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Postby stils73 » Fri Dec 23, 2022 10:31 pm

I've learned a ton from you all and apply it every chance I get. Thank you!

My question...I see many of you in your 60's, 70's and 80's giving me advice. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all and admire your experiences and knowledge. With everything you have to go through to obtain or maintain an many times a day or week or month are you able to have intercourse? At 49 years old, I expected to just lose my desire...or expected my wife to. You all have given me new hope regarding my potential longevity...assuming I can keep her on board. What is realistic?


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Re: Frequency

Postby AmansinCali » Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:04 pm


I can' say for the older guys, but at 78 I am just as horny as I have ever been and fortunately, I have a wife I can get interested several times a week.

To answer your question, having an implant you are ABLE to have intercourse 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. However, there are a couple other factors involved. Most importantly you have to have a partner who wants to join you, the implant is not going to help you there.

This is what I have found in our relationship of 55 years. If you can get your relationship to the point your partner wants to please you no matter what and you feel the same way toward your partner, you will have a good sex life. To make the sexual relationship last, you have to be in the state of mind that you want to please your partner in everything you do. If she feels the same way, having sex is the logical next step to pleasing your partner the way no one else can.

Another factor is your refractory time, the older you are the more time required. At 78 I really like it twice a week, sometimes we get 3 in, that is going to vary with individuals. You’re 49 years old, I've been screwing the same woman for 55 years, so draw your own conclusion.

The number one factor, in my humble opinion, is communication. Talk about it.
Used Viagra & Cialis until lost vision in one eye due to AION, therefore can never use pills again, then tri-mix 1 1/2 years until unreliable. Implanted 9/20/22 at 77 years old by Dr. Yafi, UC Irvine. Married 55 years wife 76. 20cm Coloplast Titan.

Old Guy
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Re: Frequency

Postby Old Guy » Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:06 pm

Have to agree with AmansinCali's last comment "Communication". If your partner isn't on board then it may be useless to be implanted. And yes, with an implant you can screw for hours and hours IF you want or as long as you have the stamina for. At 71 my libido has hardly diminished since my 30's, and I'm blessed to have a younger wife who can please me and enjoys the intimate togetherness we share. Hope I can have sex until my final day on earth.
Frank Talk is the best place to explore your options. Best of luck on your decision.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

Hugo C
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Re: Frequency

Postby Hugo C » Fri Feb 10, 2023 3:54 pm

First of all, stop benchmarking with everyone else. We are all different human beings.
Some people eat too much, some people drink too much alcohol, some people
smoke , so logically why should we all have the same sexual needs and desires .
Yes , I’m a medical professional. I hear what you guys don’t hear. Be who you are
with your partner , talk, explain needs and desires. I’m 75 , wife 73 , married for 45 years
So to answer your question . It’s about quality not quantity . Intercourse or outercourse
about every two weeks. We plan it so we are rested and not stressed. Yes we have
a couple of vibrators….what fun. So final word be you , do not try to be some one else.
I had patients who had sex every other day or more. I did not judge , they were themselves
and I was myself.

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Re: Frequency

Postby dtwarren1942 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:24 pm

I am 80 (turning 81 in April) and wife 76. Until viagra and Trimix became ineffective about four years ago we averaged about twice a week. I can now only generate and maintain an erection with a VED and constriction band(s) which reduces sensitivity and makes ejaculation more difficult. My condition has recently worsened such that I have not orgasmed for six months. Now we are enjoying sex about every week or two.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

Hugo C
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Re: Frequency

Postby Hugo C » Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:29 pm

Everyone reading this thread , jump in and comment. Let everyone know we are all different in our needs and situations. Stop bench marking your life

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Re: Frequency

Postby SteveSW » Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:54 pm

I don't know if being gay changes the dynamic at all, but I'm married to a guy 24 years younger, who's a willing, eager sex partner whenever I'm in the mood. I'm 69 years old and post implant, hornier than I've been since my 30's. Some form of sex happens 4 or 5 times a week on average. Some weekends (or on trips, love hotel sex) 2-3 times a day isn't impossible. Life is good!
20 years of severe Peyronie's plaque, 90 curve, hinging and ED. Cost me 1.5" L and 1" G.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.

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