
Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Postby BJohn67y » Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:46 pm

I see repeated references to "normal" testosterone test results. Normal for what?
Can we get some discussion with numbers?

My number is 400. My GP says no need to boost as is normal.

I think all that means is it's typical for men my age. But that begs the question: What's typical for men twenty years younger? And might boosting to that give me some extra zip? (BTW, local compounding pharmacy suggests I revisit the topic with my doc.)

So...has anyone boosted their testosterone somewhat and seen favorable results? If so (1) from what to what? (2) how? patch, shot, pill?

Thanks. Love this site. (told my pharmacist about it)

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Re: testosterone

Postby tomas1 » Sat Sep 03, 2022 7:58 pm

I told my doctor that I was always feeling rundown, and he tested my T. I don't know what my score was, but I had to change things. I do know that I'm now over 1000 but don't know if that's too high or not. I'd guess that if you feel rundown, lack stamina and libido, you might need to boost your testosterone level.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: testosterone

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:11 am

Well I don't know your age, but I am wondering the same thing.
I've had mine tested at different times and nobody ever told me until recently that it is supposed to be tested in the morning when T is allegedly at it's peak.

I can't remember the time of testing, but I do recall my numbers being in the mid 300's range, and this was when I was younger than I am now!
I can't find my old lab reports to check, but that's what I remember.
I also did a test in the afternoon and the number came back higher and was probably the highest testosterone that I have ever had recorded on paper. Something like 700. So needless to say I am very confused over my testosterone levels and what is appropriate for my age. All my doctors act like it is normal, but the lab report shows quite a large range of "normal" and also quite a wide range of ages. So a good question is my 349 normal for an 80 year old or a 20 year old? It's amazing to me how here we are a modern society 2022 and total misinformation on testosterone and poor healthcare.

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Re: testosterone

Postby stephen54 » Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:09 am

10 years+ of testosterone replacement here. Was in double digits in my 40s and, in hindsight, symptoms galore.

Reputable physicians are going to evaluate and treat testosterone based on their understanding of the demonstrated symptoms an individual - stressing here, "individual" - they are examining is showing. There is no precise range of testosterone one "should" be within, and no right # at x or y age.

A clinical lab publishes a "reference range" of values for testosterone. While there is general agreement on what constitutes a "normal", "in range" value, these are directional clues, not inarguable fact. A guy could present with a testosterone of 120, well below most published and accepted normal reference ranges, but he shows and complains about no symptoms. Not many physicians are going to step out there and drive that guy to replace his testosterone, and arguably they probably shouldn't.

But in the context of demonstrated symptoms - changes in body / muscle mass, strength, declines in energy levels, mental acuity, libido, ED etc, those should be worked up and thoughtfully treated with testosterone, titrating it up carefully to only the level where symptoms are lessened/alleviated. Likewise, you could replace a testosterone up to 1,000 and not alleviate your symptoms, because they're in fact being impacted by other factors beyond T. So this is the art and science of medicine - there's no one right number.

There's also well established linkage of very high testosterone levels to not so fun things like clots, strokes and other cardiac events. That's real, and definitely not mentioned on the 30 second sound byte commercials on the radio.

Key thing I've found is just to establish a good relationship with a very curious endocrinologist. Not one who just reads the lab ranges and sends you packing. Not one who scribbles an Rx and congratulates themselves on a job well done. A curious doc who is a genuinely good listener with whom you can have actual wide ranging dialogue.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: testosterone

Postby CanGetItUpButNoMore » Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:46 am

I just had mine tested and came back 713 vs. a reference range of 168-780. (I wish it were low so I'd have something I could fix.)
68yo. Diabetes & hypertension drugs but none that are infamous for ED causation. Increasing ED compounded by frequent anorgasmia. Viagra for 2 years. Cabergoline experimentation inconclusive. New to pumping (Encore). Supportive (to a limit) wife.

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Re: testosterone

Postby stephen54 » Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:36 am

CanGetItUpButNoMore wrote:I just had mine tested and came back 713 vs. a reference range of 168-780. (I wish it were low so I'd have something I could fix.)

I hear you. The fallacy of the silver bullet approach to medicine, for sure. We all want easier more straightforward answers. And the "Men's Health Clinics" advertising testosterone this that and the other has, I am sure, put some unreasonable hopes and expectations out there.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: testosterone

Postby dg_moore » Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:47 am

Years ago I was diagnosed with low T - I don't recall the numbers. I went on replacement therapy using Axiron, which raised my level to over 600 but had no effect of any kind - not on libido, energy, well being or anything.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: testosterone

Postby Flavio » Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:46 pm

Testosterone is always a controversial topic but one thing's for sure: regular exercise is the best way to boost your T levels and improve sexual performance.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: testosterone

Postby Flavio » Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:57 pm

I have taken antiandrogens for 20+ years for my hairloss and my T levels are and always have been extremely low.

Nevertheless, I can have a great sexual performance thanks to my regimen (see below) and at the age of 46, I still have a full head of hair.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: testosterone

Postby AmansinCali » Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:59 pm

Great question BJohn.

My Internist has my blood tested once a year as the main part of my annual physical. I am 77 years old and have ED. I am generally healthy and at a normal weight. I am being treated for high blood pressure and overactive bladder, no other issues. I exercise 3 days a week, treadmill and weights. I will be implanted later this month on the 20th.

My blood test results on my last physical state:

TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, MALES (ADULT), IA Value 553 Reference Range: 250-827 ng/dl

There is no reference to age on the Reference Range 250-827; however, my age is listed in the heading of this report. I don't know if my age is factored in or not, we should find out from someone in the medical field.

I have never had cancer, but I have heard from some who have that Testosterone stimulates cancer. This may be why doctors are reluctant to mess with natural Testosterone unless there are symptoms.
Used Viagra & Cialis until lost vision in one eye due to AION, therefore can never use pills again, then tri-mix 1 1/2 years until unreliable. Implanted 9/20/22 at 77 years old by Dr. Yafi, UC Irvine. Married 55 years wife 76. 20cm Coloplast Titan.

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