Anorgasmia (Failure to achieve orgasm)

If it takes too long to climax and it is causing a problem for you or your partner, welcome to this section.
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Re: Anorgasmia (Failure to achieve orgasm)

Postby redandwhite » Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:55 pm

Bigeyes I'm with you on this...just the feeling of having nice wood again, and my wife loving around on it, is great. She's physically not all that great of shape and has cardiomyopathy, so although I'm a runner still and do plenty of manual labor for work, we can't get it on like we used to. But there is still lots of fun to be had, playing with each other and getting each other off.
Surgery at VA July 2017 after many years struggling with pills, shots, pump, etc. Should've done it way sooner! October 2020: VA just replaced the first one with another due to stuck valve...AMS 700 LGX.

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Re: Anorgasmia (Failure to achieve orgasm)

Postby Stew52 » Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:11 pm

Thanks for adding DE to the forum. This is not a deal breaking condition like ED, but very frustrating when you cannot get the same release as your partner. Moreso because she is really really getting off with a much longer duration now :D Now I go do the cooking afterwards while she recovers. :shock: Role reversal. She says some of the best ever now so it's not all bad at all, just different. I exorcise the little devil later to keep the prostate clean. :)

While some DE may he related to other causes (long list in one of the posts gleaned from the many diverse posts), I suspect that mine was at least aggravated by ED treatments - years of pills and a couple now on injections, specifically PGE. I am back to exploring with Cialis and a ring and a much lower TriMix dose. It will be great to explore causes and solutions with the community. My URI knows little about ED and far less about PE/DE. We're largely on our own. Thanks again.
Last edited by Stew52 on Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
NOT an MD. 72, M52 yrs, CenTX US. Inj since 12/2016, a yr after pills stopped working. Caverject for a yr. 1/2018 Tri-Mix at 30 pap/2 phent/60 pge @0.3ml, now 0.5ml 80mcg/ml PGE1. DE/Anorgasmia setting in since 5/2019, worse now.

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Re: Anorgasmia (Failure to achieve orgasm)

Postby Stew52 » Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:48 am

ANecdote: Chatted with an older cousin today, he's 84 now. He had never used pills or injections and he said he got anorgasmia yeas ago "just by aging". He had phlebitis and used a thinner and used Lipitor for many years. No diabetes, pre diabetic, but having kidney problems. So no PGE there but still bad DE.
NOT an MD. 72, M52 yrs, CenTX US. Inj since 12/2016, a yr after pills stopped working. Caverject for a yr. 1/2018 Tri-Mix at 30 pap/2 phent/60 pge @0.3ml, now 0.5ml 80mcg/ml PGE1. DE/Anorgasmia setting in since 5/2019, worse now.

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Re: Anorgasmia (Failure to achieve orgasm)

Postby niarceel » Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:27 pm

I didn't have enough time to read every post on this thread.

Sorry if anything I have to offer is a duplicate of something else provided by someone else.

I have 2 detailed posts on anorgasmia that may help you:
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
Hobbies: Only one, my wife.

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Re: Anorgasmia (Failure to achieve orgasm)

Postby Stew52 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 10:28 pm

I had a small epiphany recently. I had a misfire injection. In a bit of a hurry and seemed like a dull needle. I guess it did not penetrate the cavernosa even though the 5/16" needle was buried to the hilt, as after injection, it just popped back. So I got the injection subcutaneously which causes grief and no erection. It caused a big red angry swell on the front right. After 3 1/2 years this was the 2nd such misfire.

The epiphany: I soaked the member in a cup of ice water several times a day fr 3 days to reduce swelling and tissue damage - - - it did not hurt. Icewater with ice. :o I gather the junior member's nerves are clearly atrophying?? Years ago surfing in 50's water it was in pain and withdrew. Not now.

Waxing philosophical. First viagra use to failure for many years, and now Trimix/PGE working good and extending a great sex life. Wife has never had it better. But we are getting older and doing things that some combination of nature and genetics did not intend for some. They say half jokingly that all men would die from prostate cancer if they lived long enough. Maybe likewise with Ed at bay, sooner or later we all get DE if we soldier on with our chemically fabricated boners. My wife's mother confided many years ago that their sex life faded in their late 50's due to his ED and he was a frustrated French horn-dog. He never even got a chance to get to the DE stage. We are. Of course it's in the genes and then exacerbated by all the other contributing factors mentioned above and by life's toxic chemicals and exposures no doubt. It's frustrating and it's getting harder to get off every month. I'd guess that most of us had a touch of youthful PE. Now it's the wife's turn. Karma.
NOT an MD. 72, M52 yrs, CenTX US. Inj since 12/2016, a yr after pills stopped working. Caverject for a yr. 1/2018 Tri-Mix at 30 pap/2 phent/60 pge @0.3ml, now 0.5ml 80mcg/ml PGE1. DE/Anorgasmia setting in since 5/2019, worse now.

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