Desperate for Help - Soft Erections

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:58 pm

Re: Desperate for Help - Soft Erections

Postby xenine » Tue May 14, 2013 9:19 pm

Frank Talk Admin wrote:Actually, the connection between injecting and peyronie's is still highly debated. The Peyronie's Association(.org) is a great resource. Stan Hardin there says that there are no clear studies connecting the two. Doctors I work with say that men with malfunctioning penises are prone to get peyronies. When it happens, they are quick to find something to blame it on - and injections are a logical choice. Certainly it would make sense that there is a connection between the two, but that connection has not been found. We 've had patients in injections for nearly 20 years with no effect. Peyronie's is greatly misunderstood by both doctors and laymen. The figure is now somewhere over 9% of men have it - but many do not realize it. Interesting stuff.

If men choose to use a treatment for ED with which we disagree, it is no one's place to tell them it is wrong or dangerous. They have made a choice and it is what they've decided to do. Helping men make an informed choice is part of why we are here. But let's not declare injections overly dangerous - because it simply is not true. They work for millions of men. All treatments should be chosen carefully - and no, I have no hidden agenda. It's quite in the open!

its hard to believe that u work with doctors who claim theres no correlation between peyronies and injections. no uro will say this. i persoally know 3 men who developed fibrosis/plaque from injections who eventually developed peyronies. i therefore seriously doubt your analysis. there may be an alterior motive as to why you would state such inconsistencies. my uro said CLEARLY that its possible that injections can lead to peyronies. the two are NOT mutually exclusive events according to thousands of ED sufferers who've injected and are now desperately seeking medical help for peyronies.

there are MANY men who refuse to believe they developed peyronies from injecting. i've read up on these people and they will tell u that injections didnt inflict peyronies.. the reason is cuz they want u to suffer in the same boat as them. they think if theyre unable to get sex, why should others? as a result, theyll post inconsistencies about false research just to get u to inject so the same fate that befell on them will befall on u too.

for all u suffering from negative manifestations of injections, seek professional medical help from a qualified uro. many here on this forum will give u advice like theyre docs, but theyre not! dont be swayed by anyone here, even from a mod. a doc is qualified to exam u thru real tests. any uro will tell u that theres a potential correlation between peyronies and injecting. dont rely on someone on the net who doesnt even know how to spell 'urology' and who clearly may have hidden agendas.
Last edited by xenine on Wed May 15, 2013 5:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:58 pm

Re: Desperate for Help - Soft Erections

Postby xenine » Tue May 14, 2013 9:24 pm

antelope wrote:Perhaps the key to any safe and effective ED treatment is to remain under the watchful eye and diligent care of a trained professional. Finding a solution does NOT mean that you don't go back to the doctor.


thank you antelope!

u summed up EXACTLY what a man should do under those cirmstances.. thank u for that post! u should be made a forum mod! but then again if u become one, someone on the forum may derail u for speaking the truth and undermining their potential hidden agendas.

good job!

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