Injury Related ED

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:34 am

Injury Related ED

Postby SpiritWhirl » Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:13 am

I will try and state the facts in an unbiased manner. Last month I sustained an suspected injury using a vaccumm erection device, in an attempt at girth enhancement. I used the device without a pressure gauge, and inflated to a point where the penis was engorged to much greater than my usual girth for approximately 25 minutes, although I did not feel any pain. Since this incident I have not been able to obtain a natural erection, nocturnal erections have ceased and I am not responsive to pde5 inhibitors. I have not tried injectables. My andrologist has prescribed dental 400, pentoxyfiline to help with blood flow and told me to wait 6 weeks (of which 2 weeks has elapsed). Prior to this incident I have had no erection problems. My urologists and andrologists locally are unwilling to perform duplex sonographs, stating that my problem is merely psychogenic. I have had an physical examination and MRI which has come back normal. I have noticed that the penis has shrunk in size and has lost all rigidity, the glans often feels cold and has a lifeless colour (typically it is bright pink). Overall the penis feels lighter than it typically was. My main concern is that the tunica albuginea has been structurally compromised. My question is that, will I still be a candidate for IPP surgery?

Posts: 489
Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:52 am

Re: Injury Related ED

Postby AnotherOldMan » Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:27 am

I have had an physical examination and MRI which has come back normal.

I would wait the 6 weeks before considering other treatment.
My limited understanding of tunica albuginea injuries is: 1. Most(all?) describe severe, unrelenting pain.
2. MRI's can detect the injury.

My personal experience is anytime I have compromised my dick by my own foolishness leaving it alone for a month or so has restored it.

The normal caveats apply. I am not in any way associated with the medical profession. My advice is based on personal experience and acquired prejudices and is barely worth the electrons necessary to convey it.
Married 50+ years. Use VED for sex and do
daily exercises with both water and vacuum pumps.

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