Squishy testicles?

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Squishy testicles?

Postby Quincy » Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:47 pm

I've noticed over the past week or so that my testicles seem to be softer than they used to be. They are almost sponge-like, and have less-defined edges. In the past, my nuts could be squeezed but they were more firm and it hurt more to squeeze them at all. I don't know how long this has been going on, but certainly less than 6 months, maybe as little as a few weeks.

I have no idea what can cause this. I've had several changes in my life that affect that area, however.

Eight months ago I got a penile implant. Everything seemed to go well, my experience is as normal as I can think of. I love the implant. I'm using it a lot, so I get off far more often than before.

I had radiation therapy for PCa seven years ago. My doctors have said that a lot of tissues in the area were irradiated and are no longer the same as normal tissues, but my nuts felt normal for many years after

After the implant, I bought a hot tub. It's much easier to inflate the implant in hot water, and my wife and I both enjoy the hot tub a lot. I use it almost every day. My nuts definitely feel softer and mushier in the hot tub. But they don't get as hard as before even after I've been out for a couple of days.

The only other thing I can think of is Testapel. I started T therapy with pellets about 5 months ago. I've heard that T therapy can make testicles shrink, but I thought that took time and have no idea whether it causes them to go soft. My nuts don't seem to be smaller, just softer.

I'll set an appointment to see my doctor, just wondering if any of you have experience or knowledge about this.

71, Boise area, Married
ED from type 2 diabetes and PCa radiation.
AMS LGX surgery 6/5/18 with Edward Karpman in Silicon Valley, 18cm+3RTE

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby handfulWES » Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:49 pm

I have to chime in on this one. My friend "T" therapy will not SHRINK YOUR BALLS. I have taken Testosterone FOR 41 years and I use the injections in my hip. My balls are as solid as when I was a teen. If anything, I believe they are slightly bigger and far more sensitive but that is the way balls are. I have had "T" levels as high as 1200mgs. My doctor and I talked and since I have an enlarged heart due to something else, we gradually tone mine back to about 550 to 675. On occasions when I have my "T" level checked it might reach 800 but that is rare and dependent on my last injection. I do 200mgs every 2 weeks and I still have a very healthy sex drive. I stay horny almost 24/7 and as we age, as I am now 68 1/2 I have many things on my plate to manage. There is no such animal as RETIREMENT!

I will give you an example. This morning I was so damn horny and the opportunity to do something with a partner slipped by. The partner (could be either sex) had issues and I was getting pressed for time as well. We agreed for later in the day. When later came, neither of us were in the mental state because of the fires the both of us had going. Once I finished dinner tonight, all the horny is back so I think I will see what the morning brings.

Reading your signature and your post with the medical knowledge I have I would say that between the radiation and the diabetes may well be the cause. I know you said the radiation was years ago, WHAT I do know about radiation is often many of the side effects don't show till years later. I had cancer of the spin back in late 2004 and into 2005. I had chemo and radiation. On one of my radiation treatments they almost cooked my insides. Trust me on this could take time to show up.

I have worked closely with 3 urologist, a shit load of medical doctors and I actually worked for in VA hospital in Biloxi, MS for several years. I worked ER, OR, wards, I actually tried medical transcription and assisted in Autopsies. So I have been around the block.

In closing here I also have a friend of 30 years who also takes "T" and I just spoke with him to check his nuts and he said they are the same. I doubt the "T" no matter the form will do this. I can't say old age as I am older than you by a year or so. LOL If it were me, and I was really concerned I would make an appointment to see your UROLOGIST. My take on this could be wrong, but I am sure as hell for sure it's not the "T". If it were that mine would have been gone long ago. I too have an implant for almost 27 years and 5 revisions with the 5th ending in a massive infection and a replacement of the 5th implant in a 3 week period. I almost think I know the ropes.

If you see your doctor I would love to know his findings.

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby roninhouston » Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:30 am

After my implant the doctor suggested I try the Testopel pellets. However after I got the bill for my copay I decided to stop the pellets. My doctor told me I could not just stop "cold turkey" because the testicles had stopped functioning. When you stop taking the pellets you have to be weaned off or switch to injections. I switch to injections.

After almost 4 years, my testicles have shrunk. If it was not for my pump would have no balls. The others are almost hidden. My doctor says the the testicles shrink because they are no longer needed to produce testosterone
BTW My T Level is 800.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby happycamper59 » Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:15 pm

Maybe I'm being naive, and I am certainly no doctor, but could the squishy balls be the result of emptying them much more often?
ED worsened over 25 years, likely VL. Went through pills and injections, and results faded over time. Implant AMS 700CX, 21 cm, no RTE, on 6/3/24.

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby Hunchback » Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:29 pm

grandhaven wrote:Maybe I'm being naive, and I am certainly no doctor, but could the squishy balls be the result of emptying them much more often?

Testicles are not reservoirs, even if most people think they are "emptying" them, the only thing that's being emptied is the prostate, basically.
39 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby handfulWES » Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:09 pm

I realized I made one post here. FIRST AS ONE POSTED: The only thing that empties is the prostate. What the testicles produce go to the Seminal Vesicle. There it is stored till you have sex or bust a nut on your own. The sperm are released as your prostate contracts bringing with it what is stored in Seminal Vesicle. Prostate fluid protects our little swimmers so the sperm will do there job when deposited in a woman.

If your doctor said your Testicles were no longer needed to produce your "T" I think I would run the other direction. What does tell the Testicles to produce your "T" is the adrenal gland. THIS IS WHY OUR "T'" LEVELS DROP AS WE AGE FOR WHAT EVER REASON. I have taken "T" for almost 42 years without a break. I actually had a sperm count done and mine came back A-1 to go, in short, I could make a baby.

I would say that this might be from having your prostate removed or going thru radiation treatments. This I will have to ask one of my doctors when I am at the VA. I have one who is "Chief of Medicine" and I will see him some time this month.

As I posted earlier here, I actually have medical training and worked in a hospital, ER, OR, Wards, you may not think it counts as that was at a VA hospital for 3 years. AGAIN IF YOU HAVEN'T TALKED TO YOUR DOCTOR CONCERNING THE SQUISHY TESTICLES, make an appointment. Mine are in fact the same size as ever. It could be possible they might be a bit more sensitive but I don't know. I try to protect them when ever, where ever possible. Actually with the pump they hang rather well. If you do check with your doctor about the fact they are squishy and he gives a reason, I would love to know the cause. BTW, I have never hear of to much sex or JO if someone says so they are a quack. NOW: If you are busting nuts everyday or several times a day, this may cut back on the fluid the prostate makes and would in fact lower your sperm count. So if you are trying for a baby your need to find the fertile days and not have sex or bust a nut for 2 or 3 days before hand so your semen and prostate fluid or ready for the job. Out side of that, go for it.

If you are tired of seeing my post just tell me. I talked with a guy on the phone this morning who told me, as he has medical training, that I was a living and walking wealth of knowledge. I have been better than half way around the world. I served my country with what I think was distinction. I have ribbons to prove it, commendations and citations to go with said ribbons or pins. I am just an old fart who is now just a dirty old man that stays rather horny. I am me as the saying goes "what you see is what you get". LOL

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby happycamper59 » Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:58 am

Thanks for the education. Like I said, I am no doctor. :idea:
ED worsened over 25 years, likely VL. Went through pills and injections, and results faded over time. Implant AMS 700CX, 21 cm, no RTE, on 6/3/24.

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby alfa88 » Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:45 pm

I would play it safe and get an appointment to see your doctor.

My friend "T" therapy will not SHRINK YOUR BALLS

That wasn't the case with me. Mine shrunk from walnut size down to the size of large marbles. Even my Uro commented on their diminutive size. Thanks, I needed that. They returned to normal size after stopping the T injections
53 years old, married 32 years. Decades of ED & PE. BPH. Tried Viagra W & W/O T-Shots, Levitra and Cialis, Edex, Trimix starter, medium, strong with poor results, VED. Implanted w/AMS700CX 21cm X 12mm w/1.5cm RTE by Dr. Leroy Jones 9/1/20

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Re: Squishy testicles?

Postby tomas1 » Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:56 pm

Mine also shrunk after using T injections for over 5 years.
I seem to have one squishy testicle but I'm not worried about it.
Wish they would have removed it to leave more pump room.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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