35 year old man and orchiectomy

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35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:59 am

Hello everyone, 35 year old man here
Here are my problem!
1 year ago I was diagnosed with a testicular cancer, then I had an orchidectomy. Next day after surgery I had a hard erection in the morning but in the evening the day my penis became weak. It is difficult to describe a condition of penis. It's like having sex for a long time and the next 10-12 hours the penis is flaccid. My urologist sprescribed Pd5 inhibitors but these pills worked very poorly
I also don't have facial hair and pubic hair also grows badly. Also I have a low libido
A couple of days after the operation, as soon as I started walking, I noticed that the smell of male sweat disappeared from me.
These symptoms last for about 9 months
Then I had a lot of examinations Here are my last tests:
testosterone - 38 ( 8- 42 nmoll)
estradiol - 123 ( 40 -161 pmol)
LH - 7.7 (1.1-8.7 )
FSH -6.9 (0.9- 11 )
*prolactin - 491 ( 73-407)*
*monomeric prolactin - 462 ( 72-229)*
due to high prolactin my doctor recommended cabergoline 0.5 mg. My dosage is one quarter of a tablet two times a week.(0.125 mg two times a week) - I get pills a Tuesday and Saturday
I've been taking the tablets for about 14 days but so far I don't feel much effect although I will note that I now have a bit more facial hair
I would like to ask for help and ask a couple of tips
what tests do i need to take? Has anyone come across similar cases?
Last edited by Lirism2022 on Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:02 am

I'm not a native English speaker sorry for some grammar mistakes.

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:44 pm

I have been taking pills ( cabergolin 0.125 mg twice a week) since December 20, 2022. After 10 days, my libido increased, I had a morning erection and had sex 4-5 times for a week. I had a good time on new years eve.
I will also note that I have more hair and the smell of male sweat has returned (if you know what I mean)
but after 4-5 days everything returned as it was before.

I am again very anxious because of this problem.

Should I change the dose of the cabergolin?
Has anyone had experience with increasing/decreasing the dose?
I'll ask my doctor about the dosage as soon as I see him. But I would like an answer here.
Because this forum has many experienced fighters

thanks for the replies and support

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby GoodWood » Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:10 pm

Although there are lots of people with experience here, this is a forum of lay people. Not doctors. It isn’t safe to take advice about medication doses from lay people.

Go back to your doctor. Have new labs drawn so he has the newest numbers. Keep going back until you feel better or he has corrected your numbers and says he can’t do anymore.

Do not change your medications based on the advice from a web forum. No matter how much experience we have, we are not doctors.

I wish you the best of health and hope you are feeling better quickly.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby bldoink » Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:33 pm

What he said!
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:54 am

GoodWood wrote:Although there are lots of people with experience here, this is a forum of lay people. Not doctors. It isn’t safe to take advice about medication doses from lay people.

Go back to your doctor. Have new labs drawn so he has the newest numbers. Keep going back until you feel better or he has corrected your numbers and says he can’t do anymore.

Do not change your medications based on the advice from a web forum. No matter how much experience we have, we are not doctors.

I wish you the best of health and hope you are feeling better quickly.

Thanks for the kind words!
I will see my doctor soon and I hope he will help me with the dosage of Cabergoline
I'm here because this is the only place where they can help.I don't usually self-medicate. However, medicine in my country is not very good.that's why I have to search the forum for some answers and advice. The last 10 months after my orchidectomy have been a difficult time for me. in my country there is a society "testicular tumor". We communicate in the telegram app there are about 150 people. None of them reported erection problems after orchidectomy. Therefore, it is very important for me to find solutions and answers.
i used 5fde for about 6 months (sildenafil 100mg/day or tadalafil 10mg/day) but it was not effective. I got desperate lately you know what ED is when you're 35 yo
Cabergoline gave me a good chance but it didn't seem to work. I'm very depressed now. And I believe less and less in success. Many urologists do not know how to solve my big problem. I saw a lot of good solutions and happy endings on the forum

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Txagq8 » Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:18 pm

I’ll go along with what others have said.

I wanted to emphasize that Cabergoline is an ergot preparation type drug and is not to be messed with. It’s a good drug, don’t get me wrong, but can be extremely injurious to health if not used EXACTLY as prescribed.

Erections and male body odor correlate to testosterone, so those are definitely symptoms that require you contacting your doctor immediately.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:52 am

thanks for answers!
I'm not going to experiment with doses. I'm just saying that cabergoline gave me a good chance. I have high testosterone levels. And now I have no idea why I have ED. Today I passed the some blood tests. And next week I will see my doctor (andrologist endocrinologist) I hope he will give me a chance.
I don't understand why I have ED I have a second testicle but I feel like I don't have one.

In the last 9 months I have visited about 4-5 specialists, but no one answered about the causes of the disorder

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Txagq8 » Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:15 pm

Lirism: just a thought, and please don’t misinterpret what I am about to suggest.

First of all, I think it wise you’re seeing andrology/endocrinology etc etc to resolve your issues. Doctors would work a lot faster if it was their own problem (they’re like lawyers in that regard) but sooner or later they ought to come up with answers.

When I first had ED problem I got real tired of being told the problem was in my head, performance anxiety, needed to relax. I was a healthy male in my 20s. That there could be a physical cause for my ED was largely ignored.

If I were in your shoes I think I might talk to a shrink anyway. In addition to your specialists, not instead of. Here’s why.

They’ve removed one of your testicles. Yes, a guy can do fine with just one. It’s like a kidney or a lung. You’ve got a spare. Still, men are funny when it comes to their genitals. Turn the click back to gym class showers. It’s instinctive to want to have the biggest dick, a set of bull balls, hairy chest and armpits, be the first to have to shave. It makes no sense, but that’s how it is.

Your rational brain no doubt is fully aware that the loss of one ball might make you asymmetrical, but it has no impact on your masculinity, sexual desirability, or virility. Your emotional brain isn’t as smart, and can run wild with stupid thought. I’m speaking for myself here, not saying any part of your brain is stupid. It’s just that we (as men) know things that are true but ignore them anyway because of instincts we gave little control over.

You’ve lost a body part. It might have been excess, but it was still a loss. The docs can fix any chemical or hormonal balance (if any) that resulted from it. I don’t think it would hurt you (and it might help) to discuss situation at length with a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. There’s no shame in seeing one and if doesn’t help, you’ve just invested a little bit of time plus whatever portion of his bill you had to pay.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:50 pm

hello again! here are my latest news ...

I did some blood tests( on 20 January 2023) my blood tests are great.
the next day I wrote to my doctor, he also said i need Prolactin, Vitamin D, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Albumin, Calcium, Parathyroid hormone and free testosterone. After a couple of days I got the results. All my tests were normal.
Albumin - 50 ( 35-52)
Calcium - 2.45 ( 2.1-2.5)
Testosterone -38.2 nmoll/l ( 9-42)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 56.7 (16-68)
Free testosterone - 619 (243-700)
Parathyroid hormone- 3.3 (1.6-6.9)
Vitamin D - 43( 30 -100)
Prolactin 109 ( 73-407)

Let me remind you that a month ago I started taking cabergoline ( 1/4 tabs two times a week)
Two weeks after taking it, my libido increased, I had better erections and pubic hair began to grow.
but after improvement i noticed that the symptoms worsened again. I again have difficulty with erection no facial hair grows and no sweat smell.

After a consultation, my doctor said that I should reduce the dose of cabergoline( 1/4 tab one time a week) he also said that my bloodworks are excellent and my testosterone levels are high.
I got nothing more from him
I was hoping for some explanation

So my symptoms after my right testicle removal: low libido, poor erection, no facial and pubic hair growth, no smell of sweat
I will add that after the operation, the smell of sweat disappeared and I began to smell like my 3-year-old nephews.
I always had the smell of male sweat. You definitely understand what the smell of a man after a working day is.
my armpits were always wet. When I laughed, cried, watched Youtube, played the guitar, I always sweated.
But now it's not like that. I smell like babies now. I know it sounds strange. I read several scientific articles about Sebaceous Glands it says that the work of these glands is associated with androgens.
But where is the remedy that will help to return yourself

To be honest, I'm very depressed now
I hope life will give me a couple of chances and my testosterone level will help me, sorry for the cry for help

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