Trimix & Delayed Ejaculation

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Re: Trimix & Delayed Ejaculation

Postby Growinjim » Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:48 pm

I found that by Reducing my Trimix dose from 0.2 mL
to merely 0.05 mL (5 units on 1 mL syringe) last week I had a
long and great orgasm
but without actual ejaculation. But it was Great. I didn't time
it, but it felt like nearly a minute!
I'll try again soon. Maybe it was retrograde ejaculation.

I HAD been able to ejaculate before for a couple of years
but with wife providing digital stimulation on prostate.

But the reduced Trimix didn't need prostate massage. And
It seemed like a much longer orgasm.
78 yrs, ED for 4-5 years, currently using Trimix, Giddy

Posts: 98
Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:17 am
Location: Nashville area

Re: Trimix & Delayed Ejaculation

Postby Growinjim » Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:49 pm

ps. To my post earlier today. I usually lately have taken
100 mg generic Viagra along with Trimix as is
recommended by some; decried by others. I DID use gen-Viagr
In my post earlier today.
78 yrs, ED for 4-5 years, currently using Trimix, Giddy

Posts: 43
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:50 am

Re: Trimix & Delayed Ejaculation

Postby scharff » Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:50 am

Before I started on Trimix I had to be careful when drinking alcohol. The "whiskey dick" syndrome for me was very real. Forget about the ejaculation, it just wouldn't get hard. Even in her mouth which is heaven for me. When I first starting using Trimix, the erection was something I could count on but I kind of ignored the ramifications of drinking, thinking that the injection would make it hard. And it did. Ejaculation was a different story and I've had a couple of times where she was making me feel quite good and in fact she had already been satisfied, but in spite of my erection I just couldn't release. Skip ahead to the next morning and a mutual masturbation session with her ended up with a normal release. She was disappointed that she couldn't make me cum the night before but very pleased with the outcome in the morning. My urologist also said that my diabetes (controlled now) doesn't help. She was the one to put me on Trimix and I recall her saying that delayed or no ejaculation was a possibility.

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