Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Postby handfulWES » Mon Jan 21, 2019 9:15 am

I just joined FT sometime last week. I am always doing research on the net and I am not sure, I may well be the guy who has had his implant the longest. I keep sharing parts of my story and the journey I traveled from just before I turned 20 till the present day. I have had an implant just over 26 years, starting at 42. I have had an opportunity, I trust for the better, to talk with several guys from FT on the phone. Each story I here, thought somewhat different all end with one ringing tone: "I feel lost, I'm not sure or how do I know for sure this is right for me or I read with so many post here I am confused.

I have been tempted to at least try my story with the decision I made for doing the implant and let you see, that this way was pioneered in the beginning with a hand full of individuals like me. In that time era, we didn't have the net or support groups and only a small hand full of doctors who would even attempt performing this procedure and it wasn't done on guys under 60.

I was reading on one of the topics yesterday AMS vs Coloplast of which I had made a post. Since all that was actually available to me was the AMS products I did use there products close to 22 years. (I had to go back and do my math over again) Between my AMS and getting my Coloplast I had several years that I had a dick that didn't work. (1) I had retired and (2) all my medical care came from the VA, the VA in Richmond, Virginia. At this time they were only doing them one day out of each month, until about 2 1/2 years ago where now they do them several each week. The back log was close to 3 years when my name was placed on the list.

There is such a need on FT for help in so many areas concerning ED issues. I do have some medical training. Over the years when I see a doctor, they either like me or they hate me. I WILL EXPLAIN: Because my medical knowledge does cover a lot of areas, doctors who know they aren't so good get scared. Their problem is they are concerned I will catch them making some major mistake. The docs that like or love me, when I see them I generally am well able to diagnose the problem and actually prescribe the right treatment or medicine. Generally 9 out of 10 times I am correct.

I see many postings with problems in ED or something that may be causing your particular ED problem that I haven't experienced. What I may know about this is from studying and/or from knowledge gained from someone who has this particular problem.

The point here is: I am more than willing to lend a ear or even be just a sounding board and pass back my thoughts. I do believe that in the fight for ED treatment, an implant seems to have the best answer. I know, I will catch it on this statement and to each his own. Did I have the best doctors in my corner. I believe I did, where any of them famous, NO and I believe in my heart the only 2 who in just over 26 years that worked on me were the best.

I too have read the stories and thoughts of men on this site and each wants the best doctor. How do I find the right one? Each doctor tells me something different. I doubt any 2 doctors will say exactly the same thing. I know there are 3 manufactures AMS, Coloplast and a new one Zephyr. I don't know about this new one but looking at the design I think they may well be on to something. Since it still seems that most are still looking at something from AMS my comment would be it works. I have a Coloplast and I am far happier with this unit than with the ones from AMS.

I will add in closing here, "there may be something as I have skipped and bounced around here but it was for a reason. I wanted to give you some food for thought. ED is a nasty problem and only happens with men. Men are built different, our brains work different and when the one thing which determines 95 percent of our manliness, that and that alone will sap our JOY and STRENGTH. No man ever feels more like a failure till MR. HAPPY just will not do his thing.

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Postby dtwarren1942 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:24 am

Quick question: Is the decision process used by a 77 year old different from the process used by a 42 year old?
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Postby handfulWES » Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:17 pm

I sit here and I am laughing my head off. We all need just a little humor in our life. I doubt the decision process is different but my desperation being 42 was driving me along with a "T" level that was running 800 plus. Then I was horny 24/7 and horny is GOOD!

More on the decision process. Being 42 and this shit was so new and NO doctor would do this hardly unless you were at least 60 or had a spinal injury you were shit out of luck. This doctor was a little younger than me and like me he was a country boy. (BTW I am still a country boy - I just live in the city now) The other great thing he was Bi and that gave him at least 3 if not 4 gold stars. All he used were AMS implants. Because of the era of time in 1991 you had Mentor or AMS to choose from. Mentor had a bad reputation to start with and my insurance would only pay for something from AMS and only certain units.

Yes, in this DECISION making shit, there were so many factors. One other factor that drove making decisions was I had suffered since 19 ED issues. It seemed each day was worst than the day before. I was in the military, I had to be where I was because I was drafted. At my first duty station I met a girl and fell head over heels in love. I remember the first time we took things as they say "all the way" and the struggle I had performing. At 19, being raised on a farm, haven driven every piece of farm equipment known including a huge combine, and in high school driving a school bus for 3 years, I was responsible. I generally knew what I wanted and I more than anything wanted a family. I thought I had the perfect mate - WRONG as I learned later. Story short, my ED issues ended my marriage - I ended up with the kids, and all I wanted for me besides taking great care of my 2 little ones was some close companionship. I want something to hold, feel, love and MAKE LOVE with. Anyone is capable of sex but MAKING LOVE that is so different. I couldn't do that.

I ask was my decision process different? I don't think so but MY situation was driving the force with my decision. I did everything I knew and my logic was "THIS WILL FIX EVERYTHING". Once I finally had a working implant, the damn thing worked every time all the time on demand and never again did I worry it would fail. (note - I didn't think about if the damn thing were to break)

I trust this helps to answer your response. FRANK TALK to me is a way, IF WE WILL BE TRUTHFUL, a way to share our experiences, knowledge, hopes and desires one with another. Thru all this it will help each one make THE BEST DECISION for their journey. All I want is to try and help. I don't hold a medical degree, but I have all the skills of an RN, many of a doctor, have worked in an ER, OR and hospital. I here it right now, "Oh, you are a nurses aid". You couldn't be further from the truth. I have education, experience and the best educator of all [i]"THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS"[/i].

Keep the responses rolling guys. We all learn something here.

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

Bionic Richard
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Postby Bionic Richard » Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:49 pm

Thank you for the great post!
Could you copy it to the Implant section?
I think it would be very helpful for many men, particularly young men!
1957 model, married 27yr first time 6 yr present,10/16 Retired,12/16 PSA 4.9, 1/17 Biopsy, 2/17 Gleason 4+3, 3/17 Robotic Prostatectomy, 4/17 PSA nondecetable, Penile therapy, pills/VED/Trimix, 5/25/18 AMS 700 LGX 21cm 3cm RTE.

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