I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby Dave48003 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:14 pm

Well, he got my dander cranked up, that's for sure. Try to put everything in a good light and a positive spin, don't try to pick a fight. A little more reading on here and he would have discovered how off base he was.

And, for all the gay and bi guys out there, do not take offense at me, because none was intended. I really believe what 2 adults do behind closed doors is your business and I have no problem with it. I also understand now, more than ever, how fragile a guy is, especially when his sexual ability is the topic. We all need to be able to stand back and look at a nice, firm erection and know it will not let us down in order to feel we are 100% man. Anything less makes us feel less of a man. Again, what you do with it is your business. But I'll stand beside you in your quest to make it 100% reliable, arm in arm, hand in hand, and boner to boner! :)
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby danny1553 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:00 pm

Andy1950 wrote:Here was my first impression upon reading the original post: I immediately thought the guy was one of those political activists who runs all over creation looking for reasons to get offended.

Same here. Not having a sub-forum is "offensive". Having it is "offensive" too... :roll:
Who is looking for getting offended will always find it one way or another.
Hmmm... perhaps I should get offended that there is no sub-forum for tall and big guys (there are specifics about techniques being used) :shock: ...
Just kidding :D

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby Andy425 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:10 pm

danny1553 wrote:
Andy1950 wrote:Here was my first impression upon reading the original post: I immediately thought the guy was one of those political activists who runs all over creation looking for reasons to get offended.

Same here. Not having a sub-forum is "offensive". Having it is "offensive" too... :roll:
Who is looking for getting offended will always find it one way or another.
Hmmm... perhaps I should get offended that there is no sub-forum for tall and big guys (there are specifics about techniques being used) :shock: ...
Just kidding :D

RP in 2012 because of prostate cancer. 100% ED, also some leakage problems.

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby antelope » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:43 pm

We live in a society where too many people are outraged and too many are offended.

Just saying.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby jn1421 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:09 pm

I offend myself...if anyone hangs around me long enough, there's no doubt I will offended them as well. I am human, therefore, self consuming and self serving. However, when I make a conscious choice to live outside my own subjective thoughts, I'm always reminded how wonderful and giving others are. I find life is much more enjoyable without whining about what offends me.


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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby Steven1111 » Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:51 pm

Well I'm gay too and I don't find that forum offensive at all. In fact I'm a bit underwhelmed by it. There are only 2 posts on it - one great gay sex story with more comments from straight guys than gay, and a listing of gay members which isn't interactive at all. I tried to post something there about who I was and maybe some gay issues and got nothing back. Whereas when I've posted similarly in other forums I've gotten some great responses from both gay and straight men. I posted asking for gay members regarding anal sex early on here and was told it was an issue for us all. So I posted on Implants about Anal Sex with an Implant a got a lot of response, again from straight men as well as gay. So while I think it's nice that there's a gay section here, it's not that active yet. Maybe someday it will be and will offer some conversations about what's different for us being gay. I'd like that. But I'm just happy that this whole Site is so "Gay" in a way that I mean as tremendous compliment to all of you men. What I mean is that in general gay men are very free about talking about our cocks and assholes and fucking and sucking and everything else we do. Straight men are not noted for this openness, but here it's so open it's incredible. It's like the whole site is composed of men who are able and willing to talk about their most sensitive issues and do it with dignity and clarity and that's why I find it so helpful. So I'm grateful to everyone on here who is so free with their support and praise and I hope it doesn't devolve into a gay vs straight issue anytime ever. Why should it? We are all in this together and we can help each other learn about our separate issues if we want or just stay in our own areas of interest. Seems like a good deal to me.... Thank you to all of you!
64 year old gay man. Brachytherapy Radiation for Prostate Cancer Oct. 2010. Permanent ED Nov. 2012. Failed pills, pumps and injections. Happily implanted with AMS CX May 9th, 2013. Sex Rocks again! Thanks to everyone for such caring support.

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby terraplane » Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:13 pm

Steven ,I think you hit the nail on the head . Men don't talk to each other about their problems , all of my friends know I had my prostate removed , but not one of them has asked me how I'm doing , or if I have any problems . More of my women friends have shown concern .........I guess that's just the way we are wired .
I wouldn't be on trimix today had it not been for my Uro's nurse , he has really never been concerned about anything but me being cancer free . She has been the one that got me all of my scripts , including trimix , I spend more time talking to her when I get my blood drawn every six months , than I do talking to my Uro .

Radical prostatectomy Mar . 2010 age 63 , everything good except for ED . Have tried the big three pills , VED , and Muse , results unsatisfactory . My trimix formula is : 25MG Papa ,.8 MG Phento , 8 MCG /M PGE 1

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby sliphill » Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:35 pm

The fact of the matter is gay men are different from straight men, so I see nothing wrong with having a sub forum for gay men. After all, who better to understand a gay mans issues, than another gay man. I believe in live and let live, and just because I do not agree with the gay lifestyle, doesn't mean that I hate gay people. I think we live in a society that has become too hyper sensitive. Yes I know that there are people who hate this group or that group, and I do NOT advocate this mentality. Try not to take it to heart. I would venture to say that most men on the forum could care less if you are gay or not.
Ed (sliphill) 68

Implanted by Dr. Michael O'Neill in Charlotte, NC on 6/9/2017 with AMS 700LGX. 18 cm cylinders 3 cm RTE's.

Revision done by Dr. Maxim McKibbon in Charlotte, NC on 4/12/2023 with AMD 700 LGX 22 cm cylinders gm

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby Dave48003 » Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:53 pm

Steve - I just read ur reply. Thanks, you get what I was trying to say. In this forum, we are more alike than different. We're all men, we all have some problems getting our dicks to stand up, and we all suffer some damage to our manly self image because of it. Let's focus on helping one another in any way we can in our common quest for a reliable erection and celebrate when one of us succeeds!

I think there is a phobia out there among males that if we look at another penis, are curious about another penis, talk about our penis, etc. that we will be considered "gay". Here, we are here to do just that and we soon realize that discussing our anatomy doesn't change who we are attracted to sexually. Like you Steve, I find it quite refreshing.

Here's to celebrating manhood!
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: I'm Gay and find this offensive.......

Postby rschweiger » Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:28 am

I totally agree, ED is ED.
And I think you will find it is some gay members that sometimes want advice from gay men,I usually reply anyway....lol(now I understand that may be cause there is a difference of what we usually do)....but let's solve this, we are all brothers going down the same road and that's what matter foremost. Second YES an implanted penis WILL penetrate an ass.....trust me(a couple of my girlfriends enjoy it?) I'm not here to judge me and my new penis are here to provide joy.....and as we know(well in my case if momma ain't. Happy...well?) Hell most of us here that are implanted would tell you ,you could prob. Knock a hole in the damn wall w/it.
Its all good.

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