New PE Drug

One out of Three men in America suffer with PE. It's the largest sexual dysfunction there is. Since there is no discussion board dedicated to PE so far, we will try to fill the need here!
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Re: New PE Drug

Postby sogwap » Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:30 pm

PSSDorAmINormal wrote:
polish_bear_65 wrote:Don't want to seem like a hillbilly, but is PE a thing? Sole purpose of your gear is to make babies, that's what it does. If you finish "too soon" for somebody, well there are ways to make them happy too. I think this whole "problem" is blown out of proportion.

I agree completely. In my opinion, PE could be viewed as virility and someone being highly aroused by their partner. And like you say the end result is to fertilize the egg. The quicker it happens, probably just means there is more opportunity for fun and play later on. Let us not forget the whole concept of multiple orgasms. Some guys can apparently do that quite well. I can't confirm it, but according to the internet it must be happening to some. ;)

Yes PE is absolutely a thing. For a man to come in under 2-3 leaves his partner frustrated and unsatisfied.
My wife became so frustrated with my PE that she stopped wanting sex.

The fact is most women prefer a dick in them. Doing oral can be great but nothing compares to a hard cock.

It is an absolute lie to say the sole purpose is making babies. If you and your partner believe that the sole purpose of sex is for baby making you are in the minority.

As far as multiple orgasms for men, very few men can achieve multiples. And many women themself are one and done.

On a personal note:
As far as lasting longer I used Paroxetine (Paxil) for 3 years, It sort of worked if I did not thrust but it still left my wife unsatisfied.
Because I struggled with both ED and PE, I went to the urologist and started Trimix.
Now I'm hard from the start of foreplay till well past the sex act. Instead of hoping/praying that I get hard and last more than a minute or two. I ask my wife if she has had enough.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Re: New PE Drug

Postby sogwap » Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:53 am

PSSDorAmINormal wrote:Well I wouldn't call it absolute lie because that is how human biology works, and most likely where the name reproductive organs comes from.

I'm glad you found something that works for you and your wife. I really have no idea how a guy could ejaculate in 2 seconds or did you mean minutes? It seems the whole arousal and erection process would take longer than that. Does PE also go along with hyperspermia or is it associated with it? Not disagreeing with you, but I am curious.

I also wonder if masturbation makes men have PE because sometimes I rather like to get off fast. By doing that am I causing it?

I meant ejaculating in 2 minutes or less from the start of penetration. That assumes you are already aroused and ready to begin penetration.
Although a number of men ejaculate within seconds of penetration.

Masturbation can cause PE. First masturbation is not the same as sex. Sex is a whole other experience.
It seems that for most men who masturbate the goal is to come as quickly as possible. One reason is shame, and fear of being caught.
There is nothing shameful about masturbation. 99% of men masturbate the other 1% are liars.

If you are going to masturbate why do it quickly? If you are doing it just to get off (it feels good). Better to take your time.
In most cases the longer you deny the ejaculation, the bigger and better the orgasm.

One caveat is that there is delayed ejaculation, where no matter how or what you do, ejaculation takes a long time.
I've never had this problem, other than there is a refractory period, where once you come (ejaculate) your erection goes away and it takes minutes, hours or days to get another erection. Very frustrating for the men (and women) who have this problem.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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Joined: Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:14 am

Re: New PE Drug

Postby ronnyCam » Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:56 am

In my view, premature ejaculation (PE) is indeed a concern for many men. You're right that ejaculating within seconds of penetration is common, but there are other aspects to consider as well.

Masturbation can influence PE, especially when the goal is to finish quickly due to shame or fear of being caught. It's important to understand that there's nothing shameful about masturbation, and nearly all men do it. By masturbating slowly and paying attention to sensations, men can learn to better control their ejaculation, potentially leading to stronger and more satisfying orgasms.

As for delayed ejaculation, it's a separate issue that some men face, where ejaculation takes a long time or may not happen at all. This can be frustrating for both men and their partners. Seeking help from specialists and exploring methods to improve the situation can be crucial in such cases.

Ultimately, each man needs to find their own balance and approach to sexual practices, whether it's masturbation or sex with a partner. The key is not to be ashamed to discuss these topics and to seek solutions to enhance one's sexual life.
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