Hello the Forum - My Journey to Date

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Hello the Forum - My Journey to Date

Postby StanWest » Wed May 29, 2019 11:57 pm

Stan here. Now 69, retired. Started having ED 2 to 2 1/2 years ago. Fighting chronic fatigue two decades, to the point of SS disability. Started coming out of that 1 1/2 yrs. ago. Libido kicking in, with Testosterone RT. Long hard fight with the fatigue. So started talking with my primary care doctor. Tried Viagra, did nothing. 100mg nothing, 200 mg no thing. Yes, I know 200 is too much now. Literal description was a deflated balloon. No growth, no morning wood. Also tried compounded Cialis. No effect.

Suggested trying a pump, so I made one. Good quality lab pump, vacuum regulator and cheap cylinder. Was reading some forums. PUMP did nothing. Really, a fully deflated balloon. Reading more online, I pumped a few more times. Started getting minimal growth, which increased. 12 ~ 15 times later now at about my teenage length. So I was not getting good blood flow, oxygen and nutrients.I had read about injections, and how to administer. I am also diabetic, used to injecting in easier, less sensitive locations!! Decided I would not talk to my doc unless I could bring myself to insert needle dry, (nothing injected). I did, not too bad. 8mm 30/31g. So, off to a urologist. 2nd visit, injects with trimix, .11ml. Get an erection. So, but its a welcome start. Next visit, lets me inject 0.11ml, 1/2" needle, 28g. OUUUCH, but much worse than that. Like I hit a nerve ??? Electric bolt shot thru the urethra. I have been feeling residuals now for 8 months, slowly fading, now mostly gone. I have been using 8mm 31 since then. Even numbing with Lidocaine since then. Now I don't need the Lidocaine.

Soon discovered that when I laid down, I lost the erection. Standing up revives it. Studying that, will be hard standing, very nice. looses some sitting, but laying down it wilts. plump but no stiffness. At 69, chronic fatigue, lower stamina, diabetes, laying down is how I want to enjoy with my wife. Now was using .18 to .20 ml trimix. So, I used a ring, tried several. But now I get pain in the Glans, really bad. Perhaps there was some discomfort, just a little without the ring. Now, using the ring by itself does not bring on any pain. Only when using both. Urologist doesn't know, his nurse practitioner doesn't get it either. As I was dealing with neuropathy pain with sores on my feet, needed T4 for pain at night to sleep, (acetaminophen/codeine). I found that if 45 to 60 minutes after taking the T4, when pain nerves are block, I got no pain from the trimix / ring in combination. Work good every time. But, was not able to ejaculate. 3 months or more like this. Primary care doc went thru my meds, pointed at Effexor XR as the most likely culprit. Now down to perhaps 15~20% daily dose, ejaculation returns (weak). For those no familiar with Effexor, strong antidepressant. Very difficult to get off of for many. unpleasant even slowly weaning off it.

From reading forums, I found that bimix can be used when trimix causes pain, from the alprostadil. Asked my urologist, he never heard of bimix!!! WOW! ?? Told him what it was, said he would have to look into it. He checked with the compounding pharmacy, sent an RX, I got the bimix. I also talked with the pharmacist at the compounding pharmacy, she indicated that yes, it causes pain in about 20% of their clients. The ring inhibited some flushing of the trimix, so I got an larger effective dosage. Take that out of trimix, you get bimix.

I will be posting questions in injecting and vacuum pumping forums. Nice to be aboard. Keep a stiff upper lip? as they say! Or something like that! ;)
Stan, 69 years old, no erection for 2 years, mild atrophy now restored my pump, using injection/ring, venous leakage, still adjusting mix.

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