Venous leak erections

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Venous leak erections

Postby random123 » Fri May 07, 2021 10:35 am

Hi everyone

I just wanted to ask some of the members with a confirmed venous leak how their erections were in certain situations. At the moment I’m worried I might be suffering from venous leak due to the positional dependency of my erections and lack of morning wood.

Position wise I can get an erection while laying on my back and sitting on the edge of my bed but this is only with constant stimulation (touching). The minute I stop touching it deflates almost instantaneously. Laying on my back it might take 5 seconds to go limp with no stimulation. I also notice my morning wood is very hit and miss, I might wake up with a good erection but again this will deflate quickly without stimulation. Random erections and feeling excited when picking up women seem to have dwindled to nothing, a slight twinge then nothing

I have been taking sindenafil 100mg to see if that would help but really haven’t seen any difference. I think it has to be physical problem but can’t tell if I’m getting more into my own head and creating a viscous loop of anxiety. I’m planning on going to see a doctor next week and this forum seems like a really good place for info talking as I’m too embarrassed to talk to my close friends and family about this.

Any help would be appreciated

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby wolfpacker » Fri May 07, 2021 10:38 am

Sounds like classic veinous leak to me. The instant deflation is from the blood leaking out of your penis rather than staying trapped inside like it's supposed to.
Early 30s with ED for years from penis enlargement stretching and jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side

My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby Benjohn » Fri May 07, 2021 11:20 am

Hey there.

You need a penile Doppler ultrasound to diagnose what's going on. A decent urologist will offer this so push for it, even if they say no (like my first urologist did). They will give you an injection that creates an erection and then scan you. If you have a venous leak it will show up on the scan.
Do keep us updated with the results :)
British, 32 yrs old. ED caused by Paraphimosis in 2019. 100mg Sildenafil for sex. Trialled Invicorp as advised by doctor in 2021 but it was too strong. Taking 50mg-75mg of Sildenafil every night at 3am to stimulate morning erections, good response so far.

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby Fran4524 » Fri May 07, 2021 11:21 am

Health information will only be given to you by a doctor, but the best support in these traumatic episodes will be given by your family. So, trust her and tell them what's wrong with you. It was difficult for me to tell my parents what was happening to me, but really they are the only ones who are going to accompany you in these shitty situations.
-Erection problems since 4 years
-I did jelqs and it is posible I injuried, but I hace to say that ED episodes began before I did jelq.
-Having sex with 30mg of tadalafilo

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby random123 » Fri May 07, 2021 1:56 pm

Thanks for the replies everyone, it’s been driving me nuts to be honest but yeah ultimately only a professional is going to diagnose me, it’s just the symptom curiosity that had me asking.

Im slowly starting to relax about the whole thing at least enough to ask the doctors and get help for it. Hell after reading through the forum the thought of having to get an implant seems not all that bad (that’s if I should ever need one).

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby Rider1400 » Tue May 11, 2021 3:36 pm

Very similar to what I experienced around 50yr old. Started cialis and viagra, which fixed the problem for 6-7 years then It started failing to last again, same as you unless constant stimulation. Went to urologist who listened and told me we can do the test for VL but in his professional opinion that’s what the problem was. Started shots with great results. When visiting w urologist I asked how long the shots would last... he stated that until my VL got bad enough that it stops working. Also said that as I went from 5mg to 20 mg of cialis it’s not that the drugs don’t work it’s that your VL is getting worse which requires more and more to maintain an erection. Will likely follow suit with the shots until it either stops working or it requires such a large strong dose to work that it becomes painful or too costly to continue. At that point it will be time for an implant.... as with you I don’t fear that time coming.... might even be a relief.
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby futuredentist » Sat May 29, 2021 12:40 pm

Hello guys,
I am 21, and have similar symptoms.
I can have sex without pills when laying on my stomach and when sitting, but when I stand up I panic (venous leak anxiety) and lose it.
When I watch porn I get 100% erection while sitting without touching my penis at all.
Do you think I have leak or PIED ?? I watched hard lesbian/BDSM porn for about 10 years now...

I also had some ocasions when I maintained full erection while standing up on my legs for about 3-4 minutes

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby Pau1pau1 » Sat May 29, 2021 2:55 pm

If you can get a erection . I would try leaving porn alone for a month and see r we hat hsppens

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby Boatman678 » Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:49 am

Yep. Sounds a lot like what I had before my implant, which is still healing. I was about 50 when I began losing erections more often. Or not getting one. At that time I began pills. Worked really good until late 50s. Then began injections. That worked real well until mid 60s. That’s when I would get erections with shots but would Lois them real quick. Could not get one while on my back. Had to be either standing , kneeling or on top. Got your where I would rush to finish sex before it would go soft. Began dreading sex. Was told by urologist that I had the leak. Blood would not stay in penis. I felt that at that point, an implant was my answer. If you have not tried injections you might try them. It helped me for st least a few yrs. liked them better than pills. No side effects. Not really painful either. Instant erection.

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Re: Venous leak erections

Postby random123 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:54 pm


So I told the doctors about 3 weeks ago and they gave me a quick look over and told me to take some blood tests (testosterone and blood sugar). Doc prescribed viagra 50mg. Spoke to them today to get my blood results (both test and sugar were normal) and 2nd doctor upped my dosage to 100mg viagra after telling them I had minimal improvement

No morning erections still but I started exercising again and made a bit of a difference, still losing erections as soon as I stop stimulating but a bit stronger when I can get one. I’ll give these pills a try If no improvement then back to the doctors

Again thanks to all those that have replied in my thread

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