Venous leak at 18?

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Venous leak at 18?

Postby immature » Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:59 pm

Hi, I'm 18 years old and I would like clarification regarding the situation that is affecting me. My story begins in May, my ejaculations were painful, as if it were burning (I masturbated for a long time in the following way: I masturbated until I reached orgasm but I didn't ejaculate immediately) I thought it was because of this and the problem after having ejaculated 2-3 times "normally" the problem went away. I would like to point out that before this summer the problems and symptoms that I will list were never present. At the beginning of summer, I notice the total loss of morning erections and I notice that the erection after ejaculation lasts less, erections when standing are very difficult and do not last at all. First intercourse with a girl in July, total failure when inserting the condom, I'm worried about the following days, but I still notice the usual problems. After 2-3 attempts in August we managed to have the first almost satisfactory sexual intercourse without the use of a condom, we only did it in one position and I never reached orgasm, when we tried to change position my erection it started to fade. lately doing some research on the internet I found this "disease" called VENOUS LEAKAGE and my symptoms correspond, but many say that it either arises due to trauma suffered or is congenital (but I have memory of "normal and long-lasting" erections before May. So I would like to ask you, is it possible that at the age of 18 I developed a venous leak in the absence of traumatic events? I also noticed that my sperm is watery and less white, could it be prostatitis?

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Re: Venous leak at 18?

Postby Lifeabroad » Thu Sep 28, 2023 4:54 pm

immature wrote:Hi, I'm 18 years old and I would like clarification regarding the situation that is affecting me. My story begins in May, my ejaculations were painful, as if it were burning (I masturbated for a long time in the following way: I masturbated until I reached orgasm but I didn't ejaculate immediately) I thought it was because of this and the problem after having ejaculated 2-3 times "normally" the problem went away. I would like to point out that before this summer the problems and symptoms that I will list were never present. At the beginning of summer, I notice the total loss of morning erections and I notice that the erection after ejaculation lasts less, erections when standing are very difficult and do not last at all. First intercourse with a girl in July, total failure when inserting the condom, I'm worried about the following days, but I still notice the usual problems. After 2-3 attempts in August we managed to have the first almost satisfactory sexual intercourse without the use of a condom, we only did it in one position and I never reached orgasm, when we tried to change position my erection it started to fade. lately doing some research on the internet I found this "disease" called VENOUS LEAKAGE and my symptoms correspond, but many say that it either arises due to trauma suffered or is congenital (but I have memory of "normal and long-lasting" erections before May. So I would like to ask you, is it possible that at the age of 18 I developed a venous leak in the absence of traumatic events? I also noticed that my sperm is watery and less white, could it be prostatitis?

Sounds like a leakage to me.
Get some oral med like tadalafil. You should be ok with it at your age.

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Re: Venous leak at 18?

Postby immature » Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:33 am

my erections were perfect until May, never had this type of problem

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Re: Venous leak at 18?

Postby Gt1956 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 6:34 pm

immature wrote:my erections were perfect until May, never had this type of problem

Not revelent. Venous leaks happen as you age or pehaps from an injury.
Don't use your age to dimiss the chance that you have venous leak problem.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Venous leak at 18?

Postby Txagq8 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:34 pm

Lifeabroad wrote:
Sounds like a leakage to me.
Get some oral med like tadalafil. You should be ok with it at your age.

The painful ejaculation & watery semen is a concern.

The symptoms (position dependent, short lived erections) sound like venous leakage. BUT!:

Do not rely on anyone on the internet for medical diagnosis or advice. They can’t see you, have no access to your medical history or any labs or tests, and the LAST thing you would ever want to do is try to self medicate.

You need to suck it up and go see a doctor. S lot of family practice docs are not great with erectile dysfunction. Some are, but most aren’t.

They will probably want to send you to a urologist. You definitely want to see one. That may or may not be easy to discuss with your parents but it falls into the category of “you really have no choice.”

I’ll tell you like my dad told me over 50 years ago. If you aren’t mature enough to walk into a drugstore and buy condoms without embarrassment, you probably aren’t mature enough to be having sex.”

I’m not sure about your family situation. You didn’t mention that. I’m guessing you’re still on their health insurance. Well, Hoss, you might have a venous leak. But that doesn’t explain changes in semen texture/color and it doesn’t explain pain when you ejaculate.

These issues may be related. They may not be. Swallowing some PDE5 inhibitors (anti ED drugs) isn’t the way to go until you find out what’s going on and a doctor prescribes them.

I had venous leakage at your age. I only recognized it after the fact. If the only erected cock you’ve ever seen is your own, then that represents normal. When you’re young your arteries are wide open and they can disguise a leak. When you’re 18 (even into your late 20s) a lot of guys are pretty quick on the trigger so a 3 minute erection isn’t a war stopper. Lol you’re done by then.

If all else fails, try the truth. If telling your folks you’re sexually active is a problem, I think you can probably get by telling them pain, short time erections, and unusual discharge will get you sent to the doctor. But don’t sell them short. Parents were 18 at one time, and we aren’t totally stupid.

See a doctor, preferably a urologist. Tell them EVERYTHING. Good luck and report back when you’ve done that.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: Venous leak at 18?

Postby immature » Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:13 pm

so can venous leakage develop in the absence of trauma and with perfect erections in the past?

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Re: Venous leak at 18?

Postby Txagq8 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 10:53 pm

immature wrote:so can venous leakage develop in the absence of trauma and with perfect erections in the past?

It’s possible to be born with it, as far as I know.

Who knows how it develops, why, or when.

You go to a doctor to find out what’s going on. He may never find out why.

One of the urologists I saw, I think it was a big work-up I had done in Kansas around 2000, gave me an explanation I’ve never forgotten. At that time I was hoping I’d be a candidate for tying off some veins and the ED would be history.

It’s not really as simple as a single leaking vein. You have to look at the entire fluid mechanics behind an erection.

A guy gets aroused. Heart rate increases. Arteries relax so additional blood is pumped in. Penis enlarges. That squeezes off the veins that ordinarily would be returning blood to the heart to be re-oxygenated and recirculated. You’ve got more blood going in than coming out, voila’, erection.

Maybe you’ve got one or two really big veins that never quite get squeezed off. Maybe you’ve got a cluster that bleed off under pressure. Maybe your arteries in that region just don’t have the capacity to pump enough to keep you erect for long. You aren’t going to find out from us. A doc is going to have to take some pictures.

Lots of people end up with injuries when there is no known traumatic event. I know exactly when I tore one rotator cuff. I have no idea when the other got torn. Shit just happens.

I appreciate you wanting to research the topic. But reality is you will never know what’s happening until you’ve seen a doctor. Even more critical, until after he has seen you. Be ready for a pretty invasive exam.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

Posts: 2903
Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:47 pm

Re: Venous leak at 18?

Postby Gt1956 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 4:12 pm

Txagq8 wrote:
Lifeabroad wrote:Sounds like a leakage to me.
Get some oral med like tadalafil. You should be ok with it at your age.

The painful ejaculation & watery semen is a concern.
The symptoms (position dependent, short lived erections) sound like venous leakage. BUT!:
Do not rely on anyone on the internet for medical diagnosis or advice. They can’t see you, have no access to your medical history or any labs or tests, and the LAST thing you would ever want to do is try to self medicate.
You need to suck it up and go see a doctor. S lot of family practice docs are not great with erectile dysfunction. Some are, but most aren’t.
They will probably want to send you to a urologist. You definitely want to see one. That may or may not be easy to discuss with your parents but it falls into the category of “you really have no choice.”
I’ll tell you like my dad told me over 50 years ago. If you aren’t mature enough to walk into a drugstore and buy condoms without embarrassment, you probably aren’t mature enough to be having sex.”
I’m not sure about your family situation. You didn’t mention that. I’m guessing you’re still on their health insurance. Well, Hoss, you might have a venous leak. But that doesn’t explain changes in semen texture/color and it doesn’t explain pain when you ejaculate.
These issues may be related. They may not be. Swallowing some PDE5 inhibitors (anti ED drugs) isn’t the way to go until you find out what’s going on and a doctor prescribes them.
I had venous leakage at your age. I only recognized it after the fact. If the only erected cock you’ve ever seen is your own, then that represents normal. When you’re young your arteries are wide open and they can disguise a leak. When you’re 18 (even into your late 20s) a lot of guys are pretty quick on the trigger so a 3 minute erection isn’t a war stopper. Lol you’re done by then.
If all else fails, try the truth. If telling your folks you’re sexually active is a problem, I think you can probably get by telling them pain, short time erections, and unusual discharge will get you sent to the doctor. But don’t sell them short. Parents were 18 at one time, and we aren’t totally stupid.
See a doctor, preferably a urologist. Tell them EVERYTHING. Good luck and report back when you’ve done that.

Txagq8, you crack me up. I didn't have the luxury of any condon or birth control talks.
After my marraige. My parents were helping us move our meager belongings to an oil boom region where I could work in constructio during the summer before returning to high school. Sitting in a restraunt, my father slide me a small sack.
Later my wife asks what was in the sack? I looked & found a box of 3 yes three condoms. My young wife says that isn't nowhere near enough. First dr exam after 4 weeks of birth then 4 weeks for birth control to work. Wife wasn't any kind of math genius but she knew for sure the 3 wasn't enough for 2 months.
Oh, my next older brother told me that the local tavern in our super small town sold condoms individually. I wonder how many teen pregnancies he prevented. Brother was 12 years older than me & we didn't live in that small town when I was a teenager.
So back to OP. Your advice is good. I'd personally "guess" prostate infection. All the more reason to see the dr.
I worked with a guy. We were all young back then. He had a issue that I forget what the symptoms were. He wanted a prostate culture. His dr dismissed that cause of his young age. He literally had to almost beg his dr to collect a sample & get it cultured. You can guess what the sample entailed. Yes, it was a prostate infection.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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