What's causing my ed

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Joined: Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:51 am

What's causing my ed

Postby Hasan123 » Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:26 am

7 month ago i get sudden erectile dysfunction sundy night i masterbation and get hard in porn and Monday afternoon i watch porn i have erection but soft glan laying in my back when i stand or erection go dawn immediately and never get ere and my dick go hard and small in sitting and standing position then i wait 2 months i never get erection in sitting and standing position after i go my doctor give me vigra and some multivitamin i take multivitamins and vigra take just fir sex with my i take vigra maybe 40 tablet for sex with my the i get my erection back all position after 3 month now again i did masterbation and sex 5 to 6 time in weak after 3 month again ilose my erection again suddenly why i can't know that happened me again

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