I have never seen/talked a person who had this procedure and kept benefits for more than couple years.

Operation was not painful, there was mild to moderate pain after operation for 3-5 days but was easily managable with ordinary painkillers.
I had size loss and some sensation loss. Size loss was 1 inch, but it was temporary, size came back to normal in 2-3 months.
Sensation loss was probably because of the incision made on dorsal part of penis. I still can orgasm but it takes more time. Sensation loss did not get better with time

About new developed techniques; I believe they can access the veins with only needle puncture without surgical incision. It may help preventing possible sensation loss. However I dont think 3d CT matters so much, as they (doctors) usually glue everywhere they see and they can in angiogram during procedure.

My opinion: do not rely upon it as a “cure”, it is not. On the other hand if it helps, and if you manage to keep the benefits for a while it may delay the implant for 2-5 years.

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Re: Venous leak embolization

Postby Txagq8 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:01 pm

I got diagnosed officially in the mid-1980s. They put me on bi-mix.

Goldstein’s book “The Potent Male” was pretty much the Bible for guys like me. Fortunately I was lucky and injections worked real well, but the urologist I saw told me with my veins the way they were I would definitely be a candidate for future venous ligation/crural tuck.

In fact the doctor could induce a pretty good semi on me simply by clamping two veins that were visible from the surface.

Fast forward 15 years. I had a big time work up in the University of Kansas med school. I was really bummed out because their view was: venous surgery was a bust, they could continue to manage me with pills plus shots, and the outlook on the 3 pc inflatable implant kept getting better and better as more were installed.

The way they explained it to me was your circulatory system was very good at finding workarounds when there’s a blockage. They could cut, tie off, rip out any number of veins but in a few months my body would have other veins taking over the workload. I’d be right back where I started.

Yes, it’s a damn shame if doesn’t work. But it doesn’t.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: Venous leak embolization

Postby Pumpingvictum » Fri May 10, 2024 11:02 am

Can cavernosography cause harmful effects?
I damaged my peins 2012 by enlargment exersise by home made penis pump. 2 penile doppler with normal result and 1 cavernosography with normal result.

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