35 year old man and orchiectomy

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:58 pm

I want to ask for help and advice here

Does anyone know if there are good online consultations? (Skype, Zoom, Telegram E-mail or others)

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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:50 am

Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Lirism2022 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:15 am

Well, here's the latest news. I visited one of the best urologists in my country. He confirmed that I was still fine down there. He did an ultrasound scan, that's all right. I didn't have a very good response to injecting aprostadil into the penis, but he said it didn't really matter. He ruled out venous insufficiency. I also repeated my hormonal tests: everything is in order. I also saw a psychotherapist. He recommended psychotherapy to me.

I also linked three people on REDDIT who have the same symptoms as me. Namely, the symptoms of hypogonadism with a normal level of hormones. These guys also had an orchiectomy and subsequently had low libido, poor erections, low body hair and no sweat odor. They also cannot solve this problem yet. We are all from different countries (Turkey, Russia, Spain, and somewhere else) It seems that the world does not yet know what this problem is

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Re: 35 year old man and orchiectomy

Postby Hillywilly » Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:48 pm

Lirism2022 wrote:Hello everyone, 35 year old man here
Here are my problem!
1 year ago I was diagnosed with a testicular cancer, then I had an orchidectomy. Next day after surgery I had a hard erection in the morning but in the evening the day my penis became weak. It is difficult to describe a condition of penis. It's like having sex for a long time and the next 10-12 hours the penis is flaccid. My urologist sprescribed Pd5 inhibitors but these pills worked very poorly
I also don't have facial hair and pubic hair also grows badly. Also I have a low libido
A couple of days after the operation, as soon as I started walking, I noticed that the smell of male sweat disappeared from me.
These symptoms last for about 9 months
Then I had a lot of examinations Here are my last tests:
testosterone - 38 ( 8- 42 nmoll)
estradiol - 123 ( 40 -161 pmol)
LH - 7.7 (1.1-8.7 )
FSH -6.9 (0.9- 11 )
*prolactin - 491 ( 73-407)*
*monomeric prolactin - 462 ( 72-229)*
due to high prolactin my doctor recommended cabergoline 0.5 mg. My dosage is one quarter of a tablet two times a week.(0.125 mg two times a week) - I get pills a Tuesday and Saturday
I've been taking the tablets for about 14 days but so far I don't feel much effect although I will note that I now have a bit more facial hair
I would like to ask for help and ask a couple of tips
what tests do i need to take? Has anyone come across similar cases?

Cabergoline only???? If you had an orchidectomy than you need Testosterone injections and HRT.
33 HG deformity now Titan OTR 24cm XL + 1 cm RTE's Length 7.25in/ Girth 6in (midshaft) Dr. Hakky 4/4/23

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