Open Post to Veterans

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Open Post to Veterans

Postby flyingduck2019 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:09 am

This post is an open post to all veterans and probably should be in the "injections" forum but I think it will get more coverage here.

If you are already getting your ED medications,be they pills, injections or whatever from the VA and are happy with the process, then I say good for you.

If you are new to ED and your URO is going to, or has already given you a script for trimix, bimix or quadmix, pills etc., then you probably can save a ton of money by getting your needs provided by Express Scripts, the contracted pharmacy Tricare uses. I CAN'T GUARENTEE YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN GETTING YOUR ED MEDS OR OTHER ITEMS THIS WAY, BUT A LOT OF VETS HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN DOING SO.

Of all the vets I have helped get their meds this way, and I had the same issues as others, the key to getting approved and claims paid seems to be how the pharmacy writes up the claim. I am working with a vet right now that tried to get his trimix through Tricare. They tried to pull the same crap with him as they did with me. They said one or more of the "ingredients" in trimix was not covered and turned down the claim. This is total bullshit! Once my pharmacy turned in the claim in the correct format it was approved and I had my trimix in my hands two days later. Another trick they tried to pull on me was to say my compounding pharmacy was "not on their approved list of pharmacies". That too was bullshit!

So, if you are a vet, new to ED, or are now paying full price for your juice, I will be glad to try and help you get it at a huge cost savings.

PM me for details.

Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 :D :D :D Wife likes it too :D :D :D :D

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby Scporet » Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:05 pm

Your help is appreciate, thanks

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby JW0817 » Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:47 pm

If you are a Vet and can use the VA hospital system all you need to do is make a appointment with a VA doctor and then it's free, I did for years but now I don't need them anymore as I got a penile implant this year at the VA and it works great.
65yr old Had ED for over 10 year tried everything Had Implant on 8-17-2020 AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby 1969CevyC10 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:22 pm

I have been getting the generic viagra from the VA for a few years, did nothing so they switched me to cialis, also did nothing.
About six months ago the VA sent me a vacuum pump which I tried, have not had much success with finding a ring that will
prevent leakage. They sent me the Encore system, manual pump but I bought the battery powered pump out of my own pocket.
I seem to get a good erection, but the ring I am using does not hold the blood in the penis. I have tried about every ring possible.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be of great help. I am 73 and been married 44 years. It would be a great pleasure to have
decent sex with my beautiful wife again.

Thank You for listening,
An old "Doc" from Vietnam
used cialis, viagra, started pumping and using rings, just started injecting edex Jan of 2022

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby tomas1 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:05 pm

Boy, how things have changed. I wasn't on Tri-Care, but was in the VA network.
This was 20 years ago, but I asked to get Viagra and they told me I'd have to go to pumping class and if that didn't work I could possibly get the pills.

I'm glad things have changed, but luckily, I really don't need care under the VA.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby JW0817 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:57 am

Have you thought about getting a implant I got mine at the VA last August of this year it's the best thing I could have done. I'm 66 years old been married for over 22 years tried it all. so I talked to my doctor at the VA what was left and he told me about the implants as a option. After checking in to it I found FT this site and the guys on hear helped me with all my questions from guys that had it done. I went back to my doctor at the VA and went over it with him and I went with a AMS 700LGX implant. Come to find out that the VA dose implants all the time, the day I had mine done they had 3 others to done the same day. Its so nice to have sex with my wife and not have to think about how long will last this time.
65yr old Had ED for over 10 year tried everything Had Implant on 8-17-2020 AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby 1969CevyC10 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 2:17 pm

JW, thank you for the information concerning the VA. I have to travel over 200 miles one way to get to my
VA facility and right now I think most of the Docs are not seeing anyone face to face because of the COVID
situation. Do you start with your primary care Doc and go from there? I am guessing that is the procedure
I would have to follow. I think the pump will work for now if I can just find the right ring size to use. It would
at least allow me to have sex with my wife. Thank You again
used cialis, viagra, started pumping and using rings, just started injecting edex Jan of 2022

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby JW0817 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:44 pm

yes the VA is like Tricare is they want you to start with your primary care Doctor to get things started I had no problems with my Doctor as he told me at my age it's the best fix out there. Hope when this COVID is over it will be so much easer to get things done go luck when the time comes.
65yr old Had ED for over 10 year tried everything Had Implant on 8-17-2020 AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby 1969CevyC10 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:20 pm

JW, could you give me a little imput about the implant? How was the surgery? How does the implant work?
Is it permanent? Did you have much pain, etc??? Thank You
used cialis, viagra, started pumping and using rings, just started injecting edex Jan of 2022

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Re: Open Post to Veterans

Postby JW0817 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:42 pm

Well for the big question first (Is it permanent) yes it is there’s is no going back. For me the implant surgery went great it lasted about an hour or so from Pre to post opt. In most cases it’s a same day surgery depends on your Doctor. But because of my age and that Covid-19 was going on my Doctor kept me over night but the people at my VA are great so they took good care of me. For pain very little at all but everyone’s different. I got black and blue all over but others I have chatted with didn’t. You may get some swelling most do, not bad ice works great. For the implant itself there are different types non inflatable and inflatable like the one I got. I have the AMS 700LGX it has three parts to it a reservoir pump and the cylinders. To use it all you have to do is pump it up to the hardness you want and when you’re done you press the release button. There is a lot on the internet about them now just google penile implants they even have you tubes videos on the surgery on how it is done. On Frank Talk under the implant on the index page there is tons of good and some bad info just remember that some guys had bad luck with their implants but most went great. I hope this helped you some just PM me and let me know if there is anything else I can answer for you.
65yr old Had ED for over 10 year tried everything Had Implant on 8-17-2020 AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 1cm RTE

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