Injury-related HF without pain

One of the most misdiagnosed issues in medicine! This baffling and frustrating condition can create physical and emotion destruction. There is hope! It is VERY treatable. We will set you on the right track.
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Injury-related HF without pain

Postby TwoStep » Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:44 am

Let me commend the moderator for including a forum for hard flaccid which is associated with significant ED in many young men.

That said I don’t agree that Hard flaccid and pelvic pain or pelvic muscle tension are the same thing. Evidently some (maybe many) suffer from all of these, but there are also many who suffer hard flaccid and ED due to an injury and have no pain. I have never seen any evidence that this is due to pelvic muscle tension.

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Re: Injury-related HF without pain

Postby Endoftheline » Tue Apr 05, 2022 3:57 am

TwoStep wrote:Let me commend the moderator for including a forum for hard flaccid which is associated with significant ED in many young men.

That said I don’t agree that Hard flaccid and pelvic pain or pelvic muscle tension are the same thing. Evidently some (maybe many) suffer from all of these, but there are also many who suffer hard flaccid and ED due to an injury and have no pain. I have never seen any evidence that this is due to pelvic muscle tension.

The dysfunction is the result, pain can be or not be a part of that dysfunction. HF is one of the many ways in can manifest.

There are a few discords with HF sufferers that are doing quite well. You can find it if your Google fu is proficient
29 years old and suffered from ED for over 16 years
I had hard flaccid (Potentially Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction) , turned to long flaccid after priaprism incident.
implanted June 24 2022
24 cm XL Titan
L: 5.7 G: 5.0 (no arousal)
L:6.5 G:5.3 (aroused)

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Re: Injury-related HF without pain

Postby Bambino09 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:23 pm

Tube priapismo por 3 hora en un estudio de eco dopler tu crees que me pudo haber dañado?

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