G spot Squirting

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G spot Squirting

Postby shipper222001 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:07 pm

Its been several years since I have had a naturral erection good enough to have sex without injecting Trimix or taking medications such as Cialis, etc. This morning I woke up with a very hard erection which lasted and my wife and I had great sex. We both had strong orgasms especially her. I noticed when we were finished that there was a lot of body fluids in her, on me and the bed was very wet. It was a lot more than my semen (I still have a prostate and ejaculate). At first we thought my wife might have peed but the wetness with a thick clear liquid. We both concluded that she most have squirted. We have tried for years to find my wife's G spot and make her squirt. Never able too. We did nothing different this morning and didnt change any foreplay. Maybe it was that my wife was very excited about my natural erection. Also noticed this morning that I hit bottom (my wifes cervix) a few times. I hardly ever do this because Im not very long. Wonder if this trigger her squirting?

Any comments? Anyone also able to make their partner squirt?

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Re: G spot Squirting

Postby Eugene » Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:13 pm

I can't say that I have ever had that experience. I have heard of some women having some sort of discharge during an orgasm, but don't know much more about the matter. I didn't know there was any relationship of a found g-spot and the possiblity of a squirting episode.
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Re: G spot Squirting

Postby notsostiff » Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:29 pm

Its the Skene's gland which is connected to the G-spot which provides the fluid. Its sometimes called the female prostate and produces similar fluid.
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Re: G spot Squirting

Postby ontopher469 » Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:05 pm

Hey shipper222001,

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your wife's G-spot sqirting incident. Bottoming out inside your partner apparently occurs very rarely. I reviewed Notsostiff's reference to Skene's gland. Apparently he gave a correct diagnosis about your fortuitious being able to hit your wife's Cervix.

I'm 6.25" and have never bottomed out inside my wife. You said you're not very big but didn't give your penis length and diameter. Please had your mesurements. You also didn't mention as to your wife's dryness condition and if one of your uses lube.

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Re: G spot Squirting

Postby DonBecker54 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:27 pm

I'm not unusually big, but my ex was a squirter. If she was really getting off, our bed would be soaked. I don't think it had to do with me hitting her g spot at those times and not at others, but just how well we were both doing.

Unusual that your wife never squirted before.
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