Yohimbine worked for me

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Yohimbine worked for me

Postby peepingThomist » Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:11 pm

I have had anorgasmia for 41 years, since I was 17. I had an infection or something (doctors didn't find out what it was). In the course of a week I passed out repeatedly, couldn't urinate for almost 2 days, then had a spinal tap followed by a horrible day-long migraine-type headache. After that week I could not ejaculate for the next six months. (I was an inveterate masturbator, so tried a lot.) I also couldn't urinate standing up, which is still an issue.

Over the next few years the anorgasmia improved somewhat, but not all that much. I've been married 36 years, happily. For the first 20 or so years I would ejaculate maybe 25% of the time, after 45-60 minutes of very intense stimulation. Later I developed ED, and the anorgasmia got worse. I would ejaculate maybe 10% of the time, and only after 60-90 minutes of very intense stimulation.

Over the years I asked a couple of primary care physicians about the anorgasmia. (Bad idea.) They said anorgasmia is psychological in origin. Seeing therapists proved helpful in other ways, but had no effect on my anorgasmia. Eventually I stopped seeking to treat the anorgasmia.

As the ED progressed, Viagra stopped working adequately. A urologist prescribed Trimix. 2.5 units is enough, even though the prescription says to use between 10 and 40 units. I read online that if Trimix works at a very low dosage, the underlying cause of the ED is neurological. The idea that it was a neurological problem made me think to look again into the anorgasmia.

I asked the urologist for help with the anorgasmia. He said he hadn't treated it before, but researched it and prescribed Cabergoline. After 3 months I saw no effect.

I read online that Yohimbine helps some men with anorgasmia. I tried it and it worked.

I take 2.5mg of Yohimbine HCL (one capsule) 60-90 minutes before sex, and 2.5 units of Trimix 5 or 10 minutes before sex. Now I can ejaculate after as little as 5 minutes of stimulation. The stimulation still has to be very intense--I don't yet know whether that aspect of the anorgasmia will improve. Because of the Trimix, I can hold off indefinitely. For the past couple of months I have been able to ejaculate 100% of the time, and we don't need to have sex past the point where she is comfortable.

Higher doses of Yohimbine HCL make me clammy and jittery. Higher doses of Trimix cause priapism.

My wife has been supportive over the decades. She always insisted that the problem was physical, not psychological, but I always felt the anorgasmia was somehow "my fault". I finally agree with her. The most obvious explanation, that the anorgasmia resulted from an unusual neurological event at age 17, now seems obviously correct.

My anorgasmia put a lot of pressure on my wife over the decades. We had sex for far longer than she wanted, and we were always uncertain whether I would be able to ejaculate. I often felt like I was "close" when I wasn't.

The combination of Yohimbine HCL and Trimix has made life better for us. We are both pretty healthy (she more than I) and we hope we will have several more years together without the stress that my anorgasmia caused in our intimate life.

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby MARKOS2018 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:42 am

Sorry to hear that at 17 you had all those problems! Urinary and sexual and a spinal tap.....wow

Someone years ago mentioned Yohimbine and some other supplement over the counter which he claimed it helped him get him to ejaculate. Perhaps at times we are trying to please our spouses and that delays and sometime deters a climax. Also too much emphasis on cumming at the time rather than just relaxing and getting off??????

Well the Urologist told me last week that as we age we don't ejaculate or get a climax of sorts. So i guess that i just have to thrust harder and work up a sweat!

Thanks for your candid post.

Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.

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Re: Yohimbine

Postby TrimixUp » Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:02 pm

Interesting post! I’ve tried just about everything for my anorgasmia, including a few years ago a short trial with yohimbine without much luck.
I did find a 2015 study analyzing various over-the-counter yohimbine supplements, showing many of them didn’t contain yohimbine or that the stated dose was way off.
PeepingThomist, would you share what brand of yohimbine you are using?
60 year old from WA. Viagra worked for a few years, then I moved to Trimix. This worked great, but orgasms on Trimix are really difficult to achieve.

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby peepingThomist » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:12 pm

It's Primaforce Yohimbine HCL 2.5 mg. I haven't tried any other brands. I just went to Amazon and bought it.

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby TrimixUp » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:04 pm

PeepingThomist, Did you see results with yohimbine the first few times you used it, or did it take a few uses to become effective?
I’ve used it per your dose three times so far, and was able or orgasm one of those times.
Any suggestions?
60 year old from WA. Viagra worked for a few years, then I moved to Trimix. This worked great, but orgasms on Trimix are really difficult to achieve.

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby peepingThomist » Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:16 am

TrimixUp wrote:PeepingThomist, Did you see results with yohimbine the first few times you used it, or did it take a few uses to become effective?

Looking back, I think it did take a few weeks to start working reliably. I think since I didn't expect it to work much, it sort of crept up on me and I realized that I was able to climax reliably.

A big factor was that I started out taking far too much. (I don't remember where I read to use a larger dose, but it wasn't right for me.) It made me feel bad (clammy, jittery, fast pulse). I don't remember how well or badly it worked, because the unpleasant effects were so strong. Those bad effects are what I remember most strongly. It wasn't until I found the lower dosage that things settled down and it started working consistently.

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby Growinjim » Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:00 am

Peeping Thomist: with the 2.5 mg dose of yohimbine, do you find it causes trouble sleeping? I have a bottle due today of the same brand you use. I also use Trimix. I find after sex, I have difficulty sleeping UNTIL I urinate.
78 yrs, ED for 4-5 years, currently using Trimix, Giddy

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby peepingThomist » Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:47 pm

We have sex during the day, at the latest by 6pm, and I have not noticed an effect on my sleep. I have insomnia, though, so maybe I wouldn't notice a problem--I have trouble sleeping pretty much every night! :cry:

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby CanGetItUpButNoMore » Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:03 am

I bought a bottle (Amazon; brand is Primaforce) of 2.5mg and have tried it once -- one pill, 1 hour before a blow job. I didn't like the feeling (hard to describe, but the OP description of clammy and jittery is close). And, in the one instance, it didn't help me orgasm. It's hard to judge, but if anything, it was a negative factor.

Obviously, several more experiments are called for, but I'm interested in more experiences.

Also, I note the bottle instructions say 2 capsules (5mg total) three times a day. I only want it for sexual performance so I plan to take it 60-90 minutes before sex on just those days. Does anyone have better dosing advice?
68yo. Diabetes & hypertension drugs but none that are infamous for ED causation. Increasing ED compounded by frequent anorgasmia. Viagra for 2 years. Cabergoline experimentation inconclusive. New to pumping (Encore). Supportive (to a limit) wife.

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Re: Yohimbine worked for me

Postby vinnylid » Wed Nov 03, 2021 10:24 am

I have tried many brands of yohimbe and yohimbine over the years, including Primaforce and have found the one that has the greatest effect for me. Yohimbine Hcl Rauwolscine from Allmax Nutrition is the one I use now. I take 50mg of viagra and 2 Yohimbine an hour before sex. At 45 minutes my hands and feet get cold and I get a spontaneous erection with precum.I then inject my quad mix and apply my cockring for vaginal sex.
79 years old; Viagra, herbals and stimulants have all stopped working. Treating psoriatic arthritis and thyroid. Low testosterone-started TRT april 2018; using Quadmix 20 units, cockring, Lafayette, Georgia usa

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