Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Postby Stenlie_ » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:47 am

Hello. I am asking for an answer from the boys who have done Doppler or those who understand this. I had a Doppler with an Angiologist who injected 2.5 micrograms of Alprostadil into my penis to check my erection. He left me with porn for a few minutes and then came in. My erection was about 20-25% while he was gone and when he came in I was startled and it started to fall. He did a Doppler and said I had an intravenous leak with an EDV value of about 15.5 :shock: . Is it possible that the Doppler has shown a false positive result or do I have to accept the diagnosis? Shouldn't the dosage be about 10 micrograms? When I asked him about it, he said - I can do a Doppler with 10 micrograms, but this will not be a natural erection?!?!?! WTF. Isn't that the idea? When I try to masturbate with us or with a girl, I often have a much, much stronger erection than the one I got in the office. Should I seek another doctor or does it make sense. Opinions? I'm really depressed and I'm asking for an answer

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Postby ETGuy71 » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:14 am

Yes, you should get a second opinion, from a urologist that specializes in sexual health.
The individuals that do the penile ultrasounds are, or should be highly trained in that specific modality. The urologist is the person that should read the Doppler ultrasound results and give you the findings based on his interpretation. Ultrasound techs are never supposed to give the patient a diagnosis.
I had a similar incident in that after I was injected by an RN, I did not get a firm erection, but they did the Doppler anyway and the doctor diagnosed VL. I was told that since the injection failed to produce a firm erection, injection therapy was out and I would need an implant!
I sought out a second opinion.
The new doctor ordered another ultrasound and said I had a mild VL. But, the doctor said he felt the correct formula for injection therapy, in my case Trimix, should work.
He gave me an injection based on his findings and I had a 3 hour erection! Of course he would not allow me to leave his office until the erection subsided so he could deal with priapism if necessary.
That was two years ago and injections are still working great. However, if the time comes and the injection stops working then I will definitely get an IPP. The doctor said always keep your natural penis as long as possible even if erections are chemically induced.
As you know, surroundings and apprehension can play a role in getting an erection! I’m not surprised that you are able to get a more firm erection in setting in which you are familiar.
You’re comfortable around guy friends/girlfriends, whatever, so you get harder.
Best of luck to you.
Diagnosed venous leak. Going with injections rather than implant for the time being.

Posts: 118
Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:47 am


Postby Stenlie_ » Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:05 pm

ETGuy71 wrote:Yes, you should get a second opinion, from a urologist that specializes in sexual health.
The individuals that do the penile ultrasounds are, or should be highly trained in that specific modality. The urologist is the person that should read the Doppler ultrasound results and give you the findings based on his interpretation. Ultrasound techs are never supposed to give the patient a diagnosis.
I had a similar incident in that after I was injected by an RN, I did not get a firm erection, but they did the Doppler anyway and the doctor diagnosed VL. I was told that since the injection failed to produce a firm erection, injection therapy was out and I would need an implant!
I sought out a second opinion.
The new doctor ordered another ultrasound and said I had a mild VL. But, the doctor said he felt the correct formula for injection therapy, in my case Trimix, should work.
He gave me an injection based on his findings and I had a 3 hour erection! Of course he would not allow me to leave his office until the erection subsided so he could deal with priapism if necessary.
That was two years ago and injections are still working great. However, if the time comes and the injection stops working then I will definitely get an IPP. The doctor said always keep your natural penis as long as possible even if erections are chemically induced.
As you know, surroundings and apprehension can play a role in getting an erection! I’m not surprised that you are able to get a more firm erection in setting in which you are familiar.
You’re comfortable around guy friends/girlfriends, whatever, so you get harder.
Best of luck to you.

Thank you very much ! And what do you think about my dose? Do you think it is small?
I will be glad to hear another opinion
Thank you very much

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Location: Texas


Postby ETGuy71 » Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:08 pm

The initial injection followed recommended protocol, which is low dose, 2.5 mcg.
“Erectile dysfunction of vasculogenic, psychogenic, or mixed etiology: Initiate at 2.5 mcg; if there is partial response to initial dose, may increase to 5 mcg and then by increments of 5 to 10 mcg, depending upon erectile response, until the dose that produces an erection suitable for intercourse and not exceeding duration of 1 hour is reached; if there is no response to initial dose, may increase to 7.5 mcg and then by increments of 5 to 10 mcg.” (
It appears that the “Angiologist” wasn’t trying to achieve an erection! And of course it wouldn’t be a “natural erection”! Neither would the results of the 2.5mcg he injected!
That’s a ridiculous statement from him.
It would be interesting to use 5mcg and see what the results were. Titrating the dosage up is always the best way to find the sweet spot as it were for achieving erection firmness and how long the erection will last.
I don’t know if this helps. But again, I would get a second opinion from a urologist that specializes rather than a “Angiologist”.
All the best to you.
Diagnosed venous leak. Going with injections rather than implant for the time being.

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Location: Nashville area


Postby Growinjim » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:12 pm

I didn't read the ENTIRE section, but I have ED and use Trimix
and have a venous leak. What works for ME is a Trimix
injection AND the use of Giddy (Eddie). Sounds expensive but
used many times.

It's sort of a cock ring but not really. First, it's horseshoe shaped
like the penis. Between the open end pieces a special rubber
band is attached (regular rubber band also works.

But what's really important is a couple of bumps at the 12
O'clock position more or less. The Underside bumps help
press on the dorsal vein stopping the leak. The bumps on
the Top are for your partner.

Now SIZING is really important but Giddy can exchange
sizes. It REALLY works. I have no stake promoting Giddy.
I have two sizes - one for use with Trimix (larger) and one
for no Trimix. Wife and I are very happy.
78 yrs, ED for 4-5 years, currently using Trimix, Giddy

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Postby Fran4524 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:22 pm

One observation: if you would have 15 EDV, you wouldnt be able to get any Kind of erection. My urologist made me a doppler with 15mg of caverject, not 2,5.
Find out a second opinion.
-Erection problems since 4 years
-I did jelqs and it is posible I injuried, but I hace to say that ED episodes began before I did jelq.
-Having sex with 30mg of tadalafilo

Posts: 195
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Postby Mazzio » Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:07 pm

10 mg is the normal injection for Doppler test.
65 yrs, had venous leak all my life, sildenafil and other pills don't work anymore properly, using Caverject with pills.

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