how about vertica device? its radio frequency

One of the newer treatments for ED, Shock Wave Therapy is still in it's experimental stages. While the treatment often sounds promising, it is only effective for a few patients and the results are not permanent. Informed Consumers are the best patients!
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how about vertica device? its radio frequency

Postby ready2go » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:19 am

on redditt guys have reported good effects

" from redditt ..Ok so I have had the vertica a little while. Yes it works. During pauses from any pills long enough for it to be eliminated, I notice morning wood, I find myself looking at girls on the street more and some half boners during the day. Don't ask me how microwaving the penis eliminates ed, but it works. Yes could be placebo effect. I am also in the period after shockwave therapy where improvements may be observed, I guess we are all trying multiple things..."
another comment ...."Am using this. This is working



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level 2
26 days ago
For how long have you been using it ? How severe was your ED ? Were you diagnosed venous leak ?



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level 3
25 days ago
No didn't penile doppler, but my symptoms was always penis look dead.erection maintaining problem and achieving. But after one month use if this vertica. Shrinkage gone. Alway penis looks fuller. Nd good improvement of erection."

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Re: how about vertica device? its radio frequency

Postby 25yearsold » Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:45 am

I posted about it earlier
I’d try it if it was avaible in my country. I guess noone here tried it yet.

There are some reddit members saying having positive effect, and there are some with no change at all.

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Re: how about vertica device? its radio frequency

Postby silver1 » Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:34 pm

The Vertica device sounds interesting. Apparently it's successful on venous leakage. Manufacturer is in Israel and its available in Europe and Australia. I wonder if they would mail order to US.

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Re: how about vertica device? its radio frequency

Postby newhope » Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:48 am

I used it in Italy, payed about 1700€. No effect on me.
But my ED was severe and even high dosage pills wouldn't work

If ED is severe there is only one solution (implant)
LGX 18 + 1, 90 cc. 2023/12
Pre-OP VED length: 5.5". Post-OP: 4". At 3 months post-op: 5".
Cycling with a lot of pain for the first 5 months, now improving
If you have a motorcycle or a bike stop using it (ED with motorcycle accident).

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