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Excision & Grafting with Implant- Length

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:11 pm
by Jim1961f
Hey all!

I posted this in the Implant section, but will post it here as well..

I’m scheduled for E&G and an Implant next month. Due to Peyronie’s, I have about a 70’ bend. I have definitely lost some length, which Dr Karpman wasn’t very optimistic about getting it back with the implant. I didn’t think about it at the time, so I’ll ask you…

If the plaque is removed and grafted (with cadaver tissue) why can’t lost length be recaptured? It would seem to me that replacing hard plaque with soft tissue would allow for renewed length.

Any info would be appreciated and helpful.


Re: Excision & Grafting with Implant- Length

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 5:34 pm
by jwdetails
Hi, great question. I originally would have chosen to get a plaque incision/excision with my original implant however wasn't offered or the knowledge about it. Ultimately, things got smaller even with the implant until I was able to gain some length with the second procedure.

With the plaque excision with implant, my most recent surgeon made it seem that you likely will never get back the original length you had before the peyronie's and ed started - but you can get pretty close. He was really aggressive about cycling, using a vacuum device both before and after surgery. Outside of the expertise of the surgeon in these types of cases, I think your own investment in optimizing the result is very improvement.