How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby Simbarn » Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:45 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:Thank you for inviting me to expand on my thoughts to you. You ask for help. Help is why I am still active on this site (both to receive and to give).

Libido and sexual sensations are different from general good sensations. But all three are related intimately (no pun intended).

Wonderful post lost sheep.
Your talent with words is impressive as are your diplomacy skills. :D

I can relate to what you have said so well. The sexual acts I now enjoy very much, were almost a turn off when I was much younger.
I had difficulty as a young man enjoying anal sex, mostly because of all the negative programming in my head about being attracted to other men.
So as you mention; my ability to find it a turn on was being blocked by my preconceived attitudes towards it.

When I found the right partner who was able to help me break down some these hang ups, I discovered a whole new world of sexual enjoyment. Later on I discovered the pleasure of sex with the opposite sex as well, which I had been very much not interested in as a young man. My attraction for men was and is stronger, but I learnt to open myself up to new things and how my body could feel sexual pleasure.

The mind is very powerful when it comes to our ability to feel pleasure. If someone is suffering from depression, this can greatly affect how we experience pleasure. What is depression? We don’t fully know. Some people seem to have a genetic predisposition to getting it, it can run in families, but could this also be partially a learned thing from our parents?
If some neural pathways in the brain become dominant due to frequency of use, we are more likely to use them, they in fact become stronger, so as time progresses it becomes more difficult to not use these “roads” in the brain. If we appear to be a negative person always seeing the world as a “glass half empty”, this highway of neural activity is most probably very strong in that individual. Trying to make a right turn onto another road far less traveled with less power gets overridden by the mainstream traffic.
I believe this can be changed or helped a great deal with cognitive therapy. However, It takes a lot of effort and time by the person doing it to create new strong connections in the brain. I think it helps if one can believe that you can make such changes to the way you think, this is very hard for some people stuck in that mindset.
Pharmaceutical intervention only helps to a point. Often it is just a band aid that mutes some of these dominant neural connections. If no effort is made to change these pathways and build new ones, the individual never gets better or sees much improvement in how they feel.
Some people can experience an event in their life which can propel them to change the way they perceive something in their mind. It literally forces them to open a new pathway which rapidly gains strength due to the shock of the event.
I have had such moments in my life and it is quite amazing when it happens. It is literally like someone just flipped a switch.

The above may or may not be relevant to the OP’s question. Sexual sensation is indeed a different thing but very related to libido as Lost sheep has eloquently described.
Libido for me is the urge you experience both in the mind and the feeling in the loins that seems to build up for sexual release. Whereas sexual sensations are the sexual feelings of pleasure experienced during actual masturbation or sexual activities with another person, which can be felt in many parts of the body if you are turned on enough. However, I feel these sensations are also part of libido as they are evident even before any sexual activity; the feeling of your penis swelling in your pants during the day when a sexual thought appears in your head as the urge or the drive of libido motivates you further. They are forever entwined with each other.

Hormones do play a big role in the above. If they are missing or insufficient libido and sexual sensation/function can be dysfunctional.
Testosterone does affect libido considerably and erectile function, however, indirectly. DHT also affects libido and the health of the erectile tissues.
The OP has mentioned he felt he may have a lower than normal T level. This could be part of his issues or it may not be. Multiple testing and seeing a doctor who specialises in TRT may be of help. Urologists IMO can be very old school when it comes to T replacement. See a doctor who truly understands this part of medicine. This is the tricky part, they are not easy to find.
Perhaps he has thyroid issues or prolactin is too high? There are many possibilities for the symptoms he describes.
Sexual sensation can decline for so many reasons. All we can do on this forum is relay our own experience and story.

I was also beginning to experience a loss of sexual sensation. One day it would be there the next not so much, then another hardly at all. Since I have been taking Tadalafil chronically, that is every day in a low dose for about 15 months now, I have noticed the sexual sensitivity in my penis is much more consistent, quite remarkably so. I have changed nothing else in my routine. I could begin to speculate many reasons for this. The main ones I will mention is the consistent enhancement of the NO pathway and the consistent enhancement of nocturnal erections. Over time, some form of regeneration of particular tissues may have evolved.
It is also possible that the combination of testosterone and Tadalafil is having a synergistic effect. Both used in this manner have rejuvenation actions in the penis.
This is long term therapy, not an overnight solution. There will be no overnight solutions anyway. Perhaps the OP could discuss this therapy with a doctor who understands this new way of using PDE5 inhibitors.
Another interesting thing I have noticed: When I was a younger man in my 30’s and I tried Viagra and Cialis for on demand use, I noticed that sexual sensation was reduced when using these drugs. I was using them in a higher dose. Quite the opposite now with above protocol.
The more I research about PDE5 inhibitors, the more I realise how interesting these drugs are. They are currently being investigated with possible use in Dementia and Alzheimer’s, due to their effect with negating oxidative stress in various tissues and ability to restore the function in the endothelium and increase in NO synthase. The improvement in blood flow in the Brain could be of great interest if started early enough.
I have also noticed a mood elevating or almost antidepressant effect from the consistent use of Tadalafil as well. It definitely has effects on the brain.
Food for thought!
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby kinggg » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:29 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:If this is the DEcrease that Kinggg would like to see reversed with the INcrease he seeks...I can only suggest trying to rule out physical causes (pinched nerve - perhaps from riding a racing bicycle or other activities like that) or some disease process and then investigating emotional or psychological causes.

Ok let me preface this numbness by saying its NOT numbness per se but loss of sexual sensation in the penis. Numbness was a poor choice of words to convey. That being the case lets just stick to 'loss of sexual sensation' in the penis for better reference.

The root cause is definitely not mental nor relationship oriented since I have a few girls (not a whole lot though) who are interested in me.

My ED began in the mid 1990s when doctors forced me to take a nasty med daily for a month unabated that I complained about which they didnt do anything about but continue feeding me even doubling the dosage. Every time I took it I felt an immense powerful pain in my penis to such an extent that a month later it constricted its base, I kid you not. Along with this came headaches, blurry vision, sleep disturbances and eye aches which I've never experienced before this med. For the past 25 years no doc has been able to reverse this. Thousands of dollars were spent on clinics, docs, meds, tests, etc. Nothing worked. No offense to anyone here but I get closer to the realization that homicide can offer relief. Thereafter whatever happens to me I really dont give a fuck about.

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby Flavio » Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:35 am

Simbarn wrote: [...]
I have also noticed a mood elevating or almost antidepressant effect from the consistent use of Tadalafil as well. It definitely has effects on the brain.
Food for thought!

Food for thought indeed, this is fascinating stuff.

So, you're saying that daily use of PDE-5 inhibitors may be more effective that on demand use?

I was thinking of taking daily Cialis 5 mg before going to sleep to improve vasculogenic health BUT: a) Cialis was always very effective but only the max 20 mg dose, I don't see any immediate effects when I take smaller doses; b) I'm scared of side effects, especially this weird pain or discomfort in the back of my eyes, that always freaked me out.

Another possibility is daily pycnogenol (a powerful anti-oxidant) before going to sleep.

Have you tried the combination pycnogenol + L-arginine? I believe it improves erection quality but l-arginine seems to increase testosterone and higher testosterone has a drastic impact on my hair loss.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby Simbarn » Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:26 pm

kinggg wrote:
Lost Sheep wrote:If this is the DEcrease that Kinggg would like to see reversed with the INcrease he seeks...I can only suggest trying to rule out physical causes (pinched nerve - perhaps from riding a racing bicycle or other activities like that) or some disease process and then investigating emotional or psychological causes.

Ok let me preface this numbness by saying its NOT numbness per se but loss of sexual sensation in the penis. Numbness was a poor choice of words to convey. That being the case lets just stick to 'loss of sexual sensation' in the penis for better reference.

The root cause is definitely not mental nor relationship oriented since I have a few girls (not a whole lot though) who are interested in me.

My ED began in the mid 1990s when doctors forced me to take a nasty med daily for a month unabated that I complained about which they didnt do anything about but continue feeding me even doubling the dosage. Every time I took it I felt an immense powerful pain in my penis to such an extent that a month later it constricted its base, I kid you not. Along with this came headaches, blurry vision, sleep disturbances and eye aches which I've never experienced before this med. For the past 25 years no doc has been able to reverse this. Thousands of dollars were spent on clinics, docs, meds, tests, etc. Nothing worked. No offense to anyone here but I get closer to the realization that homicide can offer relief. Thereafter whatever happens to me I really dont give a fuck about.

I am sorry to hear of this Kingg. What was the drug they gave you that caused all of this?
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby Simbarn » Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:38 pm

Flavio wrote:
Simbarn wrote: [...]
I have also noticed a mood elevating or almost antidepressant effect from the consistent use of Tadalafil as well. It definitely has effects on the brain.
Food for thought!

Food for thought indeed, this is fascinating stuff.

So, you're saying that daily use of PDE-5 inhibitors may be more effective that on demand use?

I was thinking of taking daily Cialis 5 mg before going to sleep to improve vasculogenic health BUT: a) Cialis was always very effective but only the max 20 mg dose, I don't see any immediate effects when I take smaller doses; b) I'm scared of side effects, especially this weird pain or discomfort in the back of my eyes, that always freaked me out.

Another possibility is daily pycnogenol (a powerful anti-oxidant) before going to sleep.

Have you tried the combination pycnogenol + L-arginine? I believe it improves erection quality but l-arginine seems to increase testosterone and higher testosterone has a drastic impact on my hair loss.

The daily use of PDE5 inhibitors have been shown to do different things in the body than if they are taken very short term in a higher dosage. It appears they can slow down the effects of oxidative stress, and help restore some of the damage this causes. There is much research looking into the effects of oxidative stress and damage to the cardiovascular system and the health of the blood vessels. The penis is particularly susceptible to this damage if it occurs. CVOD follows along with fibrosis.
Any antioxidant may help as well. No I am yet to try pycnogenol, but am very interested in it.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby kinggg » Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:59 am

Simbarn wrote:
The daily use of PDE5 inhibitors have been shown to do different things in the body than if they are taken very short term in a higher dosage. It appears they can slow down the effects of oxidative stress, and help restore some of the damage this causes. There is much research looking into the effects of oxidative stress and damage to the cardiovascular system and the health of the blood vessels. The penis is particularly susceptible to this damage if it occurs. CVOD follows along with fibrosis.
Any antioxidant may help as well. No I am yet to try pycnogenol, but am very interested in it.

Hi simbarn,

Do you know if theres currently any med that restores damage on blood vessels mainly those responsible for feeding blood into the penis for erection to occur?

Do you know if theres any med that reverses or research into reversing the tolerance patients reach with PDE5 inhibitors like cialis? For me cialis stopped working so wanted to know if theres still hope for guys like me whose pills stopped working.

Looking forward to your reply, simbarn!

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby Simbarn » Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:20 pm

kinggg wrote:
Simbarn wrote:
The daily use of PDE5 inhibitors have been shown to do different things in the body than if they are taken very short term in a higher dosage. It appears they can slow down the effects of oxidative stress, and help restore some of the damage this causes. There is much research looking into the effects of oxidative stress and damage to the cardiovascular system and the health of the blood vessels. The penis is particularly susceptible to this damage if it occurs. CVOD follows along with fibrosis.
Any antioxidant may help as well. No I am yet to try pycnogenol, but am very interested in it.

Hi simbarn,

Do you know if theres currently any med that restores damage on blood vessels mainly those responsible for feeding blood into the penis for erection to occur?

Do you know if theres any med that reverses or research into reversing the tolerance patients reach with PDE5 inhibitors like cialis? For me cialis stopped working so wanted to know if theres still hope for guys like me whose pills stopped working.

Looking forward to your reply, simbarn!

Hi Kingg, please read the post above again and others of mine where I discuss the chronic use (daily) of low dose PDE5 inhibitors for the effect they may have with restoring some of the damage that has occurred to all blood vessels.
This is different to the effect they have with on demand use. The fact that they have stopped being as effective for you for helping to generate an "on demand erection" does not indicate that they will not have a beneficial effect if taken daily in a low dose over one to two years consistently. Cialis is probably the best one to try given its long half-life.
Combining this with a better testosterone level may also have a synergistic effect. That is a T level that is optimal for you. Too much will have the opposite effect.
Antioxidants are worth mentioning again here too as is diet and exercise, the latter being of significant importance.

I know of no magic drug that restores the health of our blood vessels. If that was discovered it would be comparable to finding a cure for all cancers!
IMO, you have not become tolerant to the effect that PDE5 inhibitors exert, that is inhibiting PDE5. What is most likely occurring is that either the ability of the blood vessels in the penis to produce adequate NO, which is an earlier step in this particular pathway, has deteriorated further or another pathway or mechanism has deteriorated such that inhibiting PDE5 is not sufficient to sustain erectile ability.
There has been no scientific evidence that I am aware of to date, to suggest that PDE5 inhibitors stop inhibiting PDE5 over time.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby Jagtstein » Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:02 am

New masturbation method at the age of 75
I have been masturbating regularly for 66 years now. Now at the age of 75, my urinal system is so dull that I can only induce an orgasm with great difficulty. This is important to me because I want to pass the ejaculate out. That's why I developed a new masturbation method for myself. As before, I masturbate with the 3 finger method, using the entire stroke of the foreskin to over the glans. In addition, I insert a 10mm rib dilator up through the prostate. This allows me to stimulate my prostate and urethra during masturbation by moving the dilator back and forth. The dilator is thin enough that I can ejaculate without any problems. Because I get a 13mm dilator into my urethra. ... ie.451851/ :)
Masturbation is better than sex. :)

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby kinggg » Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:59 pm

Simbarn wrote:
Hi Kingg, please read the post above again and others of mine where I discuss the chronic use (daily) of low dose PDE5 inhibitors for the effect they may have with restoring some of the damage that has occurred to all blood vessels.
This is different to the effect they have with on demand use. The fact that they have stopped being as effective for you for helping to generate an "on demand erection" does not indicate that they will not have a beneficial effect if taken daily in a low dose over one to two years consistently. Cialis is probably the best one to try given its long half-life.
Combining this with a better testosterone level may also have a synergistic effect. That is a T level that is optimal for you. Too much will have the opposite effect.

I'll try it to see if daily cialis can help. As for TRT I'm trying to find a good uro for that who understands my intricate needs.After all I'm not the average patient with average issues. Trying to find a uro who understands this is challenging. I live in NYC and am trying to find one who's ideal.

But do you think stem cells can help restore faulty blood vessels? I'm seriously looking into stem cell therapy to regenerate tissue and vessels.

Antioxidants are worth mentioning again here too as is diet and exercise, the latter being of significant importance.

Its very strange when it comes to exercise. Years before, squats used to give me incredible hard-ons. But after the aftermath of taking the medication that gave me ED (among other issues) its stopped giving me hard-ons and have relaxed some part of my groin area that somewhat prevents me from getting them.

Let me know what you think. Thank you.

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Re: How Do I Increase Sexual Sensation?

Postby Jagtstein » Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:35 am

kinggg wrote:Hi guys.. Do you know how to increase sexual sensation? Through medication or something else?

Trigger ejaculation with the help of a medicine!
I got Sildenafil AbZ 50 mg on prescription. After taking the medicine, an erection is possible after about 1 hour with appropriate sexual stimulation. After masturbation and ejaculation, which I can then trigger, which is my goal, the erection subsides again. :)
Masturbation is better than sex. :)

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