Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby kenguy » Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:33 pm

Received my Rocket (now The Phoenix) two days ago. Quite happy with the way it was shipped and the instructions that came with it. They included a vacuum device for doing daily stretching the penis tissues also. The Phoenix is easy to use. Plug it into an electric wall outlet, turn a dial 180 degrees, place the tip on the shaft of the penis, and push the button to start it up. I did the first of a series of treatments I will have to do. It took about 25 minutes to complete. For detailed instructions, go to their site "howtousethephoenix.com". The treatment went well and easier than I expected. Later, before going to bed, I took a generic Viagra (which normally doesn't do anything for me.) About 6AM I woke up to go to the bathroom and was surprised when I realized I had a partial erection! I haven't had morning wood for many years.

I will continue to post my experiences with the Phoenix. We all have our own E.D. issues and I am hopeful that mine can be treated with this device. If it works as advertised, it will be a major step forward in treating the E.D. issues for millions of men at a considerable reduction in cost over the treatments that are available in medical facilities with a similar device that uses the same basic technology. More info available at getmyphoenix.com. Will post again soon. Safety feature on device locks it out for 35 hours after which it can again be used.
80 years old, have had E.D. for 30 years. Cancer necessitated removal of prostate. Married with very understanding wife.

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby chris168 » Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:35 am

Is it basically a vibrator?

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby kenguy » Sun Aug 16, 2020 1:25 pm

No, it is not basically a vibrator. I does vibrate, that is just the nature of the device, but the vibration is caused by a metal thing inside the devices that moves up and down inside the tube very rapidly. The metal thing strikes a metal pad that you screw onto the end of the device. The two pieces of metal colliding together cause a shock wave (not an electrical shock) that is directed deep into the sides of the penis when the pad is held against the side of the penis. You put some lubricant on the pad and slide the device up an down the penis shaft. The shock waves transmitted through the penis tissue causes penis blood vessels to be enhanced and consequently getting a better blood flow in the penis. Having a good blood flow in the penis is essential for getting decent erections. If you do an internet search of https://intro.getmyphoenix.com that will provide you with a starting point to do many more searches related to the device. There is plenty of information on the internet on how the device works. So far I am satisfied that the device (which I purchased) is beginning to make changes in my penis. I have done four treatments with it, but I plan on doing at least 8 more. One change that I have noticed is that I get slight erections from using generic viagra. Before, it had no effect on me whatsoever. Finger touching of the penis is more enjoyable too. I am hoping that continued use of the device will eventually produce decent erections with or without Viagra. If the results of all of this is being able to get an erection with Viagra, I will consider that to be a success story. I will keep posting periodically as changes occur for me.
80 years old, have had E.D. for 30 years. Cancer necessitated removal of prostate. Married with very understanding wife.

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby Markc2008 » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:53 am

Any updates from anyone that tried this? I’m considering getting one if someone can confirm that it does indeed help..

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby Robert-CA » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:11 pm

The FDA device classification system is complicated, and I don't understand it. However, I know enough to say that it is not simply related to power.

A Class 1 device, according to the FDA, is "not intended for use in supporting or sustaining life or of substantial importance in preventing impairment to human health, and they may not present a potential unreasonable risk of illness or injury."

As far as the Phoenix, I have spoken to the company founders, and to their chief medical officer, Dr. Paul Thompson. They claim that the device matches the energy signature of the clinical devices.

I would still like to see an independent clinical study, or a comparison between home and clinical results, but in the mean time here's what I know: https://edtreatment.info/phoenix-at-hom ... ed-review/

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby RogueOne » Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:21 pm

Greeting all. I stumbled across this site after receiving my Rocket/Phoenix and it inspired me to register to see if I can answer some questions, because I know it's quite an investment to make. Also, please note that I am not receiving compensation for this testimony. I know how troubling it is to find legitimate, uncompensated information on this topic.

First a little about me. I'm 57. Probably about 20-30 pounds overweight but relatively healthy. I'm not on any medications but take quite a few supplements. I began noticing that my erections were not as hard and would not as long as they once did about five years or so ago (morning wood was iffy). I looked into acoustic wave therapy but the cost was a bit beyond my budget ($1,600 to $6,000 depending on the doctor and packages offered). I saw a video on this product back in Dec. 2019 and did some research. When I purchased it, it was in pre-production so I got a significantly reduced price.

I got it a week ago (of this writing) and I've administered four treatments, which included recommending pumping twice a day, so far (actually just completed my forth treatment before writing this). If you've watched the videos you'll hear one of the doctors say "give me six treatments guys." So understand that I'm not there yet with this report.

First, the packages comes with the device itself. Easy assembly and easy to use. The device is moderately loud so don't plan on doing this in secret or at night when everyone is sleeping. It takes a time or two to get use to how to use it and you soon realize that the light display is more of a guideline as to where you should be on your penis as you move the device up and down the shaft. Each treatment takes about 20 minutes.

The package also comes with a small packet of numbing cream. I used it once and haven't since. There is no pain and for me not even the slightest discomfort. The instructions indicate that the device should be pressed against the penis before you start it or you may experience pain. This hasn't happened with me. Skin from the shaft gathers and prevents you from pushing the device up so I lift it up and over the gathered skin and push it right back against my shaft with no pain or discomfort at all. Actually, I've tried to think of an equivalent sensation to describe and I can't think of one other than a deep vibration (maybe) that I feel in the center of my shaft.

There is also packets of gel that are included. The directions say to put a drop on the metal tip of the device to allow the device to slide and assist with the acoustic therapy. I use this to coat my penis rather than the numbing cream and it seems to work for me. Again, I've not experienced any pain or discomfort.

What I've notice thus far is, it does seem to be working. I've noticed morning erections every morning since beginning. I've actually awaken from sleep to find a strong erection.
And there is a fullness when flaccid. I've also notice more spontaneous erections. Overall, I'm impressed and very happy with the results.

Now there is a video out there with an "influencer" who claims "My dick is growing!" Yeahhh, not so much. There's another one where the doctor claims "rock stars" and "Navy SEALs" come to his clinic to get a treatment so they can get hard for sex. Maybe, but again I question this claim. Does it seem to work? Yes. Have I walked away from a treatment with an erection? NO. Have I experienced mind-blowing growth in the middle of a treatment? NO. If you're thinking about buying this device based on those claims you will be disappointed.

Has there been some "growth"? Possibly...maybe. You are opening the veins for more blood and then pumping immediately afterwards (or at least I do) for at least 10 minutes so there is some thickness associated with that. But will you finish your six to twelve treatments and look in the mirror and say to yourself "those porn studs ain't got nothing on me"? Probably NOT. Manage your expectation.

I hope this has been helpful to some who are on the fence. Does it work? It is/has for me. Should you manage your expectations if you purchase it? Definitely. Is it worth the investment? For me, yes. I'll try to check back from time to time to answer any questions.

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby RogueOne » Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:31 pm

RogueOne wrote:Greeting all. I stumbled across this site after receiving my Rocket/Phoenix and it inspired me to register to see if I can answer some questions, because I know it's quite an investment to make. Also, please note that I am not receiving compensation for this testimony. I know how troubling it is to find legitimate, uncompensated information on this topic.

First a little about me. I'm 57. Probably about 20-30 pounds overweight but relatively healthy. I'm not on any medications but take quite a few supplements. I began noticing that my erections were not as hard and would not as long as they once did about five years or so ago (morning wood was iffy). I looked into acoustic wave therapy but the cost was a bit beyond my budget ($1,600 to $6,000 depending on the doctor and packages offered). I saw a video on this product back in Dec. 2019 and did some research. When I purchased it, it was in pre-production so I got a significantly reduced price.

I got it a week ago (of this writing) and I've administered four treatments, which included recommending pumping twice a day, so far (actually just completed my forth treatment before writing this). If you've watched the videos you'll hear one of the doctors say "give me six treatments guys." So understand that I'm not there yet with this report.

First, the packages comes with the device itself. Easy assembly and easy to use. The device is moderately loud so don't plan on doing this in secret or at night when everyone is sleeping. It takes a time or two to get use to how to use it and you soon realize that the light display is more of a guideline as to where you should be on your penis as you move the device up and down the shaft. Each treatment takes about 20 minutes.

The package also comes with a small packet of numbing cream. I used it once and haven't since. There is no pain and for me not even the slightest discomfort. The instructions indicate that the device should be pressed against the penis before you start it or you may experience pain. This hasn't happened with me. Skin from the shaft gathers and prevents you from pushing the device up so I lift it up and over the gathered skin and push it right back against my shaft with no pain or discomfort at all. Actually, I've tried to think of an equivalent sensation to describe and I can't think of one other than a deep vibration (maybe) that I feel in the center of my shaft.

There is also packets of gel that are included. The directions say to put a drop on the metal tip of the device to allow the device to slide and assist with the acoustic therapy. I use this to coat my penis rather than the numbing cream and it seems to work for me. Again, I've not experienced any pain or discomfort.

What I've notice thus far is, it does seem to be working. I've noticed morning erections every morning since beginning. I've actually awaken from sleep to find a strong erection.
And there is a fullness when flaccid. I've also notice more spontaneous erections. Overall, I'm impressed and very happy with the results.

Now there is a video out there with an "influencer" who claims "My dick is growing!" Yeahhh, not so much. There's another one where the doctor claims "rock stars" and "Navy SEALs" come to his clinic to get a treatment so they can get hard for sex. Maybe, but again I question this claim. Does it seem to work? Yes. Have I walked away from a treatment with an erection? NO. Have I experienced mind-blowing growth in the middle of a treatment? NO. If you're thinking about buying this device based on those claims you will be disappointed.

Has there been some "growth"? Possibly...maybe. You are opening the veins for more blood and then pumping immediately afterwards (or at least I do) for at least 10 minutes so there is some thickness associated with that. But will you finish your six to twelve treatments and look in the mirror and say to yourself "those porn studs ain't got nothing on me"? Probably NOT. Manage your expectation.

I hope this has been helpful to some who are on the fence. Does it work? It is/has for me. Should you manage your expectations if you purchase it? Definitely. Is it worth the investment? For me, yes. I'll try to check back from time to time to answer any questions.

UPDATE: Finished my fifth self treatment. After this treatment I can say that more veins are bulging. I was a bit thicker after I finished. Pumped for a little less than 10 minutes, only because I was more swollen this time than previous treatments. It's been more than 3 hours since my treatment and flaccid I feel thicker. Still very pleased with my purchase.

UPDATE: So I did my sixth treatment and I can tell that the quality of erections has definitely increased. Morning erections every morning (actually have awaken in the middle of the night to find an erection). Had sex without losing my erection midway through and noticed refraction time was significantly shorter.

So I just completed my seventh treatment and I can say this device is worth the money. Veins are bulging. Quality of erections have improved dramatically. No increase in sensitivity so I have more control during sex. Definitely happy that I stuck with the company and got this device.
Last edited by RogueOne on Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby Markc2008 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:55 pm

So more importantly is it helping with erections? That’s great that it makes it look swollen and larger when flaccid but does it actually improve erections?

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby RogueOne » Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:58 am

Markc2008 wrote:So more importantly is it helping with erections? That’s great that it makes it look swollen and larger when flaccid but does it actually improve erections?

The point of the Rocket/Phoenix is that is opens up the veins to allow more blood to flow into the penis. I've tried to demonstrate that it appears to be doing as advertised. Does the device itself produce an erection? No. Are my erections improved? Yes. As I mentioned, they are more spontaneous and they do appear harder and firmer. But if you're on meds or have other health issues, this device may not work. Only your investment will give you your answer.

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Re: Has anyone here tried the Rocket or the Phoenix?

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:44 pm

dg_moore wrote:
Jeff775 wrote:
brickbat wrote:Rocket??? Phoenix???? What are you guys talking about??
How about a link to the sites for us ignorant guys!!!!!

It's a relatively inexpensive home shockwave device.

My internist says that placebos work, and expensive placebos work better than cheap ones

Hey Dg_moore, I just so love your observation. I think it is particulaly true concerning some forms of ED. Especially for the few that have turned the internet upside down pursuing a cure that mainstream medical people withhold from the masses.
Just goes to prove that all the research money put into pills, shots & implants was wasted money. You're the man. Wink wink!
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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