38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby BillKeel » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:38 pm

Grayfox wrote:First of all find a good Urologist who knows ED. It doesn't sound like your current doctor is particularly interested. He should have tried a number of things by now. He has let you down. :evil:
When the pills stopped working for me, I had excellent results using a vacuum erection device (VED) for several years. Its a bit of a pain to use, but it does work. ;)
To be honest, the best solution is an implant. I got mine 3 years ago and have never regretted it one bit. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. :D

Thanks for the endorsement of the implant. I feel like that is last resort. I still don't like the idea of never having a natural erection again. I wish there was a way to have both options. I need to meet with a good urologist. Unfortunately, there are no good ones covered by my insurance. I have more research to do in that dept.
ED since 15 yrs or earlier.
Currently around 38 yrs.
Anxiety/Depression over ED.
Cialis 5mg daily, more when needed.
Considering implant as last effort.

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby BillKeel » Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:03 pm

Wolfpacker: No i have never tried Viagra. I liked the idea of Cialis in that I can be ready to go whenever, but I suppose I could try Viagra. That being said, it doesn't alleviate my concerns with my vision issues.

Lost Sheep: I usually have to have the ED conversation with a woman at one point, and many have been understanding of it, but with this woman, it's a little different situation. She's much younger, and this is probably my last chance in life to date someone as physically sexy as her. I'm almost 40, and won't have many more chances with women in their 20's (most likely). So, it's something I want to hold onto for a little longer, even though I know there's no future. Hard to explain briefly. I absolutely need to find a good urologist, as I have been to 4 now, and none of them were good.

Old Guy: I really really really like the idea of not disappointing anyone anymore. Myself included. I'm sure every guy on here knows how debilitating it is to go soft on a woman. Even during masturbation, it's quite disappointing to myself. Lol. I will heavily consider the implant, but I have incredible worry about it. Perhaps that is due to not knowing enough about it. I need to find a good urologist in my area that can install one, and I will consider paying out of pocket for it (hopefully on a payment plan).

Fran5424: I saw 3 Ophthalmologists because they all told me there was nothing I could do to fix my issue, and that it would resolve on its own. Well it hasn't 4 years later, and seems I have permanent distortion/vision loss in my right eye. The Ophthalmologists never mentioned Cialis in our conversations, that I read recently online. The only thing the doctors mentioned was that it was either from steroids (which I have never taken) or from stress (which I have been under stress my entire life, and do not handle it well). Recently, my vision got worse, and has persisted for over a week now, and I thought it was possibly related to the increase and frequency that I take Cialis, with the intention of not disappointing this current woman. Just to be clear, I'm not blind in the eye, just have distorted vision/blind spot in the center.

Grayfox: I think it's awesome that you found someone so understanding of you!

AmansinCali: I will absolutely read the Implant Journey! And I feel terrible about you losing vision in your eye. I'm already very upset about the issues I have in my right eye, but luckily it's not complete vision loss. And I have no delusions of building a future with this wonderful woman; I just feel like the luckiest man in the casino who's currently up and winning, but I know I'll have to leave the table at some point, but I want to enjoy it for now. She's the best thing that's happened to me in 10 years. One day, I will find someone closer to my age with a better chance of a future. Thank you for encouraging me not to fear the implant, because currently I do. It seems the best thing for me to do at this point is SOMEHOW find a decent urologist. I can't believe the low quality of ones that I have seen, despite great online reviews, and referrals from other men in my area. They have been either dismissive, or uninterested. I do not look like the standard ED patient, and I think that's why I'm not taken seriously despite my demands to be when I'm in the office. I look forward to reading the Implant Journey. I have questions for you, but I assume you will have answered many of them in the Implant Journey, and so I will read that first.
ED since 15 yrs or earlier.
Currently around 38 yrs.
Anxiety/Depression over ED.
Cialis 5mg daily, more when needed.
Considering implant as last effort.

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby Fran4524 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:43 am

Thank you for solve my question. Best of lucks for you, in my opinion I think we shouldnt be scared about the implant. A lot of guys are very happy with it. If there isnt another solution, take it. A great hug for you.
-Erection problems since 4 years
-I did jelqs and it is posible I injuried, but I hace to say that ED episodes began before I did jelq.
-Having sex with 30mg of tadalafilo

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby Flavio » Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:50 am

Fran4524 wrote:As a cialis consumist, I am very concerned about your one eye blind condition. What did the doctor say about that? Was it happen only for taking cialis or have you got any phisical condition that made it worst?

Same here.

I used Cialis for a decade and ocular pain was a frequent side effect. And yes, blindness is listed as one of the possible side effects.

It seems that udenafil (Zydena) does not affect the eyes, another great reason to give it a try.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby BillKeel » Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:54 am

Flavio: have you tried Udenafil? It does not seem to be available in the United States where I live.
ED since 15 yrs or earlier.
Currently around 38 yrs.
Anxiety/Depression over ED.
Cialis 5mg daily, more when needed.
Considering implant as last effort.

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Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2023 9:37 am

Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby Listener77 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 1:02 pm

Hi Bill,
this sounds a bit like venous leakage to me. I was diagnosed with venous leakage a while ago and what you are describing is very similar to my experience. I have not yet had cavernosography, but a Doppler ultrasound that showed good blood inflow, but outflow was too high.

All the best to you!

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby Grayfox » Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:11 pm

Bill, give a Vacuum Erection Device (VED) a try if you're really concerned about an implant. Its kinda PITA to use, but it does work. I used one for 4 years until I got my implant. My lady was quite satisfied. ;)
Developed ED after Heart attack and by-pass in 2000. Used pills for years, but they don't work anymore. Shots don't work. Used a VED for several years. AMS 700 LGX installed 8-7-19.

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby ape1100 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:54 pm

logically the next step is injection therapy. if you have tried everything else and dont want to go nuclear option just yet, you have to at least try the injections. almost all of us have traveled the journey you speak of. when oral meds stopped being effective, my doctor stated that after meds came the VED and if that failed, it was injection time. i tried the VED, it did not work for me. i also had no idea if injections were going to work either but logically it was the next step. i have been on them a year now and they are working excellent. i, like most, had the fear of putting a needle in my penis. it took trial and error but it has passed and i have injected over 80 times. there have been failures but mainly its been success. if its important to you you will do what is needed. if and when injections fail, i will do what is needed since sex w my wife is crucial to me. take care.
50+ yrs old. married 25+ years. hypothyroid, on TRT. 10+ years ED, viagra, cialis now 50% ineffective. now on trimix 2MG phentolamine/30MG papaverine/20MCG alprostadil

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby BillKeel » Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:49 pm

Listener77: As soon as i find a good urologist I'm going to push for some tests, such as the doppler to check for venous leak.

Everyone else: Thank you so much for taking the time to give me advice, and input. I'm going to present all these options to a (good) urologist: implants, Vacuum device, injections, alternate medications, etc.

If I make some kind of progress, I'll update this post. Additionally, I'll see if I can help other men in this forum. What a great resource for men with ED! This is the beautiful side of the internet that never gets proper recognition. =)
ED since 15 yrs or earlier.
Currently around 38 yrs.
Anxiety/Depression over ED.
Cialis 5mg daily, more when needed.
Considering implant as last effort.

Posts: 37
Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:16 pm

Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby otter17 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:42 pm

Hi friend,

We are VERY similar. I had ED start from my very first girlfriend. Able to get erect, but they would go right back down. Similarly blown off by urologists in my teens and 20s as “it’s all in your head.” Until a sleep study confirmed organic ED, and ultrasound confirmed venous leak. Like you cialis/viagra/levitra answered my prayers for years, but slowly I went from porn start like sex multiple times a day, to one and done, and questionable rigidity even on max doses of viagra. It sucks, hard.

Know that you are not alone. If you treat women well, and do what you can to have sex, you can and will have fulfilling relationships. I certainly would prefer not to resort to injections or surgery to get a boner, but if that what it comes to in order to have sex, I’ll do it and never look back. Life is too short and we are lucky to live in a time that we can be hard, one way or another, for the rest of our lives if we choose to.

Finally, if you have already. I would recommend seeing a sex therapist while you sort everything out. Not that I think your issues are mainly psychological, I suspect you have venous leak as I do. But my issues with ED from such a young age gave me a lot of emotional baggage and anxiety that I am just now realizing. I think you may find it helpful while you continue to explore medical options.
Peace and love
40 y/o straight married guy with supportive wife. Slowly progressive ED from venous leak since adolescence. Pills were a godsend for years, now as the efficacy fades, I am wading into the land of injections and implant

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